This function will make it possible to access two graphical inquiries, after the returns to be selected and the frequency type to be considered have been chosen:
Refer to documentation Implementation
This screen will make it possible to select the returns based on several criteria, but also to choose the time-related criteria and the display frequency.
NB: The validated returns that are not pending credit memos are considered as being invoiced.
Time-related criteria:
The following fields are present on this tab :
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed. |
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed. |
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed. |
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed. |
This button is used to record the chosen criteria in a specific memo code. The STD memo code is systematically submitted when accessing this function. |
This button makes it possible to recall a Memo that has already been recorded. |
This button is used to delete a recorded memo. |
This button provides access to the graphical inquiry used to display the part of the tax excl. amount returned for replacement or returned for good. |
This button provides access to the graphical inquiry used to view the part of the tax excl. amount returned and pending credit memo or returned and having already been the subject of a credit memo. |