Credit card
Use this option to select and process credit card payment transactions. This window opens when the payment method tied to the payment entry transaction is set up for credit card processing.
This option is available only if the SEPP activity code - Credit card integration is activated and if the payment method associated with the payment terms for the entry transaction has the Credit card processing check box selected.
The document's bank currency must be the same as the payment card's processing code bank currency.
This screens displays information for payments methods for a sales order or shipment including:
- Account information including payment type, Account nickname, and Processing code
- Authorization status
- Remaining amount
- Billing information
- Transaction History for this order or shipment
- Click Create to add the payment card information before processing the transaction
- Click the Jump to menu next to Account nickname or Processing code to edit details for an existing card on the Payment Gateway Customer data. On that screen, you can click the Edit card icon to enter changes if Sage Exchange is the payment processor. For Sage Pay, you cannot edit card details. Instead, you need to delete the card an create a new card.
- Select the Account nickname from the selection menu to add an existing payment method.
- Click Submit to process an authorization against the document.
- Click Void to void the authorization for this document.
Changes that increase document totals:
- If the new order total exceeds the current authorization amount, the system re-authorizes the order for the new amount.
- When the Manual entry check box is selected, the authorization process is not submitted to Sage Exchange. The transaction type is recorded as manual in the Credit card processing history.
- Manual entry allows you to complete the invoice process when communication with Sage Exchange is temporarily unavailable or an authorization is obtained external to Sage X3.
Parameters of the action
The action parameters are the following :
Parameter |
Title |
Parameter type |
Document type |
Integer |
Document no. |
Char |
Block number 1
field DVCRNUM |
This field indicates the document number. |
Remaining amount (field RMNAMT) |
This field displays the amount remaining to be authorized for the document. |
Customer (field BPCNUM) |
This field is used to display the customer that will be used upon adding or saving payment cards. |
Company (field DOCCPY) |
This field is used to display the company linked to the processing code. |
Account information
One time use card (field ONETIME) |
This check box is automatically selected if a saved payment card does not exist on the customer record. If the customer record is assigned a default card, this check box is cleared and the primary card information for the account nickname displays. If a saved payment card exists on the customer record, but a default card does not exist, this check box is cleared and the account nickname must be entered or selected. If the customer's BPC type is miscellaneous, this check box is automatically selected. Select the One time use card check box to add a payment type to use once for this order or shipment. The data for payment and billing information is not stored and you do not need an Account nickname. |
Account nickname (field ACCNCKNAM) |
Enter a unique account nickname to identify this payment card. You can select an existing payment card for this customer or you can create a new payment account by entering a new account nickname.
Processing code (field PRCCOD) |
Enter a processing code defined by the user. This code identifies the link to the company and account defined in the Payment gateway setup.
Payment type (field PYMTYP) |
This field is used to display the payment type used. The valid values are: Visa, MC, AMEX, and Other. |
Last four digits (field ACCL4D) |
This field displays the last four numbers of the payment card. |
Expiration date (field EXPDAT) |
This field displays the expiration date of the payment card. |
Manual entry (field MANAUT) |
Select this check box to enter transaction information for Sage Exchange transactions that are processed manually outside of Sage X3. This field is available only if the parameter MANAUTH is set to Yes at the user level. |
Amount (field AUTAMT) |
This field displays the authorized amount of the payment card. |
Code (field AUTID) |
This field displays the authorization code for the transaction. |
Date (field AUTDAT) |
This field displays the authorization date of the payment card. |
Status (field STAFLG) |
This field displays the status of the transaction by payment card. |
Billing information
Name (field ACCNAM) |
Enter the cardholder name. If a saved payment card is selected, the cardholder name displays and cannot be changed. If the One time use card checkbox is selected, the cardholder's name must be entered and the information is saved to the payment card transaction. |
Billing address (field USEBILLADR) |
Check this box to display the default billing address of the customer.
Country (field CRY) |
Enter the country of the invoicing address of the cardholder. If the Billing address check box is selected, the country from the customer's bill-to address is displayed and cannot be modified. If the Billing address check box is cleared, the country from the customer's bill-to address can be modified. |
Address (field ADDLIG) |
Enter the billing address of the cardholder.
field SAT |
Enter the invoicing status of the cardholder.
Postal code (field POSCOD) |
Enter the postal code. If the Billing address check box is selected, the postal code from the customer bill-to address appears and cannot be modified. If the Billing address check box is cleared, the postal code from the customer bill-to address can be modified. |
City (field CTY) |
Enter the customer’s city. If the Billing address check box is selected, the city from the customer's bill-to address is displayed and cannot be modified. If the Billing address check box is cleared, the city from the customer's bill-to address can be modified. |
Email address (field EMAIL) |
This field displays the customer’s email address for this transaction. |
Amount (field PAYAMT) |
This field displays the payment amount to be applied to the payment card during the invoice allocation. |
Date (field PAYDAT) |
This field is used to display the payment date used during the transaction. |
Number (field PAYNUM) |
Payment number associated with the transaction. |
Grid History
Document (field HVCRNUM) |
This field displays the document number, processed for the selected payment card. |
Sequence (field HVCRSEQ) |
This field displays the sequence number counter of the document, processed or the selected payment card. |
Transaction type (field HTXNTYP) |
This field displays the transaction type of the document, processed for the selected payment card. |
Amount (field HAUTAMT) |
This field displays the document invoiced amount processed on the selected payment card. |
Original amount (field HORIGAUTH) |
This field displays the originally authorized document amount and, if it was rejected, the amount used in the authorization request. |
Date (field HAUTDAT) |
This field displays the processing date of the transaction for the selected payment card. |