VAT Germany
The "German VAT" parameter is used to generate the German VAT declaration of a company.
- If the parameter is set to 'Yes' for a given company, the generation is possible.
- If the parameter is set to 'No' for a given company, the generation is blocked. A window is displayed with a blocking message.
The generation of the German VAT is also possible for a given company with no legislation supplied as standard, on the condition that the GERVAT parameter be set to "Yes" and the KDE activity code activated.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group GER (Germany), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- AUTCOCRAT (Fee rate %)
- GERBKF (Bank files germany)
- GERDATDIS (DATEV disable compliancy ctrl)
- GERDATLEN (DATEV general account length)
- GERDATPAT (DATEV export path)
- GERIACCDAT (DATEV intermediate account)
- GERLICDAT (DATEV license key)
- GERRSEXTMP (Temporary journal export)
- RSGFILPAT (Recap. statement file path)
- VATFILPAT (VAT file path)
- VATFILVIE (VAT XML File view path)
- VATLECMP (Leading company)
- VATPROPSCR (VAT properties for ELSTER)
No global variable is associated with it.
Functions impacted
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > 1/11 prepayment
Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > Recapitulative statement
Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > VAT declaration
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
German localization