Doubtful receipt entries
Use this parameter to define the code for the automatic journal to be used for the posting of the charges linked to the doubtful receipt entries. By default, the automatic journal is UNPAY.
Enter this parameter only if the TAXUNPAY - Unpaid items on distinct entry (TRS chapter, UNP group) is set to 'Yes'.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group UNP (Doubtful receipt entries), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- GAUUNPAI (Doubtful receipt entry)
- TAXUNPAY (Unpaid items on distinct entry)
- TYPINVNDT (Unpaid re-invoicing entry type)
Its values are defined by the function Automatic journals.
No global variable is associated with it.
Functions concerned
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Doubtful receipt entry
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Reminder and late payment mana
The parameter can only be used when the TAXUNPAY parameter is set to 'Yes'.
If the doubtful receipt is returned with associated bank charges, the value of the TAXUNPAY parameter indicates if the charges must be posted to the same entry as the doubtful receipt or to another entry.
Bank charges are posted to the same entry as the doubtful receipt.
Bank charges are posted to a different entry than the doubtful receipt.
The GAUUNPAY parameter specifies the automatic journal name consecutively processing the charges upon posting the doubtful receipt.
The Doubtful receipt entry - GAUUNPAI parameter (TRS chapter, UNP group) indicates which automatic journal will be posting the doubtful receipt.
Case of a doubtful receipt with charges on the same entry
Parameter |
Account |
BP |
Debit |
Credit |
411 (Customer) |
001 |
1196 |
512 (Bank) |
1315.60 |
627 (Bank charges) |
100 |
4,456 (deduct. VAT) |
19.6 |
Case of a doubtful receipt with charges on a distinct entry
Parameter |
Account |
BP |
Debit |
Credit |
411 (Customer) |
001 |
1196 |
512 (Bank) |
1196 |
512 (Bank) |
119.60 |
627 (Bank charges) |
100 |
4,456 (deduct. VAT) |
19.6 |
When the unpaid expenses are charged to the customer, use the TYPINVNDT - Unpaid re-invoicing entry type parameter (TRS chapter, UNP group) to directly generate a customer invoicing for the collection of those charges.
The charges account to be used for generating the invoice/debit note (Unpaid expense account) is entered in the Miscellaneous account of the Chart of accounts function (GESCOA).