A/P-A/R accounting >  Open items >  Customer hold  

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This function tracks the customer credit level. It is used to modify the customer status (blocked/unblocked) as a function of their authorized credit level. This function applies to customers who's Credit control has been set to Check or Hold in the Customers function (GESBPC).

The amount of due open items is determined by adding overdue open items according to the number of days that have been entered.

For customers with a credit limit set, the customer is blocked if this amount is greater than the entered amount and if the blocking option is selected.

For blocked customers, the customer status is set back to controlled if this amount is less than the entered amount and if the unblocked option is selected.

The credit limit amount is calculated based on information in the invoice tables (SINVOICE and PINVOICE). Invoice amounts recorded directly in accounting are not included in the credit limit.

SEEREFERTTO See documentations on doubtful receipt entries and open items management for more information .

Screen management

Entry screen


Use the fields on this screen to define the customer's status update and threshold for number of days and amount.

You can generate a log file for specific customers and the corresponding amounts.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field TYP



  • field ALLBPC

Select this check box to include all the customers.

Filter for a range of customers. For a single customer, enter the same customer in the From customer and To customer fields.


Block number 3

  • field PRC

Enter a percentage for the authorized credit ceiling.

  • Allowance days (field NBR)

Enter a minimum number of days overdue.

  • Maximum amount (field MNT)

Enter a minimum amount. 


  • Simulation (field SIM)

Select this check box to run a Simulation. 



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task BPCREDIT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation