Prepayment control
When this parameter is set to 'Yes', it provides payments meeting particular due date grouping conditions. Thus, a prepayment note can be printed (INVACC report) from these payments.
For printing this prepayment note, the payment should only contain payment lines:
- of the 'Prepayment' type,
- with the same tax code,
- and the same currency.
The prepayment note printing is based on the payment accounting entry: this entry must only include prepayments sharing the same tax and currency standards.
In direct payment entry, if the payment is of the 'Revenue' type and if this parameter is set to 'Yes', then the system checks that the entered payment meets these standardized rules. When the standardized rules are not met, the system blocks the payment creation.
When the payment automatic proposal is launched on a revenue transaction, this grouping is also applied. The payment automatic proposal function must then be launched:
- first, by taking prepayment open items into account (only those will be considered and grouped by tax code and currency),
- second, without taking prepayment open items into account (only those will not be considered).
When the payment automatic proposal is launched on all the revenue transactions, this splitting/grouping rule is systematically applied, whether the setup of transactions allows or not the INVACC report printing.
This grouping into an automatic proposal is only applied when particular conditions are met:
- The setting of the payment transaction must not plan as the single grouping/posting phase the following rule:[remittance note OR paying bank + posting to bank with an Open item date grouping or a Note/Paying bank grouping].
- The payment transaction must be attached to a print code.This print code must be linked to a processing code set up with a link to the INVACC report (in the management of print codes, GESARX).
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group PAY (Payment entry init and control), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- BPRMIS (Default BP)
- DENSPG (Payment exp accounting code)
- DENTAK (Payment rec accounting code)
- PAYDELTRC (Tracking deleted payments)
- PAYRNDCDA1 (Bank <=> BP rounding variance)
- PAYRNDCDA2 (Account <=> BP rounding variance)
- PAYRNDMAX (Maximum rounding variance)
- PAYUNALL (Unalloc. payments considered)
- PRCAMTCNV (Currency amount variation %)
- PRCTOL (% variance on tolerance amount)
- PROBALCTL (Progressive balance control)
- RAPLCR (Reconciled notes P/R)
- SEVBPRENT (Inter-BP MOs for payment)
- SEVFCYENT (Inter-site GL for payment)
No global variable is associated with it.
Functions concerned
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Payment/Receipt entry
A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Payment proposal