Costing >  Performance analysis >  Print cost comparison  

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This function is used to compare two costs according to several criteria.
For instance: comparison between a revised standard cost for a given year and another revised standard cost for any basic product, or for products in a selection.


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Screen management

General principle

First cost - Second cost

These two fields are used to enter the information relating to the two costs to be compared.

Start/End ranges

This block is used to enter the start and end selection criteria.


The criteria selected in this field are used to filter the submitted products based on variances (in percentage or amount) between the two costs. For instance, it is possible to only display on the report material variances larger than or equal to 5%
If these fields are left blank, the system will not filter the results and it will display all the information found.


The selected criteria in this field are used to specify whether the cost sub-groups should be displayed or not.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

First cost

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Cost type (field CSTTYP1)

Cost type to choose from "Standard", "Revised", "Budget", "Simulated".

  • Validity start date (field DAT1)

This field is used to enter the validity start date.

Second cost

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Cost type (field CSTTYP2)

Cost type to choose from 'Standard', 'Revised', 'Budget', 'Simulated'.
For an updated or simulated cost, the date must be entered or the Calculation date field selected.

  • Validity start date (field DAT2)

This field is used to enter the validity start date.

Start - end range

The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections.


Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the adjustment to these products only.

Enter the selection end product number.

Start range of the valuation methods that must be applied to the products to be selected for the report.

End range of the valuation methods that must be applied to the products to be selected for the report.

The start buyer allowing the selection of the entries to be processed.

The end buyer allowing the selection of the entries to be processed.

This is the product statistical group code, which is composed of three alphanumerical characters to be entered for a chosen group. It is associated with a specific description.



  • field INTITPER


  • field INTITAMT


  • Material (field DEVMATFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PERMAT

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTMAT

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.

  • Machine (field DEVMACFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PERMAC

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTMAC

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.

  • Labor (field DEVLABFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PERLAB

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTLAB

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.

  • Subcontract (field DEVSCOFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PERSCO

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTSCO

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.

  • Overhead (field DEVOVEFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PEROVE

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTOVE

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.

  • Total (field DEVVLTFLG)

These boxes are used to indicate the variance types to analyze (material, machine, ...)

  • field PERVLT

These fields are used to indicate the variance in percentage over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than 5%.

  • field AMTVLT

These fields are used to indicate the variance in quantity over which the product will be displayed in the report.

For instance, it is possible to filter all products which have variances on material costs equal to or higher than €100.


  • Material (field MATFLG)

When these boxes are ticked, they are used to view the variances on material, machine, workforce, sub-contracting and overheads.

  • Machine (field MACFLG)


  • Labor (field LABFLG)


  • Subcontract (field SCOFLG)


  • Overhead (field OVEFLG)

When these boxes are ticked, they are used to view the variances on material, machine, workforce, sub-contracting and overheads.

  • Detail (field DETFLG)

When checked, this box activates the display of the cost sub-categories (material, machine, ...).



Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

  • Memo code (field CODE)

You use a memo code to save the criteria applied to an entry screen. Use this field to find out if a memo code has already been saved for the current screen values.

Use the following buttons to manage memos:

Recall: Recall a previously defined and saved memo.

Memo: Save the current values of the screen in a memo file with a code to be specified.

Del. Memo: Delete a previously saved memo.

If a memo named STD (standard) is associated with the screen, it is loaded when opening the function.


This button is used to save a memo from the screen.

Tables used

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