Stock >  Periodic processing >  Valuation >  Account. interface  

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This function is used to transfer all the stock movements to accounting.

This processing is exclusive.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is composed of a selection screen.

Entry screen


Processing description

Firstly, a process is generated, then the temporary key table (STJTMP) is made up from the setup found in the STOJOU table according to the selections entered. There is a STJTMP record per STOJOU record and it is this temporary table that serves as the initiating table for the automatic journals.

After this the actual entry generation occurs: the system is designed to generate grouped entries. Since the accounting generator processes a group of records, it is imperative to use the [TB0] abbreviation when making reference to a field in the initiating table. A principal break is made by pair (Auto journal code, company). The automatic journals generation benefits from a LINKS action where tables linked to stocks are read in order to be able to use their fields in the entry lines setup:

When the entry generation is processed properly, the corresponding stock records are updated: the Posted flag is active, the Type and Accounting entry number are entered.

A log file describes what has happened during the processing with the errors and/or document ranges generated.

Posting processing of stock issues:

This processing can lead to the automatic generation of a capitalized expense in the Fixed Assets module.
SEEREFERTTO The setup required for the mechanism to operate is specified at the level of the Miscellaneous issues function documentation.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Prior processing (field LASPRODAT)


  • Processing date (field PRODAT)

Indicate the processing date for the aggregation.
This date must fall after the date of the last processing and before the current date (to avoid incomplete processing of the current days movements). All stock movements created or modified after the last processing and for which the selected date (allocation or creation) does not exceed this date will be taken into account.

  • Selection criterion (field DATSEL)

Select the date that will be filtered by the extraction filter of the stock movements for the aggregation.
All the movements where this date does not exceed the specified processing date will be taken into account.

Financial site on which the posting processing of the aggregated elements is launched.
It is not mandatory. If it is not entered, the posting will be carried out for all the movements of all the financial sites.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTKACC is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation