Declarations >  Tax management >  Spain >  Spanish declaration  

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The way to obtain all the information will consist in a process that will extract the tax information from all the objects of Sage X3 that have relation with Tax:

  • Journal Entry
  • Sales and Purchasing Invoices
  • Customer and Supplier BP Invoices

The information will be stored in several working tables in the most useful format in order to obtain the appropriate queries and reports.

The inquiry will have different selection criteria to filter the data:

  • VAT or Retention (in the same inquiry we will obtain both information)
  • Accounting date
  • Type of VAT
  • Tax from a BP
  • Retention details

You can choose to display invoices and payments suject to special cash VAT regime.

In addition, these working tables facilitate the connection with external applications that are used to complete the legal requirements. For example, theses working tables will be used for the connection with the "Sage Impresos Oficales X3" application. "Impresos Oficiales X3" is used to generate all Spanish legal declarations.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Year (field YEA)



  • All companies (field ALLCPY)


It is possible to select only companies with the SPAVAT – VAT Spain general parameter (LOC chapter, SPA group) active.

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • Resynchronization (field RESINCRONI)

This flag is used if you want to regenerate all the information for the selected period.
If a change has been made on the invoice, it is necessary to run the process with this flag active.
If you run the proces only to add new invoices, it is not necessary to mark it.

Date range

  • Last update date (field LASUPDDAT)


  • Start date (field STRDAT)


  • End date (field ENDDAT)


Cash management

  • Cash calculation (field CASH)

It is used to populate the cash working table for the payments made in cash.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Function not implemented for this company:

The general parameter SPAVAT of the selected company must be active.

Year different to <year> :

The year of the date should be the same as the Declaration year indicated above.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation