Use this function to adjust manually or automatically suspended shortages or movements. It can be launched in direct mode or batch mode.
All movements, including the ones specifying the lot, sub-lot and/or location and/or serial number can be adjusted.
Refer to documentation Implementation
A selection window picks up by default the elements defined in the "Backorder management" tab of the stock-site parameters. It is possible to modify or refine preloaded criteria.
This window is split into several sections within which certain Stock parameters information associated with the warehouse site is displayed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Entering a storage site is mandatory. By default, this field is initialized with the site linked to the user in its function profile, but it can be modified. |
Product categories
The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections. |
Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the adjustment to these products only. |
Enter the selection end product number. |
Specify if a log is to be recorded during the adjustment of movements. |
Priorities are used as filters and that certain database records may not appear as a function of the priorities chosen. For example, an unconfirmed shipment is entered. It leads to a backorder shortage allocation. In this case, it is not only necessary that in the process priorities the type "Backorders on unconfirmed issues" is selected but that in the movement transaction categories, the category "Manufactured and sold" is entered. If not the backorder will not appear in the list of movement transactions to be adjusted. |
Specify if a log file listing errors must be created at the time of the movement transaction adjustment. |
Priorities processes
Specify for each priority level, the type of adjustment processing to perform. |
Movement cat. priorities
Specify for each priority level, the category of the movement to adjust. |
Start - end range
When statistical group ranges are specified, more precise constraints can be used so that the movements adjustment only operates on products linked to the corresponding statistical groups entered. |
The following color code provides an immediate view on the stock adjustments status:
A blue line cannot be adjusted when:
If this information is not provided, the adjustment cannot be automatic, but it can be carried out manually.
According to the added selection criteria (category ranges, product ranges...), and to the defined priorities, both for movement types and categories, the system displays the list of movements to be adjusted.
In order to adjust movements:
The processing generates a log, regardless of the chosen adjustment method. It can be printed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
No help linked to this field. |
The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections. |
Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the adjustment to these products only. |
Grid Adjustment
Line selection. |
Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
PRTSCR : Screen print
This can be changed using a different setup.
When adding selection criteria using the [Criteria] button, clicking on this button refreshes the list of movements to adjust. |
Use this button to select the set of movements to adjust listed on the adjustment screen. |
Use this button to uncheck the set of movements to adjust listed on the adjustment screen. |
Use this button to automatically launch the adjustment of pending movements and shortages. This method is based on issue rules defined on the product categories. |
Use this button to open the initial selection window and modify it in order to refine the results on the list of movements to adjust. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The site does not exist in the sites table.
This message indicates that no record exists in GESSTE (stock parameters) for the selected product.
This message appears when the "auto. adj. if location not entered" field in the stock parameters is not ticked. This implies the "location" information is missing n a stock line.
This implies the "lot" information is missing on the stock line of a product managed by lot.
This message appears when the "auto. adj. if status not entered" field in the stock parameters is not ticked. This implies the "status" information is missing on a stock line.