Manufacturing >  Inquiries >  WIP >  Load in progress  

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The purpose of this function is to make it possible to display all the available load (order type OWx or ORx) for a given site. It is possible to display this load based on specific criteria (Work Center, Work Center group, Date)

The load represents the load generated during the creation of a works order (firm or planned) or generated during the launch of the MRP with load calculation. This load may be scheduled or not.

The non scheduled order load is displayed by operation start and end dates that correspond to the start and end dates of the works order.


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Screen management

This screen takes the form of a header (selection criteria), then of a grid that can be set up.



The header information is used to specify the principal selection criteria for the inquiry being used.

  • Site: It is mandatory to enter a site. The site shown by default corresponds to the site associated with the user.
  • Work Center/Work Center Group: this entry is not mandatory, it is used to filter the load to be displayed based on the work centers or work center groups used up by this load.
  • Start date: This range makes it possible to display those operations that must start within the date range entered or the operations that are not finished within this date range.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations.

Start - end range

The work center group is a physical or fictitious entity grouping several work centers of machine, labor or sub-contracting type.


  • Work center (field WSTSTR)

The work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation is carried out.

This is an entity for which it is requested to plan loads and track production times.

Each work center is associated with an attachment site.

  • field WSTEND


  • Labor center (field WSTLABSTR)


  • field WSTLABEND


  • Work center type (field WSTTYPSTR)

The type of a work center can be either machine, labor or sub-contracting.
The work centers of "sub-contracting" type are used to manage the operations carried out externally by sub-contracting suppliers.

  • field WSTTYPEND


  • Start date (field STRDATSTR)

Use this field to filter the orders to be loaded.

SEEWARNING Observe loading times.

  • field STRDATEND




Tab Loads


The columns present in this grid depend on the setup of the screen code chosen.

By default, the grid restores for the chosen site some information, among which are the order type, the operation number, the work center, the start and end dates, the planned quantity, the achieved quantity, the various times (setup, running times etc.)




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Type (field OPSTYPSTA)


  • Entry (field MFGNUM)


  • Op. (field OPENUM)


  • Split (field OPESPLNUM)


  • Work center (field EXTWST)


  • Type (field EXTWSTTYP)


  • Start date (field OPESTR)


  • End date (field OPEEND)


  • Line status (field OPESTA)



  • Work center group (field WCR)




  • Expected quantity (field EXTQTY)


  • Remaining qty. (field RMNEXTQTY)



  • Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD)


  • Setup time (field EXTSETTIM)


  • Actual stp. time (field CPLSETTIM)


  • Run time (field EXTOPETIM)


  • Actual run time (field CPLOPETIM)


  • Labor W/C (field EXTLAB)


  • Number of resources (field EXTWSTNBR)


  • Exp. no. labor (field EXTLABNBR)


  • Labor setup factor (field SETLABCOE)


  • Labor operational factor (field OPELABCOE)


  • Labor setup time (field LABSETTIM)


  • Labor run time (field LABOPETIM)



  • Supplier (field BPSNUM)


  • Order no. (field POHNUM)


  • Line (field POPLIN)


  • Sequence (field POPSEQ)



  • Grouping criterion (field SCHGRP)


  • Suspended (field SUSFLG)


  • Distinction criteria (field SCHSBB)




Action icon


This button is used to consult the product WIP.

Standard Rerouting Action

This button makes it possible to display the work order.


This button is used to consult the graphical load.


This button is used to consult the load.

Standard Rerouting Action

This button is used to view the work center.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to access the additional selection and sort criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header.

Selection criteria

It is possible to filter the load WIP by project, work order and operation number.

It is possible to filter the load to be displayed based on its status (suggested, planned, firm): by default all the statuses are proposed.

Global load: The global load corresponds to the display of the load of OWx and ORx type.

The load of ORx type is generated by the Master Production Schedule (MPS) calculation when the latter is carried out with a load calculation.

By default, only the OWx type load is displayed.

Automatically scheduled WIP: by default, all the WIP is proposed, automatically scheduled or not: it is possible to only filter the automatically scheduled WIP.

Former/current operations: by default only the operations whose start date is included in the start date range entered are displayed. Using this setup, it is possible to also display the operations whose start date is prior to this range but that must occur within this date range. As a consequence, the user can, using this inquiry, display the totality of the load that must be carried out on a given day, for instance: the operations starting on that day and those that have already started and are not finished yet.

Display criteria:

Screen code : generally speaking, the inquiries can be set up. It is possible to call up customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This customization makes it possible to choose what are the information that should be shown in the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.


The display can be classified on the basis of various sort criteria: by default the operations are classified by ascending start date. it is possible to classify them by work center, WO, status or load type (OWx/ORx ).

This button is used to display the graphical load.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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