Use the DEPOINTAGE processing to perform a reconciliation reversal of bank entries that are:
This reconciliation reversal can be performed manually in an account's list of reconciled operations, or automatically depending on the criteria (account, amount, reconciliation code or date).
Refer to documentation Implementation
Automatic reconciliation reversal
To trigger an automatic reconciliation reversal campaign, click Auto. A selection window will then open. Enter a bank account, a range of reconciliation codes and a range of reconciliation dates.
A log file opens and displays the list of reversed lines.
This processing does not require confirmation.Entries are automatically reversed.
Manual reconciliation reversal
To trigger a manual reconciliation reversal campaign, specify in the screen header the amount of lines to be reversed, a reconciliation code and a reconciliation start date.
Click Search: only movements corresponding to the selection criteria are displayed. At this point, they can be reversed.
Click Save: all movements related to the selected reconciliation code are reversed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Selection criteria
The bank code is used to select the accounting entries concenring the bank account and to display them for reconciliation reversal purposes. If these entries are reconcilied with imported bank statement lines, these lines are also displayed. The bank code attached to the user profile is displayed by default.
The entries whose reconciliation needs to be reversed can be selected on the basis of the amount. |
The entries whose reconciliation needs to be reversed can be selected on the basis of the reconciliation code. |
The selection of whose reconciliation needs to be automatically reversed can be done after the reconciliation date. |
Grid Details
Action icon
To point the reconciliation codes to be reversed, click the Action icon present at the beginning of each line and click Selection. The ‘*’ character is present on the lines concerned.
To view the accounting entry from which the matched movement was created, click the Action icon present at the beginning of each line and click Entry.
Click Auto to open the selection window used for entering a bank account, a range of reconciliation codes and a range of reconciliation dates. |
Click Search to activate the search of bank lines reconciled in compliance with the header criteria and allow them to be reversed. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message appears upon loading of the posting lines when the maximum size of the table has been reached.
This message is displayed upon loading lines in the grid and no entry is to be reversed in this selection.
This message appears when the user profile code does not authorize access to the "RECONCILIATION" function for the selected bank.
This message appears upon loading of the postings, when an item is being modified for a journal that needs to be reconciled. This journal is then not loaded into the grid.
This message appears if the bank account is being reconciled or if the reconciliation of said bank account is being reversed by the processings:
These processings cannot be carried out together on the same bank.
This message is displayed in automatic reconciliation reversal, when the upper range of the reconciliation code is lower than its bottom range.
This message is displayed in automatic reconciliation when the entered period end date is prior to the start date.
An entry generating a movement on the cash account of the bank being reconciled or reversed could not be loaded because it is already used (locked) in another product function.
If you click OK, Sage X3 will still load the data (except locked data) and reconciliation or reversal processes remain possible.
If you click Cancel, the log of entries that were not loaded is displayed.