This function is used to carry out a mass copy of all the dictionary elements from one folder to another. These dictionary elements can be defined by tick boxes, name ranges and by date (elements updated more recently than a given date).
It is also possible to filter only the elements to copy from a particular module, by using a specified activity code.
Finally, the transfer of an element can accompany the copying of associated processings, and the validation phase of the dictionary on the elements copied to the target folder can also be launched.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Firstly the source folder must be defined followed by the target folder. By default, the current folder is suggested, but it is possible to give the name of another accessible folder, using the syntax detailed in the attached documentation.
The elements corresponding to the data to copy are then entered in the form of:
The elements that should be validated in the target folder after copy are defined.
This operation, which can have a long duration, displays a log file when it finishes.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix. |
Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix. |
Object to process
If the checkbox is ticked, the corresponding elements are taken into account in the process. |
Block number 3
These fields are used to give the start and end range for the codes to be processed. |
Grid Installed modules
Current line of the grid |
This grid gives the list of modules from which the elements to be copied can be selected. |
If this field is equal to Yes, the elements for the selected modules are also copied. |
Block number 4
Used to specify that the processes associated with the copied elements (screens, actions, objects, inquiries) are also copied. This flag also cause the copy of the Crystal Reports reports associated with the dictionary elements for the reports when these are copied. |
Used to trigger the validation of the elements (tables, views, screens, windows, objects, inquiries, functions) in the destination folder after the copy. This validation is only possible if the current server associated with the folder is the same as the server for the destination folder. If this is not the case, an error message will indicate this fact in the log file for the copy. |
Block number 5
If this date is entered, only the data where the last modification or creation date is later than or equal to it are viewed in the inquiry. |
If an activity code is entered here, only the elements marked with the activity code in question are copied. |
Action icon
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer Yes to all the lines starting from the current line.
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer No to all the lines starting from the current line.
This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The server with the name server does not respond (either because it is not accessible via the network or the service daemon adxd has not been launched).
When running, this function creates a log file, in which the following errors can be found:
The box Validation has been checked, but the server on which the destination folder is found does not correspond to the folder from where the copy is launched.
The table that should be copied has the same abbreviation as another table of the destination folder
The table that should be copied has the same abbreviation as a view of the destination folder
The view that should be copied has the same abbreviation as a table of the destination folder