This function will provide access to two graphical inquiries, after the invoices to be selected and the period to be considered have been chosen:
Refer to documentation Implementation
This screen will make it possible to select the invoices on the basis of various criteria.
Time-related criteria:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Match status
Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'warning' Three-way match status.
Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'Blocked' Three-way match status.
Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'unblocked' Three-way match status.
Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'Successful' Three-way match status.
Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'Not applicable' Three-way match status.
This button is used to record the chosen criteria in a specific memo code. The STD memo code is systematically submitted when accessing this function. |
This button makes it possible to recall a Memo that has already been recorded. |
This button is used to delete a recorded memo. |