Notification servers

Administration Page Application/Contract Syracuse/Collaboration class notificationServers Representation notificationServer

Use this function to set up a notification server to send emails from the web server or Sage X3 application to one or more recipients.
It uses the nodemailer API. You need to configure a notification server to send links to reset passwords by email.

You need to add a Sage X3 URL in the Global settings allowlist to make notifications work and communicate with Sage X3.


The following information is associated with a mail server.


The name used to reference the notification server.


A user-friendly description. This information is entered by default in the current language.


The type of transport used to deliver messages. The SMTP protocol is used by default.

If the customer has subscribed to one of the following email service providers, select it if you want to use the dedicated web API to send emails:

  • AWS Simple Email Service

  • SendGrid Service

  • Mailgun Service

  • Office 365 - Microsoft Graph

Otherwise, select the SMTP protocol. Consult this documentation for more information.

SMTP server

Enter the information related to your SMTP server.

Mail server

The hostname or IP address to connect to.


The port to connect to. Generally, ports 587 or 25 are for not secure or STARTTLS modes. Ports 465 and 587 are frequently used for TLS mode. Refer to the SMTP connection security section for more details.


The proxy's URL, if you have configured a proxy to connect to the SMTP server.

Consult the following documentation to configure the SMTP server for:

SMTP security

Configure the SMTP connection security and authentication.

SMTP connection security

Enter the relevant information in the following fields.

Security mode

The security mode depends on the SMTP server configuration defined by the server provider.

The available security modes are:

  • None: Not recommended because emails are vulnerable to attacks that can modify their content or reroute them.
  • STARTTLS when available: STARTTLS is used if the server supports it.
  • STARTTLS required: STARTTLS is used even if the server does not support it. If the connection cannot be encrypted, then the email is not sent.
  • TLS: The connection with the SMTP server is secured and encrypted without initiating an insecure connection first. TLS mode is the most secure mode, STARTTLS is less secure because the connection can be attacked.

CA certificates of mail server

Select the certificate authority used by the SMTP server to sign its server certificate (if it is a self-signed certificate or not a well-known authority).
For TLS (transport layer security), the mail server authenticates with a server certificate and can enable encrypted secure connections (like with HTTPS). When you use self-signed certificates for the mail server or certificates that are not issued by known certificate authorities, you can add the corresponding certificates of the certificate authorities here.

Client certificate

Select a client certificate if it is requested by the SMTP server for authentication.


This field has two choices:

  • No authentication: This is the default choice. The mail server can send messages to users without requiring additional authentication.
  • Authentication with user and password: In this case, a user and a password have to be entered. A confirmation is required for the password.

SMTP pooled connections

Configure SMTP pooled connections if necessary and connection timeouts.

SMTP pooled connections

If pooling is used, then a fixed number of open connections is kept and a message is sent once a connection becomes available. This is useful when you have a large number of messages that you want to send in batches or when your provider allows you to only use a small number of parallel connections.

  • Use pooled connection: Select this checkbox to use pooled connections instead of creating a new connection for each email.
  • Maximum simultaneous connections: Set the number of maximum simultaneous connections.
  • Message count limit by connection: Limit the number of messages that can be sent using a single connection. After the maximum number of messages is reached, the connection ends and a new one opens for the following messages.

SMTP connection timeouts

  • Connection timeout (sec): Set the waiting time in milliseconds for the connection to establish.
  • Greeting timeout (sec): Set the waiting time in milliseconds for the greeting after the connection is established.
  • Socket timeout (sec): Set the allowed inactivity time in milliseconds before the connection ends.

Message configuration

Define the email address of the notification sender and select the default theme that is used to format the email sent by the server.

Configuration with other email service providers

The information section is the same as for SMTP but the other sections are different. You can also consult the other providers' documentation.

AWS simple email service

  1. Set the access key and the secret key from the AWS account credentials.
  2. Select the region used by the AWS service endpoint. In case of trouble, check that the account used to connect to SES supports the SendRawEmail operation.

SendGrid service

Set the API key from the SendGrid account.

Mailgun service

Set the API key and domain from the Mailgun account.

Office 365 - Microsoft Graph

You can connect to a Microsoft 365 email service using OAuth2.

  1. Create an Azure application. You will receive a client ID, tenant ID, and secret access key.

    Contact your Azure administrator for more information on how to create an Azure application.
  2. Enter your client ID, tenant ID, and secret access key in this section.

  3. In Azure, go to the API permissions pane.

  4. Add the MailSend permission with the Application type.


The following operations are available from the Actions menu.

Notification themes

You can access the Notification themes function directly and create or edit your email templates.

Test configuration

When this operation is triggered, a pop-up window opens where you can enter an email address, and a test email is sent to this address. If the email sending succeeds, a success message displays on the header line of the page.