No. assets to calc before UNDO
This technical parameter plays a role during the depreciation calculation mass processings.
It is used to provide a solution when the following ORACLE error occurs: “ORA - 1555 snapshot too old".
In this case, it is necessary to reduce gradually the value of this parameter until the processing is completed without any error.
The recommended value depends on the size allocated to the storage space of the ORACLE snapshots.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group CLC (Calculation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CALAUTVAL (Auto calculatn on validatn)
- CALPERSAN (Persian calendar)
- CALTRACE (Calculation log faile level)
- DIRUPDTSD (Direct update threshold)
- DPRPLNPIO (Priority plan)
- MDRCURPER (Current period improvement)
- MINFIYDEP (Minimum FY deprec expense)
- MINPERDEP (Minimum period depreciation expense)
- NBESSCLC (Number of calc attempts)
- NBMINCLC (Max no. of minutes for a calculation)
- NETVALWRO (Minimum net value)
- REEV96 (Assets subject to 96 revaluation)
- RNDCHGLPDF (LP/DF rounding change)
- WEESTR (First day of the week)
No global variable is associated with it.