Stock >  Quality control >  Lot modifications >  Lot mass change  

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The Lot characteristics mass change function is used to modify the title and/or the use by date information and/or the user fields for the selected lots and sub-lots.

This function is based on a Lot modification transaction that is used to specify what is the modifiable information for the selected lots.

SEEINFOThese changes of lot characteristics are not considered as "internal movements" and are never valued.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The mass change of lot characteristics is made in two stages.

The first screen is used to select the lots and sub-lots to be processed and to specify what is the lot information to modify and what the new values will be.

The presentation of this first screen depends on the setup of the chosen transaction.

If a single transaction is set up no choice is proposed on entry into the function. Otherwise, a window opens to present the list of transactions likely to be used (the choice can also be restricted using access codes).

Selection of the lots to be processed

The Lot characteristics mass change function is used to work on a selection of lots/sub-lots. It is necessary to select a site, a group of products (only lot managed products are present in the selection), then a group of lots and sub/lots for these products. 

If the "All sites" field is ticked, all the lots in the selection will be processed whether they are in one site or several. If not, only the lots present in the selected site are processed. (A lot present in several sites cannot be processed except when the "All sites" field is ticked)

It is not possible to select a lot that is the object of an analysis request that is not completely validated, nor a lot that is the object of a detailed allocation.

There is a button Selection on the Lot field and on the sub-lot field.

According to the setup of the chosen transaction it is possible to associate a lot characteristics change slip, a movement group code, a project code and a movement description.

Movement group: this is a statistical information that will be recorded in the stock journal at the moment of saving the transaction. This transaction group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entry field, displayed, hidden).  

Movement description: This is a free text that will be recorded in the stock journal when saving the transaction.

Modifications block : This block presents the lot fields to be modified. The fields presented are a function of the setup of the transaction used. It is necessary here to enter the new values that should be attributed to the title and/or the use-by date and/or the user section for all the lots in the selection.

The activation of the [OK] button is used to access a second screen. It displays a grid that lists all of the lots and sub-lots in the selection: the sub-lots of the selection that have not be retained because they are the object of a detailed allocation or a non-validated quality control are not present in this grid.

For each lot and sub-lot, the grid displays the information - title, use-by date, user section, when this is appropriate according to the product management, giving their new values, those that were entered in the previous screen. These values can still be changed here, if it is necessary to alter the characteristics of a lot/sub-lot with respect to the selection group. In the same fashion, it is still possible to delete a lot/sub-lot from the selection by deleting the corresponding line.

The activation of the [Save] button is used to take all modifications described in the grid into account: the system generates a Lot modification document for each lot/sub-lot, as well as an "issue" movement type and a "receipt" movement type for each modified lot/sub-lot, in the stock journal.

The documents generated in this way are listed in a log file at the end of processing and can be consulted one after the other using the Lot Characteristics changes function.





The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria

  • All sites (field ALLSTOFCY)


Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

Start - end range

Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the adjustment to these products only.

Enter the selection end product number.

  • From lot (field LOTSTR)

Enter the initial lot number for the selection.

  • To lot (field LOTEND)

Enter the selection end lot number.

  • From sublot (field SLOSTR)

Enter the selection start sub-lot number.

  • To sublot (field SLOEND)

Enter the selection end sub-lot number.


  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)

This is the date which is used when posting the movement. It defaults to today's date but can be changed to an earlier date, if the selected date is in an open period in the accounting calendar.

SEEINFO You cannot enter a date later than today's date.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line.
This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

This field contains the reference of the project for which the information has been entered.
This field is not controlled in a table.

  • In a request for quotes, this field is empty by default.
  • in a purchase order, this field can be initialized by default using the Project reference of the previous line or that of the request for quotes considered.

It is possible to enter a free code or a project code defined in the Project object in the CRM activities module. In this latter case, the user has two possibilities to enter such a code:

  • the first contextual menu, Selection, is used to select a project from a selection list containing all the projects defined in object Projects,
  • the second contextual menu Projects is used to directly access the Projects object, according to the user's authorizations, and then to carry out a selection.

If the order arises from a requirement and this requirement has a project code, the project code of the order will be initialized with this project code.

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Status (field ECCSTA)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)


  • Potency (field POT)

Lot title.

  • Expiration reference (field REFPER)

Reference date used in the calculation of the expiry date for a lot in stock. This field is accessible according to the expiry management method in the product record.

  • Shelf life (field SHL)

This field can be accessed depending on the management mode used for the product expiry.
Enter the expiry lead time in days or months. It is used in the calculation of the expiry date and use-by date (UBD) of a lot upon stock receipt.

  • field SHLUOM

This field cannot be entered. The UBD lead time is always expressed in calendar days.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

  • Expiration date (field SHLDAT)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expiry management mode of the product.
The expiry date, defined based on the reference date and shelf life, is displayed.

The expiry date is associated with a lot in stock. It indicates a use-by date for the stock of a product and is controlled in the issue movements:

  • Blocking the consumption of expired stocks (according to the setup of the stock transaction)
  • Respect the "FEFO" order for the issue of lots.

The lots for products not concerned by expiry dates, have an expiry date forced to December 31st, 2999.

  • UBD coefficient (field DLU)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expiry management mode of the product.
The UBD coefficient is used to calculate, in calendar days, the use-by date lead time of the product, based on the shelf life.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

SEEWARNING  The value of the coefficient must be between 0.1 and 1: the UBD cannot exceed the expiry date.

This UBD lead time is used to determine the use-by date of the product, based on the reference expiry date.
UBD Date = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • UBD lead time (field DLULTI)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the use-by lead time calculated based on the UBD coefficient.
This lead time is expressed in calendar days.

  • field DLULTIUOM

This field cannot be entered. The UBD lead time is always expressed in calendar days.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

  • Use-by date (field DLUDAT)

The use-by date (UBD) is the target date for issuing a product.
It cannot be modified. 
UBD = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • Recontrol lead time (field SHLLTI)

The lead-time of the new control is used on stock receipt. It is used to calculated the new control date based on the reference date. It is entered in days or months.
SEEWARNING The new control date cannot go beyond the limit date of lot use.

  • field SHLLTIUOM

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Recontrol date (field NEWLTIDAT)

La date de recontrôle est associée à un lot en stock. Elle indique une date d'analyse de la marchandise, une fois le délai de péremption atteint.

SEEINFO Warning The new control date cannot go beyond the limit date of lot use.

Block number 5

  • field USRFLD1

Enter the value of the user field.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation