Financials >  Reporting >  Extraction for consolidation  

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This function is used to aggregate the postings within a consolidation area (that is to say a group of companies) in order to extract a balance or GL file with identification of the intra-group operations.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

A consolidation scope regroups a number of legal companies that are consolidated to each other.
The consolidated extraction can be carried out for all the companies within the scope or for just a few.


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

The consolidated extraction can be carried out for a Company or Group of Companies:

  • start: first Company concerned by the extraction,
  • end: last Company concerned by the extraction.

If only one Company is the subject of an inquiry, the same code must be entered in the Start and End fields.


  • Start date (field STRDAT)

The consolidated extraction can be carried for the dates specified in these fields:

  • start: first date concerned by the extraction,
  • end: last date concerned by the extraction.
  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Ledger (field LEDTYP)

This drop-down list is used to define a ledger type for the extraction.

This field is used to enter the code identifying the currency for a site, BP, etc.


  • By transaction currency (field DEV)


  • Prior balances (field ANV)

If this checkbox is checked, the processing takes previous balances of accounts into consideration, at the extraction date.
This processing is performed if the period overlaps two fiscal years, when a gap exists in the fiscal year end closing between companies. The principle is to calculate the accumulated balance at the end of the period preceding the extraction for the balance sheet accounts and to balance this in a suspense account. There is no recovery of the balance for management accounts.
The RAN entry is taken into account in the extraction, overlapping two fiscal years or not, if the following conditions are met:

  • the "Previous balances" box is checked,
  • the extraction start date corresponds to a fiscal year start date,
  • a carry-forward entry exists.
  • Deletion complete (field DEL)

If this box is checked, the process will extract intra-group flows inside a consolidation scope for a specific period. These flows will then be transfered to a consolidation software.
This extraction can be processed on all companies within the extraction scope or on a specific company range.
All of the postings' amounts are converted into the same currency.
The considered postings are definitive or normal, nevertheless, it is possible to add temporary postins and active simulation postings.

  • Dimension details (field ANA)

If this box is checked, the processing is carried out for the analytical accounting.

  • Free criteria (field CRITERE)


Journal selection

  • Carryforwards (field ANOBLC)


  • Closing (field CLOBLC)


  • Temporary entries (field STABLC)

If this box is ticked, the system takes into account the provisional actual entries, in addition to the final actual entries.

  • Active simulation (field CATBLC)

If this box is ticked, the processing takes into account the active simulation entries, in addition to the actual final entries.

  • Off-balance-sheet entries (field BILBLC)

If this box is ticked, the processing takes into account the exceptional entries, in addition to the actual final entries.

Grid Dimensions

This field contains the code of the concerned dimension view.



Operating mode

The execution of the function loads two tables: BALCONSO and GLCONSO. The pre-consolidated balance and the GL of the intra-group postings are printed based on these tables. These files are returned to zero after each extraction.
The export module is used to manage a data interface from the BALCONSO file, to integrate these data into the consolidation software (other than Sage, a dedicated export function beeing foreseen).
When it is entered, the CRITCSL value completes the account code as an aggregation criterion for the records.
In the case of multi-group entries, the transactions saved in the general accounts are not detailed by partner because it is not possible to define a standard management rule in this area.
So as to guarantee that the credit/debit amounts by partner are balanced, their counterpart is registered in the Miscellaneous accounts tab of the Chart of accounts function.
For example:
In the next document, it is not possible to know whether the products are invoiced in proportion to each BP or if the service provision applies, for instance, to the DAU001 BP in proportion to 100%, etc.








Customer DAU001 (IG)





Customer DAU002 (IG)





Customer DEL001 (HG)





Service provisions





Miscellaneous reinvoicing





input VAT





Item total



When the balance is made up of this item only, the BALCONSO file presents the following information:






Account waiting consolidation DAU001




Account waiting consolidation DAU002




Customer account DAU001




Customer account DAU002




Customer account




VAT collected




Service provisions




Miscellaneous reinvoicing




The BALCONSO report returns:

  • a Debit total/Credit total/Balance line for each active account,
  • a detail of this balance line by BP for those accounts for whom the consolidation analysis has been requested.

The GLCONSO report returns:

  • the consolidation analysis requested for the accounts,
  • the detail of intra-group entries with mention of the BPs involved.

By sorting the print by BP, a receipt of the intra-group balances will be generated for this BP.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task CONSO is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

  • Memo code (field CODE)

You use a memo code to save the criteria applied to an entry screen. Use this field to find out if a memo code has already been saved for the current screen values.

Use the following buttons to manage memos:

Recall: Recall a previously defined and saved memo.

Memo: Save the current values of the screen in a memo file with a code to be specified.

Del. Memo: Delete a previously saved memo.

If a memo named STD (standard) is associated with the screen, it is loaded when opening the function.


This button is used to create a memo.

SEEREFERTTO Refer to the general help via the [Memo] button for further information.

SEEREFERTTO Refer to the general help via the [Memo] button for further information.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Multi-group item"

The item contains one or several BPs belonging to the requested scope, and at least:

  • a BP belonging to the same consolidation scope but that is consolidated under a different consolidation code, and/or
  • a BP belonging to another scope, and/or
  • a BP outside of the group.
"Error in currency conversion"

Conversion of the item amount into the requested currency has failed. The currency of the item does not exist or the currency exchange rate does not exist at the date of the item.

"XXXXX : This is not a group of companies"

The selected scope is not a company group but merely a grouping of sites.

"Impossible to place an exclusive lock on the company "

It is impossible to lock a company if it is subject to updates in another function.

Tables used

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