Current period improvement
This parameter is for Polish legislation and submitted to the KPL activity code.
It is used when modernizing the depreciation plan using Polish line (ML) or Polish declining (PM) depreciation methods.

When this parameter is set to Yes and the improvement date is within the current period, the effective date field is automatically calculated based on the Improvement date and as follows:
- For Accounts plan (and any other plan in a Finance context): Effective date = the period start
- For Finance plan: Effective date = period end plus 1 day
The parameter only affects plans other than the Finance plan (in this case Accounts) belonging to the Finance context.
When this parameter is set to No and the improvement date is within the current period, the effective date is automatically calculated based on the Improvement date and as follows:
- For Accounts plan (and any other plan in Finance context): Effective date = period end plus 1 day
- For Finance plan: Effective date = period end plus 1 day
When this parameter is set to Yes or No and the improvement date is before the current period, the effective date is automatically calculated based on the Improvement date and as follows:
- For all plans: Effective date = 1st day of the period containing the Improvement date
Improvements on contiguous or non-contiguous periods
- Improvements can only be performed on contiguous periods of a depreciation plan when it effects the current period, that is when the MDRCURPER parameter is set to Yes and the Finance depreciation plan is not managed.
- Improvements can only be performed on non-contiguous periods of a depreciation plan when it effects the next period, that is when the MDRCURPER parameter is set o No or when the Finance depreciation plan is managed.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group CLC (Calculation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CALAUTVAL (Auto calculatn on validatn)
- CALNBUNDO (No. assets to calc before UNDO)
- CALPERSAN (Persian calendar)
- CALTRACE (Calculation log faile level)
- DIRUPDTSD (Direct update threshold)
- DPRPLNPIO (Priority plan)
- MINFIYDEP (Minimum FY deprec expense)
- MINPERDEP (Minimum period depreciation expense)
- NBESSCLC (Number of calc attempts)
- NBMINCLC (Max no. of minutes for a calculation)
- NETVALWRO (Minimum net value)
- REEV96 (Assets subject to 96 revaluation)
- RNDCHGLPDF (LP/DF rounding change)
- WEESTR (First day of the week)
No global variable is associated with it.
Functions impacted
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Assets
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Polish localization