Tracking deleted payments

Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Legislation. It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group PAY (Payment entry init and control), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- BPRMIS (Default BP)
- DENSPG (Payment exp accounting code)
- DENTAK (Payment rec accounting code)
- PAYRNDCDA1 (Bank <=> BP rounding variance)
- PAYRNDCDA2 (Account <=> BP rounding variance)
- PAYRNDMAX (Maximum rounding variance)
- PAYUNALL (Unalloc. payments considered)
- PPYCONSCTL (Prepayment control)
- PRCAMTCNV (Currency amount variation %)
- PRCTOL (% variance on tolerance amount)
- PROBALCTL (Progressive balance control)
- RAPLCR (Reconciled notes P/R)
- SEVBPRENT (Inter-BP MOs for payment)
- SEVFCYENT (Inter-site GL for payment)
No global variable is associated with it.