Minimum period depreciation expense
This parameter is for the Polish legislation only and submitted to the KPL activity code.
Its value is used when calculating the depreciation end date of assets depreciated according to the ML - Linear polish mode in order to determine the number of active months remaining for depreciation.
Calculating the number of active months remaining for depreciation:
Net value of current period start / Monthly reference charge
If the result contains a decimal part, it will be rounded as follows, according to the parameter value:
- If the decimal part leads to calculating a charge amount superior to the parameter value, a month will be added to the entire result.
- Otherwise, the number of active months remaining for depreciation corresponds to the entire result.
Examples are given in the Description of depreciation modes linked to the Polish legislation (ML Mode - Linear polish).
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group CLC (Calculation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CALAUTVAL (Auto calculatn on validatn)
- CALNBUNDO (No. assets to calc before UNDO)
- CALPERSAN (Persian calendar)
- CALTRACE (Calculation log faile level)
- DIRUPDTSD (Direct update threshold)
- DPRPLNPIO (Priority plan)
- MDRCURPER (Current period improvement)
- MINFIYDEP (Minimum FY deprec expense)
- NBESSCLC (Number of calc attempts)
- NBMINCLC (Max no. of minutes for a calculation)
- NETVALWRO (Minimum net value)
- REEV96 (Assets subject to 96 revaluation)
- RNDCHGLPDF (LP/DF rounding change)
- WEESTR (First day of the week)
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Polish localization