The objective of this function is the display on the screen of a group or all the Allocations, by allocation type. Those allocations with shortages can also be presented.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry used.
The following fields are present on this tab :
You must specify which storage site you wish to use for the allocations inquiry. |
Start - end range
Entering these fields is not mandatory. They are used to limit the display of allocations to a product or a range of products. |
Entering these fields is not mandatory. Use them to limit the display of allocations to one document or a range of documents. |
Entering these fields is not mandatory. They are used to limit the display of allocations to those whose requirement date falls in a given period.
The requirement date used to filter the allocation display is contained in the WIP table (ORDERS).In the particular case of the delivery requests, the From requirement end date corresponds to the date of creation of the delivery request and the To requirement end date corresponds to the shipment date planned.If the entered shipment date is inferior to the creation date of the line, the requirement end date is then assigned to the creation date as it cannot be inferior. Example : Delivery request created on 19/05/2015 with a shipment date set to 13/05/2015 |
Block number 2
The type of document (sales order, delivery, work order) is preloaded according to the module from which the inquiry is called (Sales or Manufacturing). It cannot be modified. It is used to filter the allocations to inquire by type of allocated document. |
The columns present in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.
The system displays a line by allocated stock line if it is a detailed allocation or a line by allocated product if it is a global allocation.
For each line the major items specified are:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Allocations
This field indicates the product reference code. It is generated by a sequence number counter (set up in function Sequence number counters) in the case when the product category has a sequence number counter code. The reference cannot be modified. It is automatically assigned and displayed when the product creation is complete. |
This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line. |
If this box is checked, all types are taken into account by the operation. Otherwise, the type to be taken into account must be entered. |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
This field displays the quantity allocated to the order line. |
This is the quantity in stock unit calculated from the ordered quantity in order unit. If the entered quantity is not a multiple of the order unit, a warning message will be displayed. By default the minimum purchase quantity or the quantity of considered requirements is suggested. Under no circumstances the quantity entered is lower than these quantities. This quantity can be modified if the order unit entered is a packing unit for the product where the factor can be modified (see the packing unit grid in the Units tab in the Product record), but it is not accessible for the other units (Purchase unit of the product, Purchase unit defined for the supplier, Packing unit for the supplier, Stock unit). If the quantity in stock unit is modified, the factor expressed between the order unit and the purchase unit will be adjusted. |
This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement. |
Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction. |
This is the product serial number. |
This field indicates the product status (A, Q, R).
The storage location is automatically loaded depending on the location type if it is specified, otherwise the default location defined in the product-site record is selected. |
Allocation requirement date. |
Average potency in percentage, to be defined for the active products. it is used for receipt to stock as a default value, before the quality control measures the real potency. This field is accessible if the stock management mode of the product is "Potency managed". |
This field displays the original order site. |
Document type that must be taken into account during the signature process or during a signature cancellation. |
The document type, the document number and the document line number are used to identify the origin of the stock movement:
The number of the journal line to process. |
Indicator used to assign a priority to the supplier. This information is useful in some functions to determine the supplier to be submitted by default or to sort the suppliers in some selection windows. The nearer to zero the value, the more the supplier should be considered in priority. The zero value represents the highest priority. |
Enter the BP code or use the Lookup tool to search from the BP table. |
Action icon
This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header. It is possible to specify criteria ranges:
Global/Detailed allocations: it is possible to filter by type the allocation to inquire. Global/Shortages Detail/Shortages: it is possible to limit the display of the allocations with shortages by type of allocation attempted (global or detailed). Screen code: the inquiries can be set up in a general manner (for more detail, see the Inquiry screens documentation).It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code.This customization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid. Sort:By default the inquiry is sorted by product code.It is possible to specify here whether to display the sorted allocations by requirement date. It is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] or deleted [Delete memo]. |