Setup >  Deliverable management >  Setup kits  

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This function is used to create and update a setup kit.

A kit is a complete set, identified by a code, containing all the parameters and management rules and all the data used.

A kit is characterized by:

  • a product (for instance Sage X3)
  • a list of activity codes
  • a list of parameters
  • a list of setup elements.

It is necessary to have defined the principal options linked to the kit management:

  • the main management options defined by the activity codes (functionalities, localizations) which correspond to the optional management of some data in the base.

Upon activation of a kit in the folder record and construction of the X3 folder, the kit setup will replace the deliverable setup, according to the priority order defined in the deliverable. The objects from the kit will complete the objects that were potentially filtered by the deliverable. A kit may add recordings for an object, but it does not subtract recordings.


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Screen management



A kit is defined by an alphanumeric code, to which a set of parameters grouped on different tabs is linked. A kit containing a ~ in its code is archived, and no modification is authorized on this recording in this case.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • field COD

Code livrable ou code kit de paramétrage.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Cette case à cocher permet d'activer ou de désactiver la fiche courante sans pour autant perdre son contenu.

  • field PDT

Nom produit du livrable ou du kit de paramétrage, se réfère au menu local 7884.

Responsable du livrable ou du kit de paramétrage.

Toute modification apportée sur une fiche par un utilisateur déclenche un workflow au responsable.



Tab General


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Comment (field COMMENT)

No help linked to this field.



Tab Options


This tab displays the activity codes of Functional and Localization type.

The only possible choice is 'By default'. If a code is subject to licensing in the deliverable but the kit has been bought by the customer, the value defined in the kit will be taken into account when creating the folder. The same applies to the 'not available' value of the deliverable.

Possibility to reload the activity codes of the current folder record: the default value for the activity codes is re-initialized by the value of the activity codes from the folder record (active or inactive).

Possibility to reload the activity codes of a deliverable of the same type: only the default value is replicated identically.

Possibility to reload the activity codes of a kit of the same type: the default value is replicated identically.

If new activity codes with a functional and/or localization type appear for an already defined kit, a message will appear in the kit, at the bottom of the grid. The 'Save' button becomes active in this case.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Activity codes

No help linked to this field.

  • Module (field MODACV)


  • By default (field FLGACT)

No help linked to this field.



Action icon

Loading of folder values
Loading of deliverable values
Load kit values




Tab Dimensions


This tab displays the activity codes of Sizing type.

Possibility to load the sizing activity codes of a deliverable of the same type:

  • If the code does not exist, it is added along with its value.
  • If the code exists, its value is overwritten.

Possibility to load the sizing activity codes of a kit of the same type:

  • If the code does not exist, it is added along with its value.
  • If the code exists, its value is overwritten.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Dimensions

No help linked to this field.

  • Module (field DIMMOD)


  • Dimension (field DIMACT)

Code activité de dimensionnement, initialisé par la valeur de ce code dans la fiche dossier courante.

  • Minimum size (field DIMMIN)

Valeur minimum initialisée par le minimum entre la valeur mini et la valeur écran du code activité de dimensionnement.

  • Maximum size (field DIMMAX)

Valeur maximum du code activité de dimensionnement.

  • Folder size (field DIMADS)

Valeur du dossier courant.



Action icon

Loading of deliverable values
Load kit values




Tab Parameter definition


This tab contains the list of the parameters that can be modified for this kit with respect to the
default value defined in the ledger or in a deliverable.

Possibility to load the parameters of a deliverable of the same type (no test on the legislation is carried out):

  • If the code does not exist, it is added along with its value.
  • If the code exists, its value is overwritten.

 Possibility to load the parameters of a kit of the same type:

  • If the code does not exist, it is added along with its value.
  • If the code exists, its value is overwritten.





The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Parameter values

  • Code (field PARAM)

Code paramétre saisissable pour le livrable ou le kit.

Chapitre du paramètre.

Législation pour paramètre. Si le paramètre est de niveau législation, ce code est saisissable avec contrôle dans la liste des législations dasn le cas du livrable et sans contrôle dans le cas des kits. 

  • Value (field VALSAI)

Valeur saisie , se substituant dans le livrable ou dans le kit à la valeur du dossier de référence.

  • Folder value (field VALADS)

Valeur du dossier courant.



Action icon

Loading of deliverable values
Load kit values




Tab Setup elements


This tab displays the setup elements filtered for a kit.

They are associated with a data template of patch type, flagged 'Deliverable definition'.

To add lines in the first grid, use the right-click option 'Selection of a new template'.

To add lines in the second grid, use the right-click option 'Selection of the current template'.

The 'Invalid' column is only visible on setup elements that are no longer coherent, for instance in case of a data template that no longer exists. In that case, the 'Selection for the current template' option can not be accessed and the only possible choice is to delete the line concerned. It is also possible to select the option 'Invalid line deletion' in the tool bar. This option will delete, upon confirmation, all the lines with invalid setup elements.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table number 1

No help linked to this field.

  • Invalid (field FLGKO)

  • Data (field NULRECFLG1)

Choix permettant pour un modèle et donc une table de ne prendre aucun enregistrement ou de les filtrer.

Valeur possible : Aucune donnée ou données filtrées. Dans le choix 'aucune donnée' la saisie des différentes clés ne sera pas autorisée.

Le modèle doit être de type modèle de patch et coché livrable. Il doit également être actif.

Contient le code de la table diverse dans le cas où les éléments de paramétrage se réfèrent à une table diverse.

  • Key description (field TABKEYFMT1)

No help linked to this field.

  • Name of the key (field TABKEYNAM1)


Table number 2

  • Record key (field TABKEY2)

No help linked to this field.


  • Description (field TABKEYDES2)




Action icon

Standard rerouting action
Standard rerouting action




Specific Buttons

This button is used to launch a consistency check on the kit.

This verification concerns the following elements:

  • Control on the existence of Functional or Localization activity codes
  • Control on the existence of new Functional or Localization activity codes
  • Control on the existence of Sizing activity codes
  • Control on the definition of the activity codes
  • Control on the existence of parameters
  • Control on the values entered in the parameters
  • Control on the model in the setup elements
  • Control on the consistency between the template and the table defined in the deliverable
  • Control on the uniqueness of the template-table combination

A log is generated upon launch.


This button is used to archive the description of an active kit. If the user is not the supervisor of the kit, a message requires a confirmation.

Before the kit definition is archived, a coherence verification is launched. If the kit is correct, it is duplicated with the code = <kit codet>~V<version number>. This recording then becomes non-modifiable. Example: a kit named KITERP will be archived as KITERPV72 for version 1.7.2.

A log is generated upon launch.


Menu bar

Options / Verifications / Check kit consistency

This option will launch the verification and generate a log for all kits that are active and not archived.

Options / Actions / Invalid line deletion

This option will delete, upon confirmation, all the lines with invalid setup elements.

Selection and loading

Loading values from a deliverable


This selection can be launched in the 'Options', 'Dimensions' or 'Parameter definition' tabs.

It displays the deliverables of the same type and allows the user to select one deliverable (the archived deliverables do not appear in this selection).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field FLGSEL



  • Description (field DLVDES)


  • Product (field PDT)


  • Comment (field COMMENT)





Loading values from a kit


This selection can be launched in the 'Options', 'Dimensions' or 'Parameter definition' tabs.

It displays the kits of the same type and allows the user to select one kit (the archived kits do not appear in this selection).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field FLGSEL



  • Description (field DLVDES)


  • Product (field PDT)


  • Comment (field COMMENT)





Data template selection


This selection can be launched in the first grid of the 'Setup elements' tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Le modèle doit être de type modèle de patch et coché livrable. Il doit également être actif.

No help linked to this field.

Contient le code de la table diverse dans le cas où les éléments de paramétrage se réfèrent à une table diverse.

  • Key description (field ELTKEYFMT)



  • Data (field NULRECFLG)

Choix permettant pour un modèle et donc une table de ne prendre aucun enregistrement ou de les filtrer.

Valeur possible : Aucune donnée ou données filtrées. Dans le choix 'aucune donnée' la saisie des différentes clés ne sera pas autorisée.

  • Elements (field WALLENA)

Permet d'afficher tous les éléments liés au modèle ou d'afficher uniquement ceux déjà sélectionnés ou non sélectionnés.

Prend en compte le champs critère sauf pour le choix 'Sélectionnés', le critère est alors reinitialisé à blanc.

  • Criteria (field WFORMULE)

Saisie d’une formule permettant de filtrer les enregistrements que l’on souhaite visualiser pour le pointage, indépendamment du choix Eléments non sélectionnés ou tous. Dans le cas du choix Eléments sélectionnés , ce critère est remis à blanc.

Grid Elements




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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