This function is used to execute configuration scenarios set up by the Scenario Configurator function. They can be executed either from the actual function or from the quote or order entry functions.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The execution of a scenario can be broken down into several phases.
Before the entry and generation of the configurator data, it is necessary to complete a selection window that is used to choose for a given site, the scenario to be executed.
Site: Choose the configuration site for the scenario.
Scenario : Choose the scenario code based on 5 characters.
Business Partners: Optional field that is used to indicate the BP number for which the configuration will be initiated. This information will be saved in the configuration history.
BP reference: Optional field that is used to indicate a configuration reference. This reference will be saved in the configuration history.
Reference date: Date that will serve as a reference to the configurator for the active BOM link choices.
[OK]: This button is used to validate the header information then to execute the scenario.
[Cancel]: Exit the configurator.
The running of a scenario is sequential. It follows the order of the tabs (start/sel parents, parent creation) and for each tab, the line order.
Following this, the display of new questions is triggered on changing the tab, but also when:
The next line is not a question.
The condition for the next question is different from the current question.
The next question contains a formula or a calculator with a question that will be set.
The next question is a symbol linked to a table and that a filter (symbol FILTER) is specified (that is to say FILTER does not contain an empty chain).
Several entry methods are then possible:
According to the setup carried out on the scenario, the questions are proposed to the user.
Il is necessary to compose the response according to the format type expected by the configurator (alphanumeric, numeric, date or tick box). An automatic upper case or lower case conversion will be carried out if it is required at the level of the question definition. The selection key is active if a table of responses is associated with a symbol and is used to choose the response from amongst a list of values.
After having selected or entered the shape and pattern code, a secondary window opens to set the questions associated with this shape and pattern.
As a function of a response given to a question, the scenario can call an options/variants window. The options/variants are chosen by the user in the displayed window.
See above, "Options /variants entry".
During the question entry phase in the principal window of a scenario, the user can validate their entry by :
Clicking on the [OK] button of the window.
Tabulating from the last field currently being entered. This automatically triggers the same action as when clicking on the [OK] button
By this latter function, the entry is more flexible because the user responds an moves field to field using the tab then finds themselves on the next questions by a simple tab key move.
In the same way, after the display of a "warning message" set up in a scenario, it is necessary to click on the [OK] button of the box in order to resume the scenario.
Finally, once all the questions have been answered, the [OK] button is grayed out while the [Validation] button is activated with the focus.
One click on the [Correction] button makes it possible to access all fields previously entered. It is then possible to correct them, then end the modification by using the [OK] button. The configurator deletes the fields following the first modified field (configurator classification) and the entry restarts on this field.
The presentation order can be different to the logical order of the configurator.
Following a correction, the scenario restarts its normal running from the modified question. This implies that the lines that contain a formula or a calculation are re-evaluated. For the questions situated after the correction there are two cases:
No formula or calculation table: the question is displayed with the last entered value.
Formula or calculation table: the question is displayed with the revaluated content.
It is possible to modify the routing and /or BOM of a configured product whilst conserving the code of the parent product previously created. For this it is necessary, immediately after the entry into the principal configuration window, to activate the [Search] button. The system then displays all the configurations carried out for the BPs and BP references entered, on the condition that the BPRNUM and BPRREF symbols are set up as search criteria. It is then necessary to select the required configuration, then activate the [Modification] button. The system then returns to the main question window, suggesting by default the responses given for the selected configuration, responses that can then be modified. During the generation, the system provisionally assigns a new product code, which is replaced at the time of validation by the selected product code. The base data for this product is modified as a function of the new responses given.
[Answers]: At any time, it is possible to display the answers given to all the questions (certain questions no longer being visible), as well as the value of the variables using the button at the bottom of the screen.
Once all the questions have been answered, the [OK] button is grayed out while the [Validation] button is activated with the focus. This is used to link on this phase by using the "Enter" key.
When all the questions necessary to the configuration have been set, it is sufficient to choose the button [Correction] or [Validation].
After validation, it is no longer possible to return in correction mode: only to [Cancel] the configuration is possible.
After validation, a window with 4 tabs is displayed. This window is used to view, for a configured product or for the equivalent product found by the configuration, the BOM, the operational routing, the stock information and the summary of the values of the different symbols. The detailed information can be obtained by right click on the "BOM" and "Routing" tabs.
This first scenario phase corresponds to the tab "Start./ sel parent". It is used to:
Set the primary questions.
Calculate the variables.
Open the product selection windows.
Open the options / variants selection windows (less appropriate).
If the parent product selections take place during this phase, the scenario executes the final variable control phase (for those variables used that have controls) and finishes. In this case there is no history log created.
A maximum of 100 parent products can be selected.
This phase corresponds to the "Creat. parent product", it will only be executed if this phase is defined and if parent product creation is authorized at the level of the setup.
This scenario phase is used to:
Set additional questions.
Calculate the additional variables.
Create a new parent product (Product, Product-site, Product-sales).
Prepare the "BOM header" record (if required).
Prepare the "Routing header" record (if required).
The "Product", "Product-site" and "Product-sales" records are initialized from the "Reference parent product".
The "Product-customer" is initialized from the first record of the "Reference parent product".
All the actions defined in this phase are executed.
According to the "Equivalence search" setup of the "Creat.parent product" tab of the scenario, the following process is carried out:
No search
The product is created if it does no't exist. An error is displayed if the product reference is not defined and that no automatic sequence number counter is defined for the product category.
Equivalence search
An equivalence search is made according to the product line of the parent product and the product is created if the search is negative.
Always create
The product is systematically created. An error is displayed if the product exists (no definition of the new reference product or no automatic sequence number counter at the category level).
The assignment of the product number in an automatic fashion based on the category is the priority for the scenario. The "Product-customer" record is only created if the customer number is entered in the selection screen.
This phase corresponds to the "Sel.components" tab and serves to:
Set additional questions.
Calculate the additional variables.
Open the product selection windows.
Open the options / variants selection windows.
It is used to create the parent product BOM (if a new parent product) from existing components. The link quantities are then the quantities entered in the selection windows. This phase is optional and it can be used in combination with the next phase (component creation).
It is advisable to enter the quantities in "stock unit" in the product selection or options / variants windows because this unit corresponds to the link unit in the BOM.
This phase corresponds to the "Component create." tab and serves to:
Set additional questions.
Calculate the additional variables.
Create the BOM links.
Create the new components.
For each component, if the creation condition is satisfied:
The default component record is loaded.
The link is initialized with the quantities given in the component line.
If they exist, the redefinition of the "BOM link" or "component product" fields is carried out.
The link is then created accorded to the "Search mode" defined in the component line, during the scenario setup:
No search
The product is created if it does not exist. An error is displayed if the product reference is not defined and that no automatic sequence number counter is defined for the product category.
Equivalence search
An equivalence search is made according to the product line of the component and the product is created if the search is negative.
Always create
The component is systematically created. An error is displayed if the product exists (no definition of the new reference product or no automatic sequence number counter at the category level).
It is not possible to create two links with the same sequence number for the same component. The configurator firstly creates the links obtained by selection.
This phase corresponds to the "Operations Creat." and serves to:
Set additional questions.
Calculate the additional variables.
Create the operations.
For each operation if the creation condition is satisfied: The default operation record is loaded (origin reference routing or standard operation). The operation times and rates are initialized with the times given in the operation line. If they exist, the redefinition of the operation fields will take place.
If at least one operation is created, a routing header is generated (from the reference routing, its redefinition can be made during the "parent product creation" phase"). The "scheduling" records are automatically generated with the type "successor" and the last operation is of the type "production".
This phase corresponds to the "Final checks" tab in the scenario and serves to:
Set additional questions.
Calculate the additional variables.
Carry out the checks and controls that can only be carried out at the end of the technical data generation (for example incompatibility between components).
By using the "advanced" options of the configurator, the cost calculation actions are defined in this phase (according to the cost calculation setup).
For each component the "material cost" actions are carried out and will load the CST system variable with the unitary material cost.
For each machine operation the "machine cost" actions are carried out and must load the CST variable with the unitary machine cost.
For each labor operation the "labor cost" actions are carried out and must load the CST variable with the unitary labor cost.
For each sub-contractor operation the "sub-contractor cost" actions are carried out and must load the CST variable with the unitary sub-contractor cost.
In the scenario screen setup, it is possible to choose between two valuation methods:
Management control (recommended)
Scenario specific
The secondary choices available are:
Standard cost(and not 'Standard price')
Revised cost (and not 'Revised standard price')
Budget cost
The standard calculation for this module is the set up using the BOM descent option and the implicit update of the product-cost tables. This calculation takes place after the scenario validation (the data is created) is then followed by a revision of the principal parent product.
This maybe the time to calculate the base price (BASPRI field in the Product-sales ITMSALES table).
The "Standard cost" tab displays the global results of the calculation. A grid displays the messages that belong to this calculation as well as any errors that occur.
Parent product table | The "Unitary cost" and "Total cost" fields are valued by the calculation results. | The "Base price" field of the ITMSALES file is displayed. |
Components table | The "Unitary cost" and "Total cost" fields are valued by the calculation results (including multi-level display). |
Routing table | No valuation is displayed on the routing operations. |
The possible choices are:
Base price
Last price
Formula evaluation (and not by 'Calculated by scenario')
In the case of "Base price" and "Last price", the following configurator variables are available:
CSTMAT (Material): This is the sum of the final components. According to the choice, the program takes the base price (BASPRI field in the Product-Sales file) or the last price (LASRCPPRI field (last price entered) in the Product-Site totals file).
CSTTOT: Sum of the variables shown above
In the case of an evaluation by formulas, the following are available:
CSTMAT (Material): Sum arising from the BOM details. The available tables are the BOM detail (BOO) and the component product (ITM).
CSTLAB (Labor), CSTMAC (Machine) and CSTSCO (Sub-contractor) : Sum arising from all the operations with the principal work center, labor work center and structural sub-contractor work center. The tables available are the operations (ROO) and the work centers (MWS). The CSTMAC or CSTLAB valuation is made depending on the work center type.
CSTTOT: Sum of the variables shown above
In both cases, it is possible to VALUE the parent product fields with the help of the scenario setup (revision method).
Display of the validation result:
Parent product table | The 'Total cost' field is given by CSTTOT and the 'Unitary cost' by CSTTOT/ITMQTY. | The "Base price" field of the ITMSALES file is displayed. |
Components table | The "Unitary cost" is valued by the component cost and the "total cost" is the product of the "unitary cost" multiplied by the requirement. |
Routing table | The Cost fields are assigned only in "Calculation by scenario" mode. |
By activation of the [Generation] button at the screen bottom on the window summarizing the data that will be created or the selected data by the configuration, the configuration is validated. A new product and the base data are generated if required. A configuration number is also assigned. Thanks to this number, the configuration can be viewed in the history file. Similarly, this number is saved in the product created at the level of the product line fields.
This number is allocated during the validation phase and its calculation comes from the X3 sequence number counter "CFG".
As standard this sequence number counter is defined with a grouped sequence type and is made up of 20 numbers, this is in order to reduce the waiting times in multi-user systems.
The use in a scenario of this document number is available by using the S_CPTCFG symbol.
Different options are available to create the new product code:
Example for a parent product:
Master product | ITMREF | "CAM_####" |
In this case, the system allocates an automatic number by searching for the last product with the same root in the database.
In the example above, the root is "CAM_" and if the last product for this root code is "CAM_0027" then the system will allocate the code "CAM_0028" to the new product.
This option is made for occasional use because it can lead to long waiting time by users working on the same prefixes at configuration validation or generation.
Example for a parent product:
Master product | ITMREF | "CAM_"+S_CPTCFG |
In this case, the product code includes the item number (or a part of it) generated by the grouped sequence number counter.
In this way, two users working on their own data will not be constrained by the waiting times that are sometimes long.
To activate this mode, it is necessary to define a sequence number counter for the product and specify an empty code for the product.
Example for a parent product:
Master product | ITMREF | "" |
In this case, the product code is calculated by the sequence number counter of the category.
Used occasionally, this method is not too important. On the other hand, it must be defined as "grouped" sequence type if the usage is more intensive to avoid long waiting times.
To activate this method, a configurator symbol of the variable type is assigned to an X3 sequence number counter.
the product code makes reference to this variable.
Master product | ITMREF | S_CPT1 |
In this case, the product code is calculated by the sequence number counter specified on the symbol.
This variable will be evaluated a single time at the moment of the configuration validation.
If several sequence number counter values are required, it is necessary to use several symbols using the same X3 sequence number counter.
Used occasionally, this method is not too important. On the other hand, it must be defined as "grouped" sequence type if the usage is more intensive to avoid long waiting times.
The sub-scenarios depend on the main scenario and must use the following:
the same routing code
the same BOM code
the same cost calculation method
This information is forced by the configurator on execution and it is therefore recommended to ensure the coherence of the setup.
During the execution of a sub-scenario and in the parent product tab, the fields defined with "No setup" are ignored, whilst the fields with "revision" are processed. This usage is rare but can be useful in the cost calculation method "scenario specific" (base, last price or formula) to assign for the example, a price to a parent product.
Product-Sales / BASPRI (base price) with the formula= S_CSTTOT * 1.1
Reminder: S_CSTTOT is a global cost, the unitary cost is equal to S_CSTTOT/S_ITMQTY. In general, S_ITMQTY equals 1 and S_CSTTOT is equal to the unitary cost.
On the other hand, it is not possible to carryout such a calculation in cost calculation method "Management control" because the calculation is triggered at the end of the validation. In this method, only the revision of the principal parent product is possible (master scenario) and the equivalent calculation will be:
Formula: [F:ITC]VLTTOT*1.1 (VLTOT being the global cost of the product)
A basic batch launching process is as described below. For batch launching configuration scenarios, this process requires a specific development.
Initializing the scenario (gosub CFGINITBAT)
Loading all the necessary questions for the scenario using the mask CFGFUN
Starting the execution of the scenario (gosub CFGEXEBAT).
During the initialization phase, all the questions are initialized in their mode.
The loading of the questions must be programmed to allow the running of the scenario up to the end (response coherence).
During the execution of the scenario, the configurator is based on the global variables of the scenario and does not have a scenario entry screen. Nevertheless, it applies a verification on executing the checks and controls linked to the questions.
In this context, only the entry points CFGCTRALP (alphanumeric), CFGCTRNUM (numeric), CFGCTRDAT(Date) and CFGCTRCAS(0/1) can be used.
In these entry points, the LQST variable contains the name of the symbol question in process and the VALEUR variable contains the value to be controlled.
The variables of the type 'zoncou' are not available.
The entry points of the type CFGASxxx (before entry) are not called.
These entry points are called from the standard process CFGLIB.
The [M :CFGF]RETCOD field contains the following return codes in addition to the values already specified :
CFGFUN mask for insufficient dimension
Symbol not found
GERR=2 – Correct end
GMESSAGE contains a message of the type : Configuration successfully completed.
Data generated with the document number: WE3-0312000226
GERR<>2 – Abnormal end
GMESSAGE is evaluated
If S_AUTCFG >1, the error is produced before the data creation and S_AUTERR contains the symbol code for the error.
# Configurator call in batch mode example
# The "PULL" scenario is used to create the products of the type "Pull Over"
# 3 questions are set:
# PUCO: Color (numeric response)
# PUSA: Season (alphanumeric response)
# PUTA: Size (alphanumeric response)
# Batch configurator call example
# The scenario "PULL" creates items "Pull Over"
# 3 questions:
# PUCO: Color (numeric answer)
# PUSA: Season (alphanumeric answer)
# PUTA: Size (alphanumeric answer)
Call OUVRE_TRACE("Configurator interface") From LECFIC
# Open mask CFGFUN
Local Mask CFGFUN [CFGF]
Local Integer W_I
# Parameter loading
Rtz [M:CFGF]
[M:CFGF]FCY = "GIE" : # Site Facility< span>
[M:CFGF]SCENUM = "PULL" : # Scenario
[M:CFGF]BPRNUM = "" : #BP number Business partner
[M:CFGF]IPTDAT = date$ : # Reference date
# Initialization routine call
If [M:CFGF]RETCOD=0 # init ok
# Loading the answers on to the screen
For W_I = 0 To [M:CFGF]QSTNBR-1
When "PUCO" : [M:CFGF]ASWNUM(W_I) = 2
When "PUSA" : [M:CFGF]ASWALP(W_I) = "P"
When "PUTA" : [M:CFGF]ASWALP(W_I) = "XS"
Next W_I
# Run of the scenario
If GERR = 2 # correct end
Call MESSAGE("Summary: \S_AUTCFG:"-num$(S_AUTCFG)-"GERR:"-num$(GERR)-"\Mes:"-GMESSAGE) From gesecran
Else # Management in case of error
Call ERREUR("Anomaly: \S_AUTCFG:"-num$(S_AUTCFG)-"S_AUTERR:"-S_AUTERR-"\GERR:"-num$(GERR)-"\Mes:"-GMESSAGE) From gesecran
# End program
#Else# Error management
Call MESSAGE("Error on initialization: \RETCOD:"-num$([M:CFGF]RETCOD) -"GERR:"-num$(GERR)-"\Mes:"-GMESSAGE) From gesecran
Gosub CFGENDBAT From CFGLIBE # End (to be done even in the case of error)
The answers to a scenario for a BP and a given BP reference are saved if the configuration is abandoned before the generation of the configured date.
In this way, the memo function recalls the question values at the time of the next execution. An exception to this rule is made for questions that depend on a formula or calculation. In this case, the question is initialized with the result of the formula or the calculation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
This title is associated with the previous code. |
Block number 2
Enter or select the configuration scenario number (maximum 5 characters and description with up to 30 characters). |
Block number 3
Enter the BP code or use the Lookup tool to search from the BP table. |
Enter the configuration reference for the BP. (optional) |
Date that will serve as a reference to the configurator for the active BOM link choices. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message appears during scenario validation if several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section.
The validity dates for the reference routing are exceeded.
The chosen routing does not exist.
The reference BOM dates are not valid.
The reference BOM or routing status is not "production".