Syracuse server
This parameter is entered automatically when first connecting to a folder (if it is empty), and will remain unchanged.
It contains the connection URL to the folder. This URL starts with http://serveur_node:service.
- serveur_node is the name of the connection server to Sage X3.
- service is the corresponding port number.
- The following characters are ignored and replaced with a link based on the workflow.
If your workflow links are not the proper ones, then modify this parameter manually: delete the entered value and log in again (the value should then be correct), or directly enter the proper value.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group WRK (Workflow), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- AWRKDIMCLB (Text file size)
- SERMES (E-mail server)
- SYRMAIL (Use Notification server)
- SYRMAILSRV (Notification server)
- TRAMEL (Log file of transmissions)
- TYPMES (E-mailing type )
- WRKDAY (Workflow enquiry period)
- WRKRMTDIR (Workflow links directory)
- WRKRMTHTTP (Workflow links HTTP address)
- WRKRMTMAC (Machine:Workflow links port)
- WRKSINTER (Internet workflow feedback)
- WRKSINTRA (Intranet workflow feedback)
No global variable is associated with it.
For approval workflows, the signature task runs on the batch server. To ensure that the return links are directed to the proper server, you also have to modify the nodelocal.js file by adding/deleting the host property in the x3batch section.
The host property must include the name of the server and the port. For example: http://serveursyracuse:port.
If you are using multiple Syracuse servers, remember to change this property in all nodelocal.js files. Each Syracuse server is related to its own file: modifying one file does not modify the other files.
If the native Syracuse load balancer is disabled and an external load balancer is used, the host property must be set to the URL of the external load balancer as it is the central connection point.