Use this function to generate the multi-product stock issue notes for a given site.
the stock to be issued can be entered:
During the movement Posting, a miscellaneous stock issue triggers the automatic generation of a capitalized expense. The Fixed assets module must be managed in the folder, and a set of conditions must be met. These terms are detailed below.
Refer to documentation Implementation
A miscellaneous issue note is entered on a single screen. The presentation of the note depends on the transaction chosen.
If a single transaction is set up, no choice is offered on entering the function. Otherwise, a window opens to display the list of transactions likely to be used. The choice can also be restricted by access codes.
According to the setup of the chosen transaction, you can associate a movement code, a project code and a group code to the issue note.
Movement group: This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/issue movements. This movement group is contained in the miscellaneous table no. 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entry field, displayed, hidden).
Movement code: This information originates from the miscellaneous table no. 4. It defines the stock receipt and issue rules specific to some transactions. For example, a dedicated transaction associated with experienced users can authorize the receipt to stock of goods in A status while the other users may be associated with a transaction authorizing the receipt to stock of goods in Q status. Obviously this will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and associated with such a movement code (see the product category function).
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
The document type, the document number and the document line number are used to identify the origin of the stock movement:
This is the description of the document. |
This is the date which is used when posting the movement. It defaults to today's date but can be changed to an earlier date, if the selected date is in an open period in the accounting calendar.
Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used. |
This field contains the reference of the project for which the information has been entered.
It is possible to enter a free code or a project code defined in the Project object in the CRM activities module. In this latter case, the user has two possibilities to enter such a code:
If the order arises from a requirement and this requirement has a project code, the project code of the order will be initialized with this project code. |
The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH. |
The presentation of an issue note line is defined by the setup of the transaction being used.
The only mandatory information on issue line entry is as follows:
Product: enter the product code to be issued.
In the Product field, use the Actions icon to access:
Product description: this field is loaded with the standard description of the product but it can be modified.
Unit: according to the setup of the transaction it is possible to carry out the issue movement in a packing unit, chosen from the list of units defined for the product or in stock unit alone. This unit is the issue document unit (used in the allocation rules).
Quantity to issue: expressed in the unit mentioned above.
The other information on the line concerns the stock and the line analytical dimensions whose presence is set up in the issue transaction used.
The entry of stock information on the issue line is not mandatory: this information is used as a filter when determining the stock lines to be issued.
There are several ways of determining the stock to be issued:
Enter all the characteristics of the stock to be issued on the note line; these characteristics are always unique (one single lot, one single sublot, one single consecutive serial number range etc.)
In this case, if the entered information correspond to a stock line (or a 'N' number of stock lines for serial numbers), this is what the issue will be based on.
If this information is multiple (several lots to be issued), you should not enter anything at the issue line level: you must select these lots in detailed entry of Stock issues
The issue note transaction is set up for the automatic determination of the stock to be issued. In this case, if your entry does not correspond to a single stock line, the system attempts to automatically determine the stock to be issued on the basis of the filters you entered in the issue note line, for the detailed allocation rule specific to the internal movements for the product category and the product management rule specific to the miscellaneous issue movement management. If no stock line corresponds to these different criteria, the system will then open the detailed entry window for the Stock issues and you will be able to select the lines of the stock to be issued by picking.
The issue note transaction is not set up for an automatic determination of the stock to be issued and the stock information entered on the issue note line is not sufficient to precisely determine the stock to be issued.
The system then opens the detailed entry window of Stock issues: the stock information entered on the issue note line serves as a filter for the presentation of the stock lines to be selected from the picking list of this Stock issues window.
By automatic calculation or by picking, it is possible that an issue note line corresponds to the issue of several stock lines distributed over several lots and/or several sub-lots and/or several statuses and/or several locations: these distributed fields appear with the character $ in the issue note line.
You must then open the detailed entry window for the Stock issues or the Modification of issue movements if the stock movements have already taken place in order to view the detail of the issued stock.
On completing the entry of such an issue line, several cases are possible: They are materialized by default using the following color codes, determined in the Presentation styles function.
A Miscellaneous stock issue can lead to the automatic generation of a capitalized expense in the Fixed Assets module when Posting the movement. Expenses created this way can be found at the level of the Expenses function, using the 'Stock issue' value displayed in the Additional info field.
For this mechanism to be operational, the following setup is required:
In case an update is performed at the stock issue level (modified quantity for example), two new expenses are created when posting the issue movement: the first expense cancels the source expense (negative amount), the second one is created with an updated amount and quantity.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field indicates the references of the product to process. |
This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line. |
The possibility to enter the version number depends on the setup of the entry transaction. The tracking of the major versions must also be active at the level of the product setup.
The possibility to enter the version number depends on the setup of the entry transaction. The tracking of the major and minor versions must also be active at the level of the product setup. |
It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
Only packing type units form the units of measure table can be chosen. |
This field specifies the quantity to be processed expressed in PKU.
The PAC-STK conversion factor is used to calculate the quantity in stock unit from a quantity entered in packing unit: Qty in STK = Qty in PAC * coeff . |
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
Lot upon which the issue will be carried out. |
Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction. |
The storage location is automatically displayed based on the location type, if specified. Otherwise, the location taken into account is by default the location defined in the Product-warehouse, if the warehouses are managed, or else the location defined in the product-site record.
The stock status is used to define if a product is:
The statuses and sub-statuses authorized in a stock transaction can depend on various factors: The stock totals for the product are updated according to the status entered in the movements: |
Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary. |
This field indicates the first recorded identifier. |
The description of the transaction is a comment that can be freely specified. |
The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.
In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset. |
Action icon
This button is used to open the window dedicated to the detailed selection of the stock lines to be issued for the product and the quantity entered on the line. The Stock issue documentation describes how this selection operates.
This action is available once the issue movements have been carried out for a note. It opens a window similar to the Stock issues detailed entry window where you can view the detail and apply modifications.
This button makes it possible to view the setup of the stock issue transaction used.
This button is used to consult and potentially modify the analytical dimensions attached to the stock issue note header.