Setup >  Organizational structure >  Site/Company groupings  

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This screen is used to define site or company groupings that can be used for authorizations and reporting purposes.

Such a grouping can be formed of:

  • all the sites of a certain number of companies listed in a grid
  • and/or of sites listed in a second grid.

A check box is used define that such a grouping is a company grouping. In this case:

  • no isolated site can be entered in the second grid.
  • any site creation in one of the group companies updates the group site list.

In the company table, a record can be found with the same code as the created site group and with the boxnon legal company checked. Any company creation triggers the creation of a site group with the same code, with the two boxes Company group and Legal company checked.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This is the non-legal Company to which one or more sites will be linked.

  • Description (field DES)


  • Short description (field SHO)


Block number 2

  • Company group (field FLGCPY)
  • Legal company (field FLGLEG)




Tab Grouping


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Company


  • Sites (field FCYCPY)


Grid Site

Code for the sites belonging to the group company (non legal).




Tab Pyramid


The following fields are present on this tab :


Grid Regrouping pyramid

  • Level (field LEV)


  • Level (field NIVEAU)

This field represents the entity level in the pyramid.
This entity can be the group, a company or a site forming the group.

  • Line number (field NOLIG)


This field indicates -besides the group code-, the company codes of the group.
SEEINFO A company is considered as a group.

This field specifies the Company codes forming the group.

This field specifies the sites codes forming the group.


  • Text (field LIBL1)

This field reuses the short title of the group (companies or sites forming the group).

  • Description (field LIBL2)

This field reuses the long title of the group (companies or sites forming the group).

  • Parent (field PARKEY)

This field indicates the assignment entity.

  • Key (field KEYC)

This field recalls the key that corresponds to each entity of the group (level / assignment entity / entity).

  • Expand (field EXPFLG)


  • Image (field IMG)




Action icon


This function is used to display the screen to set up the company which is selected.


This function is used to display the screen to set up the site which is selected.




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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