This function is used to analyze the banking position for a bank or a bank group. You can see the initial balance, the previous open items and all forecast types present into the cash forecast management in a defined period.
Furthermore, you can see the data of a line in a graphic representation. This graphic representation displays the evolution of the data in the different periods of this inquiry.
Refer to documentation Implementation
This funcionality is devided into three parts.
The header
In the header, enter the values to build the inquiry.
This part displays the results of the inquiry in a grid.
The graphic representation displays the data of one line of the details grid.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Company range
Grouping level
Accounting cash forecasts
Purchasing cash forecasts
Sales cash forecasts
Grid listing the results obtained from the criteria entered in the differend fields. You can see the detail by BP and by document thanks to the zoom in each amount present in the grid.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Graphical representation of a line that has been flagged as 'graph' in the first column of the grid.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Totals
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
BANPOSANY : Banking position
This can be changed using a different setup.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
BANK: Mandatory Field
If the Bank group field is empty, the Bank field is mandatory.
You must select at least one origin
You need to select at least one kind of information type to obtain some results in the inquiry.
Selection criterion error
This message is displayed when you have any error in the formula(s) entered into the Banking position criteria screen.
Bank group incompatible with company
The Bank group is not compatible with the company entered.