This function is used to manage an aspect of customer risk in real-time: notes payable or receivable which have been posted but not due.

In this process, as soon as the notes payable/receivable have been posted to a bank they are subject to a "risk closing" phase, even if the due date has not been reached. This allows for the actual value of the notes P/R to be reassessed in real-time.

You can view the results of this risk closing process from the Supplier or Customer records by clicking the corresponding Zoom options: Notes P/R not due 1, Notes P/R not due 2, Notes P/R not due 3 (see the Customer or Supplier documentations). You can also click the BP situation action and view the results in the Risk section (see the BP situation documentation).


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Screen management

Entry screen

The risk closing process is carried out on all payments made by or for a BP before their due date. The payment amounts posted as notes payable/receivable are then deducted from the corresponding BP notes payable/receivable.

If needed, you can limit the selection of the notes P/R payments to be processed using the following criteria:


You can process payments to be posted as notes payable/receivable for all companies. You can also limit the selection to the payments of one company only (clear the All companies check box).


You can limit the selection to one site to process only the payments recorded on this site.

Payment transaction

Since all payments are sorted by payment transaction, you can limit your selection of payments to be processed to a single payment transaction.

Limit due date

You can limit the selection to the payments whose due date does not exceed a specific date.

Log file

You can generate a log file listing processed payments.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task VALPORT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation