Purchasing >  Inquiries >  Receipts >  Receipts by period  

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This function will make it possible to access two graphical inquiries, after the receipts to be selected and the frequency type to be considered have been chosen:

  • Invoice/Period: This choice makes it possible to view, in the form of a histogram, the tax excl. amount invoiced and not invoiced by period.
  • Return/Period: This choice makes it possible to view, in the form of a histogram, the received and returned tax excl. amount by period within the frame of the selected receipts, as well as the total of the purchase costs, expressed tax excl.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


This screen is used to:

  • select the receipts according to various criteria,
  • choose the time criteria and the viewing frequency,
  • specify, for the presentation of the returned amount by period, if the purchase costs must be taken into account.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)


This field is used to specify the company code.
The company is automatically loaded with the company of the user's default storage site. It remains modifiable.
SEEINFO It is possible to display the receipts of all the companies by leaving this field blank.In this case, the site field is automatically left blank.

Ce champ permet de renseigner le site de stockage.
SEEINFO Ce site est automatiquement alimenté par le site de stockage par défaut de l'utilisateur. Il peut être laissé vide. Dans ce cas, la consultation portera sur l'ensemble des réceptions de la société.

This field is used to enter the supplied code. When no supplier is entered, the inquiry displays all the suppliers of the folder.
When the inquiry is accessed from a supplier record, the supplier code correspond to the supplier code of the record being viewed.

  • From receipt no. (field PTHNUMDEB)

Ces champs sont facultatifs. Ils permettent de saisir ou  sélectionner une fourchette de réceptions à afficher.
A défaut d'être renseignés, l'ensemble des réceptions répondant aux autres critères de sélection, est affiché.
Lorsque la consultation est affichée depuis une réception, la référence de la réception est automatiquement renseignée avec celle de la fiche en cours de consultation.


  • Invoiced (field INVFLGO)

When this box is selected, receipts completely invoiced are selected.

  • Posted (field PSTFLGO)

This check box is used to select the receipts for which an invoice to be received has been generated.

  • Printed (field PRNFLGO)

Cette case, une fois cochée, permet de sélectionner les réceptions imprimées.

  • Costs considered (field PECFCSTFLG)

Cette case à cocher permet de demander la prise en compte, dans l'histogramme, du montant total des charges achat en plus du montant montant hors taxes réceptionné et retourné par période. 
SEEINFO L'affichage du montant des charges est pris en compte uniquement dans l'histogramme du montant retourné par période.

  • Not invoiced (field INVFLGN)

The receipts that are not invoiced or only partly invoiced are selected when this box is checked.

  • Not posted (field PSTFLGN)

This check box is used to select the receipts for which no invoice to be received has been generated.

  • Not printed (field PRNFLGN)

Cette case, une fois cochée, permet de sélectionner les réceptions non imprimées.


  • Period (field PERCOD)

Ce champ permet de choisir la périodicité de visualisation des informations graphiques.
Le mois est proposé par défaut. Il est possible de choisir une périodicité au Jour, à la Semaine, au Trimestre, au Semestre ou à l'Année.

  • Start date (field RCPDATDEB)

These two fields are used to specify a date range.
This range is used to filter the orders whose order date is included in this interval.
They are initialized by default in the following manner:

  • the start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months,
  • the end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month.
  • No. of periods (field PERNBR)

It is possible to display the number of periods to be displayed.
If this value is modified, the end date will be automatically modified based on the number of periods and the frequency chosen.



Specific Buttons

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

This button is used to access the graphical inquiry displaying by period the part of the received tax excl.amount, not invoiced and invoiced.

This button is used to access the graphical inquiry displaying by period the part of the received and returned tax excl.amount.
If the box entitled "Costs considered" has been checked in the screen used to select the criteria, the total amount of the purchase costs, expressed tax excl., is also displayed.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation