Charts of accounts
Use this function to define the chart of accounts.
A chart of accounts gathers in a single structure the list of accounts required for the book keeping in a given ledger.
A ledger is associated with a single chart of accounts. The same chart of accounts can be associated with various ledgers.
A company can have a maximum of ten ledgers, hence ten charts of accounts.
A chart of accounts can be general and/or analytical, or both.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Tab Chart
Short description (field SHOTRA) |
The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Column header (field COLHEA) |
Enter a column header to be used in journal or invoice entry. If this title is modified during use, the change is updated immediately. For standard prints, the modification is only taken into account after launching the translatable texts update function (GENTXTTRA). By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Legislation (field LEG) |
In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.
If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group. Example If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation. In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed. |
Access code (field ACS) |
This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users. If the field is populated, only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record. |
General tracking (field GENTRK) |
Analytical tracking (field ANATRK) |
Control accounts (field AUX) |
For a general or analytical chart of accounts, it is possible to manage collective accounts. |
Tax management (field TAXMGT) |
Automatic creation (field CREAUT) |
If the box Automatic creation is ticked and if the account to use via the accounting interface or the import does not exist, it is created automatically by the processing and takes the previous account as a template. For instance: It is recommended to return to the record of the account to validate or enter the default values given by the processing: VAT management, analytical tracking... |
Account classes
Legislation class (field LEGCLS) |
Mandatory field, which, if associated to a plan, is considered a default legislation and cannot be modified. |
Grid Default classes
Prefix (field PFX) |
Mention the account root (alphabetical, numerical or alphanumerical) attached to the chart of accounts for which it is requested to define a default class.
Class (field CLSCOD) |
Identifier of the account class, composed of one to 10 alphanumeric characters. This is the account class associated by default with the current chart of accounts. This value is taken by default from the chart of accounts setup. It determines:
The subdivision into classes enables the off balance-sheet accounts to be distinguished from the others. |
Description (field CLSNAM) |
Fixed length (field FXDLEN) |
This option defines if the accounts have a variable or fixed length. For a chart of accounts in variable length, the length determined corresponds to the maximum length that can be reached by the accounts. |
Account format (field ACCFMT) |
This option allows you to give the same format to the accounts (of normal and collective types) and to specify a fixed length (if the Fixed length check box is selected) or maximum length (if the Fixed length check box is not selected, that is to say if the length is variable). For example, the values can be as follows:
The limit of 15 characters concerns the database. The limits for print-outs are given in number of centimeters and not characters. Some reports may not display 15 characters (this depends on the font used, the characters themselves, the printer, etc.). |
Length (field ACCLEN) |
This field recovers the number of characters of the account code, that comes from the format applied. |
Reference pyramid (field PYRREF) |
A pyramid referred to as 'reference pyramid' is used to carry out additional controls on the chart of accounts. Controls and ruleson the accounts
Controlson the account pyramids
Business intelligence
BI pyramid (field PYR) |
Field used to define the section 'Account' in the BI. During use, if a modification is made, the section 'Account' must be resynchronized. |
Tab Miscellaneous accounts
These are the miscellaneous accounts that can be linked to the current chart of accounts.
Important information for Exchange rate gains, Exchange rate losses, Debit rounding variances, Credit rounding variances:
If an exchange rate variance is calculated on a manual ledger and if an automatic ledger points to this manual ledger, the choice of account to apply for the two generated entry lines is determined according to the sign of the variance observed on the manual ledger.
Thus, if an exchange rate gain is found on the manual ledger but an exchange rate loss is calculated for the automatic ledger, the account applied is the one defined for the rate gain on the manual ledger.
This principle is the same regardless of the number of automatic ledgers linked to the manual ledger. However, if an exchange rate variance is zero on the manual ledger but different from zero on the automatic ledger, the account is determined according to the sign of the variance observed on the automatic ledger.
Finally, if several automatic ledgers are linked to the manual ledger and if the exchange rate variance is zero for the manual ledger but not zero for at least two of the automatic ledgers linked to it, then the account is determined based on the sign of the variance observed on the first automatic ledger with a variance. The first is defined according to its position in the ledger types local menu 2644.
Miscellaneous accounts (field ACCDES) |
These are the miscellaneous accounts that can be linked to the current chart of accounts.
If an exchange rate variance is calculated on a manual ledger and if an automatic ledger points to this manual ledger, the choice of account to apply for the two generated entry lines is determined according to the sign of the variance observed on the manual ledger. Thus, if an exchange rate gain is found on the manual ledger but an exchange rate loss is calculated for the automatic ledger, the account applied is the one defined for the rate gain on the manual ledger. This principle is the same regardless of the number of automatic ledgers linked to the manual ledger. However, if an exchange rate variance is zero on the manual ledger but different from zero on the automatic ledger, the account is determined according to the sign of the variance observed on the automatic ledger. Finally, if several automatic ledgers are linked to the manual ledger and if the exchange rate variance is zero for the manual ledger but not zero for at least two of the automatic ledgers linked to it, then the account is determined based on the sign of the variance observed on the first automatic ledger with a variance. The first is defined according to its position in the ledger types local menu 2644. Conso suspense accountThis account is used as a suspense account to save the counterpart for the multigroup entries during the extraction for consolidation purposes. For multigroup entries, the transactions saved in accounts are not detailed by BP because it is not possible to define a standard management rule in this area. To ensure equal balances by BP, their counterpart is registered in an account defined as the "conso suspense account." Default accountThis account is used in the automatic journal generation process when the account built from an accounting code is inconsistent or when the account has not been defined. Overflow offset accountThis account is used to balance the transfer journal when it is higher than the maximum number of lines authorized for a journal. Carry-forward accountThis account must be completed by an account from the chart of accounts and it is used in two contexts:
Debit balance decreaseThis account is used to generate the currency conversion variance journal entry that is calculated for an account with a By journal entry or By account balance assessment method. For account types other than Off balance sheet, this calculation is made as soon as the account balance is no longer zero in a currency transaction different from the ledger currency. For example, this calculation would apply to a Normal account, which could be a treasury or matchable account, or a Control account for open payables and receivables. Note: This account is used only if no similar account is found in the Conversion variance grid under Management in the Accounts function (GESGAC), at the level of the account under valuation. For the calculation period, if the account under valuation has a debit balance and if the calculated variance decreases this balance, the debit balance decrease account is used. Debit balance increaseThis account is used to generate the currency conversion variance journal entry that is calculated for an account with a By journal entry or By account balance assessment method. For account types other than Off balance sheet, this calculation is made as soon as the account balance is no longer zero in a currency transaction different from the ledger currency. For example, this calculation would apply to a Normal account, which could be a treasury or matchable account, or a Control account for open payables and receivables. Note: This account is used only if no similar account is found in the Conversion variance grid under Management in the Accounts function (GESGAC), at the level of the account under valuation. For the calculation period, if the account under valuation has a debit balance and if the calculated variance increases this balance, the debit balance increase account is used. Credit balance decreaseThis account is used to generate the currency conversion variance journal entry that is calculated for an account with a By journal entry or By account balance assessment method. For account types other than Exceptional, this calculation is made as soon as the account balance is no longer zero in a currency transaction different from the ledger currency. For example, this calculation would apply to a Normal account, which could be a treasury or matchable account, or a Control account for open payables and receivables. Note: This account is used only if no similar account is found in the Conversion variance grid under Management in the Accounts function (GESGAC), at the level of the account under valuation. For the calculation period, if the account under valuation has a credit balance and if the calculated variance decreases this balance, the credit balance decrease account is used. Credit balance increaseThis account is used to generate the currency conversion variance journal entry that is calculated for an account with a By journal entry or By account balance assessment method. For account types other than Exceptional, this calculation is made as soon as the account balance is no longer zero in a currency transaction different from the ledger currency. For example, this calculation would apply to a Normal account, which could be a treasury or matchable account, or a Control account for open payables and receivables. Note: This account is used only if no similar account is found in the Conversion variance grid under Management in the Accounts function (GESGAC), at the level of the account under valuation. For the calculation period, if the account under valuation has a credit balance and if the calculated variance increases this balance, the credit balance increase account is used. Exchange rate gainsThis account is used to save the gains on exchange rates from generating the following automatic postings:
Exchange rate lossesThis account is used to save the losses on exchange rates from generating the following automatic postings:
Profit and loss accountThe account mentioned is used within the framework of the year-end simulations to achieve balance sheet equilibrium: counterpart of the real accounts. Debtor rounding varianceAn entry, balanced in transaction currency, may be unbalanced in ledger keeping currency because of the conversion roundings calculated on each entry line. Based on the template setup (Balancing option), a rounding variance line can be generated automatically to balance the entry in the currency concerned. On the other hand, the variance is distributed onto the existing journal lines and this account is not used.
Creditor rounding varianceAn entry, balanced in transaction currency, may be unbalanced in ledger keeping currency because of the conversion roundings calculated on each entry line. Based on the template setup (Balancing option), a rounding variance line can be generated automatically to balance the entry in the currency(ies) concerned. On the other hand, the variance is distributed onto the existing journal lines and this account is not used
Matching rounding gain/Matching rounding lossIn manual matching mode, when the matching group is balanced in ledger keeping currency, but not in transaction currency, and the amount of the variance is less than the amount defined in MTCRND - Auto balancing threshold parameter (CPT chapter, MTC group), a gain or loss document is generated (the automatic journal coming from parameter GAUMTCP is taken into account). Suspense account for the miscellaneous cash keeping currency operationsThe inter-currency reciprocal account is used when a payment is issued in a currency different from the bank currency. Suspense account for currencyThe inter-currency reciprocal account is used when a payment is posted to an invoice issued in an OUT currency, different from the payment currency and the currency of the main general ledger. Unpaid expense accountThis account is linked to the management of the doubtful receipt entries. When the charges for doubtful receipt entries are re-invoiced to the customer (TYPINVNDT parameter), the software makes it possible to automatically generate the associated invoice/debit note in the customer BP invoicing function. This account will be directly posted upon automatic creation of this customer BP invoice. |
Account (field ACCMIS) |
Tab Reciprocal Accounts
Use this setup tab of reciprocal accounts to define the accounts that are used to automatically save the balancing lines between the various sites of the current document.
- You can only apply this setup when the Balance by site option is checked in the ledger linked to the chart of accounts in progress.
- The reciprocal accounts you enter must be set up at the Accounts function level as being Not subject to VAT.
For all companies using the chart code of a ledger checked to Balancing by site, the first line can be left empty. The account specified on the first line is used for all sites, exceptions being managed by the next lines.
- For the same company, a reciprocal account can be defined as a tracking account in the ledgers set to Balance by site, with respect to the following setup in the Accounts function:
- The Default account must be entered as Blank.
- The Account screening must be left empty.
- The Mandatory allocation must be set to No.
Site 1 (field FCY1) |
A link account must be parameterised by pair of sites (accounting establishments). |
Site 2 (field FCY2) |
Control (field SAC) |
This parameter is used to define the accounts used in the automatic generation of the link postings between the financial sites in a single company. |
Account (field ACC) |
Indicate here the number of the GL account that must be used as the link account. |
BP (field BPR) |
Indicate the code of the business partner that must be used as the link account. |
Tab Reporting Codes
Use a reporting code to regroup the accounts in order to total the debtor or creditor balances, and then draw up synthesis tables (reporting statements, consolidation statements, yearly reports, etc.), via the standard setup tool of the Financial data extraction. You can assign reporting codes to an analytical account but you cannot use this information in the analytical syntaxes of the financial data extraction. Only the syntaxes of general accounting use reporting codes.
You can associate up to 10 reporting codes to each account. The first three (from number 1 to 3) are used in the standard financial data extraction. You can use the other seven to create your own groupings.
To each number corresponds a Balance code if debit and Balance code if credit referring to the credit or debit nature of the account balance.
Use the setup option of the reporting codes to assign reporting codes upon initialization when an account is created or subsequently by clicking Run . You can manually modify this assignment in the account record.
You can edit the content of the Reporting codes tab in the menu File > Print > List.
Block number 1
Number (field NUM) |
Corresponds to the line number of the reporting codes of the record. This field is used to enter the reporting code list for each of the grid lines in the account record. |
field NUMPRE |
Is used to go through the line numbers. |
field NUMSUI |
Block number 2
Run (field EXECUTE) |
This button is used to launch the assignment of reporting codes to the accounts. This process consists in completing automatically the Reporting code field of the accounts, depending on the assignment modalities defines in the setup. The execution modalities can be used:
Account root (field ACCSTR) |
Mention in this column the account roots from which the reporting codes are assigned. If several lines in the table can correspond to the same account, it is always the lines whose root is closest to the account that is applied. For instance, with the following setup: |
Code if debit (field CODDEB) |
Code if credit (field CODCDT) |
Tab Default accounts
Use this tab to initialize the default account of the account record when creating an account or executing the current setup. To the root of a chart of accounts of the Sourcetype, you can associate a default account from a chart of accounts of the Destinationtype.
In account creation, a propagation over the other charts of accounts of the folder is defined. The software suggests by default the association rule specified in the default Accounts tab of the source chart of accounts. This rule can be modified at account record level.
Block number 1
Destination COA (field COADEN) |
A recipient chart of accounts is a chart that can potentially be followed by an account or account group of an original chart. |
field NUMPRE |
field NUMSUI |
Block number 2
Run (field EXECUTE) |
This button is used to trigger the allocation of the default dimension types to the accounts. This processing consists in completing automatically the accounts Default dimension type field, according to the allocation conditions defined in the setups. The allocation conditions include:
No. (field NUMLIG) |
It is the line number. |
Account root (field ACCSTR) |
Specify here an account root. When the setup is carried out, the rules are applied line by line and several rules can affect the same account. The order in which the lines are entered is important. It is necessary to enter the account roots from the most global to the most detailed. An account root is not limited to a single character and the attachment level can thus be further refined. For instance: This setup is recovered and systematically suggested at the record account level. |
Account (field ACC) |
This is the default account that is tracked on another chart. If this field is left blank, the account of the target chart is tracked but without a default association. The Default account table is used to set up the tracking of the account to other charts of accounts. |
Tab Default dimension types
The combination of a default dimension type with an account root of the current chart (if the analytical type is checked) implies that all the accounts compatible with this root are tracked on this dimension type.
The setup option of the dimension types is used to assign default dimension types upon initialization when an account is created or subsequently by clicking Run. You can manually modify this assignment in the account record.
Block number 1
Run (field EXECUTE) |
This button is used to trigger the assignment of default dimension types to the accounts. This processing consists in completing automatically the field Default dimension type of accounts, according to the assignment conditions defined in the setups. The conditions for running this task include:
Account root (field ACCSTR) |
Specify an account root to be linked to the dimension type that has been set up in the following column. A default dimension type and potentially a default dimension are associated with an account root. This setup is recovered and systematically suggested at the account record level. An account root can be linked to several dimension types and is not limited to only one character. For instance: |
Dimension type (field DIE) |
This field is used to enter or select any analytical dimension type set up in the database. |
Default dimension (field CCE) |
When a tracking is declared on a dimension type code, it is possible to link a default dimension which is suggested on creating the account record. |
Tab Screen codes
When the account inquiry is used, a default screen can be associated depending on the nature of the account and the information to be displayed.
Use this tab to specify a default screen by account root (the assignment consisting in taking the longest root applicable to the account). The account inquiry screen codes must have been defined (this can be performed by tunnel from this tab).
If an assignment table is defined as follows:
Root |
Screen code |
7 |
Ven1 |
703 |
Ven2 |
74 |
Ven3 |
7482 |
Ven4 |
The screen codes used are:
- VEN1 for accounts 728215 and 702,
- VEN2 for the account 703201,
- VEN3 for the account 748,
- VEN4 for the account 74825,
The default screens can be specified for the account inquiry and the inquiry of the analytical accounts. The account inquiry screens are of type CPT, and those of the analytical account inquiry are of type NAT.
No. (field NUMLIG) |
It is the line number. |
Account root (field ACCROO) |
Account root associated with the screen of the next column. |
General screen code (field SCECODGEN) |
The inquiry code identifies the screen associated with the inquiry. An inquiry screen in an analytical account can be used by default for the analytical inquiry. |
Analytical screen code (field SCECODANA) |
Tab Compatible accounts
Root of debited accounts (field ACCDEB) |
Description (field INTITDEB) |
Root of credited accounts (field ACCCDT) |
Description (field INTITCDT) |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
GAPARBSE : Reporting code
This can be changed using a different setup.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Site of a company that does not load...The site is linked to a company whose model does not contain any ledger linked to the current chart code.
Incorrect controlThe control code used does not allow the use of BP accounts of the Miscellaneous type.
Nonexistent control accountThe control code used does not exist in the table of general accounts. Use the selection function in order to search for an existing control code.
Incorrect business partnerThis message is displayed when you define normal type reciprocal accounts and then modify the setup to create them as control accounts without entering the BP field. You need to return to each account line and enter the BP to use.
This message can also be displayed when the BP used is not of the Miscellaneoustype.
A reciprocal account between these two sites has already been set up on line number X.
This site is in the companySite 2 does not belong to the same company as Site 1. The setup of a reciprocal account between these two sites is not applicable.
The format must be of type 'length + format' with A, B, CX or # as possible formats