Stock >  Inquiries >  Locations >  Location statistics  

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This function presents for a location type or for all the location types for a given site (or else a given warehouse), the level of occupation for the locations by type.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The header is used to enter the selections of the locations to be displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

It is mandatory to enter a site. It is initialized by default with the site associated with the user.

The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
This is the reference of the warehouse to process.

Block number 2

This is the reference of the location type to be selected for the inquiry.



Tab Locations occupied


Location occupation grid

The columns present in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.

The inquiry presents a line by selected location type.

For each location type, the main suggested information is:

*    The total number of empty locations for the type

*    The total number of occupied locations for the type (a location is considered occupied if it contains at least one quantity)

*    The total number of full locations for the type (a location is full if it is managed and its maximum quantity has been reached)

*    The total number of locations defined for the type

*    The occupation rate for the locations by type (total of occupied locations + total full locations/100)

*    The number of locations with a blocked status for the type

*    The characteristics of the type 


This block suggests, for all the location types in the selection, the number of empty, occupied, full, blocked locations and the global occupation rate.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Description (field TYPDES)


  • Empties (field FRGLOC)


  • Occupied (field OCPLOC)


  • Full (field FULLOC)


  • Total (field TOTLOC)


  • Occupied % (field PERLOA)


  • Blocked (field LOKLOC)


  • Loc. cat. (field LOCCAT)


  • Single-product (field MONITMFLG)


  • Dedicated (field DEDFLG)


  • Replenish (field REAFLG)


  • Cap. man. (field FILMGTFLG)


  • Max authorized weight (field MAXAUZWEI)


  • Width (field WID)


  • Height (field HEI)


  • Depth (field DTH)


  • Authorized substatuses (field AUZSST)



  • Empties (field FRGLOCTOT)


  • Occupied % (field PERLOATOT)


  • Blocked (field LOKLOCTOT)


  • Occupied (field OCPLOCTOT)


  • Full (field FULLOCTOT)


  • Total (field TOTLOCTOT)




Action icon


By right click on each line in the grid it is possible to pass to the "Location" function.




Menu Bar

This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header.

Here, in the case where the type has not been specified in the inquiry, it is possible to filter the location types to be displayed according to their characteristics (single-product, dedicated, reorderable, managed).

Screen code: the inquiries can be set up in a general manner (for more detail, see the Inquiry screens documentation). It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This customization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.

It is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] button or deleted [Delete memo] button.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation