Setup >  Interactive dashboard >  Dashboard views  

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The portal view is the single element constituting a Portal page. It includes two elements entered in dedicated sections in the function:

  • A data source that defines the information extraction process from ADONIX X3. A data source returns the values as rows, each line containing columns. The number of columns depends on the data source, and the number of rows depends on the data actually extracted when the database is read.
  • A visual component, which describes how the extracted data is displayed.

Besides these two main elements, a series of parameters are to be entered in the table of each section.


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Screen management



Entered in the header is the code that identifies the portal view plus a title.




The following fields are present on this tab :

This code identifies the current record in a unique way.

  • field APVINTIT




Tab Data source


This section is used to define a data source, that is the origin of the information to be displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Used to define a data source type. As a function of the type, enter as required an additional code that identifies the source itself and a series of additional parameters defined in the grid at the bottom of the tab.

  • Code (field SRCCOD)

Identifies the data source. As function of the type entered previously, this field can be :

  • a multi-list code (MLT source type).
  • the code of a request, or a SQL request (REQ source type).
  • The code for a statistic (STA data source).
  • The code for a process (TRT data source).
  • empty (the case for the URL and AGD source type, for which only one list of parameters is required).
  • field WDES


Grid Data source

  • Parameter (field SRCPARCOD)

Defines the parameter code required for the data source.

  • Parameter title (field SRCPARDES)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Formula (field SRCPARFOR)

Used to enter, in the form of an evaluate formula, the value of the parameter.

It should be noted that:

  • this formula can be alphanumeric, numeric or date type according to the case, but if the expression type does not correspond to what is expected, there is a conversion.
  • in certain cases, constant values can be given and selected by right click.
  • when several values can be given (for example column numbers), a string of characters is used to express them containing a list of numeric values separated by semi-colons. The successive selection of the columns can in general be made by right click, the list of values then complete it.
  • Description (field SRCPARLIB)

Title associated to the previous code.



Tab Visual component


This section is used to define how information is displayed (as a table, graph, calendar, etc.). This display format corresponds to a visual component and the related parameters. It depends on the data source as some visual components only work with specific data sources.

The supplied components and the corresponding constraints are defined in the appendix below.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

No help linked to this field.

Grid Parameters

  • Parameter (field CMPPARCOD)


  • Description (field CMPPARDES)


  • Formula (field CMPPARFOR)

No help linked to this field.

  • Description (field CMPPARLIB)




List of standard data sources

The source types available in standard are described below.

AGD (Agenda)

This type of source corresponds to the CRM calendar.

No code is associated with it.

The required parameters are used to define an inquiry date range:

  • the Number of days before(the current date).
  • the Number of days after(the current date).

Both are numerical expressions.

MLT (Multi-list)

This data source type corresponds to a group of selection lists.

A multi-list code is associated with it.

There is no other associated parameter.

REQ (Request)

This data source type corresponds to a request, or a SQL request, identified by its code. Two additional parameters are then defined:

  • the first, named FRQ, defines the extraction frequency. The value is selected in a list and ranges from 1 (for each use) to 8 (every minute), going through intermediate levels such as 3 (every day). When using the data source, the last calculation date for the request is read to identify whether to recalculate it before display, based on this parameter.
  • the second, named INITLEVEL, is useful for requests which are not defined in SQL. It is used to define the level of detail required for the request results display when breaks are applied (Group column of the requester). At level 1, only the headings with a level of 1 are displayed with the corresponding total columns (the others are returned empty). At level 2, the detail of the level 1 and 2 headings is displayed, and so on.

STA (Statistic)

This data source corresponds to the display of a statistic with a dedicated code. The following parameters must be entered:

  • the company (CPY) and the site (FCY) on which the query is made (if an empty string is given, everything will be taken). These parameters are available for selection.
  • the start and end dates for the two possible time intervals (DATDEB1 and DATDEB2, DATFIN1 and DATFIN2)
  • the value of the criteria (1 to 8 maximum, named CRIT1 to CRIT8). The number of criteria for which a different value to the empty string is given defines the depth to which the statistic is displayed.

TRT (Process)

This data source type corresponds to the execution of a standard process, whose name is given. Parameters linked to this process may be requested. By default, there are four standard parameters from P1 to P4. The SUBAPSTRT process and the SUBAPSTRTI process describe how to create this type of data source.

WEB (Web page)

This data source corresponds to the display of a Web page whose address is based on the URL parameter, which must be defined.

List of visual components available by default

The standard visual components available are described below.

FAG (Instant Diary)

This visual component can only be associated with the CRM diary (AGD source). It displays in the form of a calendar, the fields coming from the diary with the interactions linked to the specificities of the CRM diary. The associated parameters are:

  •  the type of calendar (FCCTYPE), which can be selected. The possible values are 'XMONTH' (monthly calendar), 'XWWEEK' (weekly calendar), 'XDAY' (daily calendar).
  • the column number of the fields of type action, chrono action,, start date, start hour, end hour, BP, contact, category, object, Actual flag These fields are displayed in the exact extraction order of the AGD data source; it should therefore not be possible to modify the default columns (1 to N) with respect to these parameters, except to exclude information from the display (in which case ‘0’ is entered in the column). For example this can be the case if the start date is equal to the end date or if the notion of time is not used.
  • the indicator that defines if the calendar selector used to pass between one or other of these presentations is present (2=Yes, 1=No).

FCA (Calendar)

This visual component is used to display the dated events in the form of a visual calendar. It can only be used with the following data sources : process, request.

The associated parameters are:

  • the type of calendar (FCCTYPE), which values can be selected. The possible values are 'XMONTH' (monthly calendar), 'XWWEEK' (weekly calendar), 'XDAY' (daily calendar).
  • the indicator that defines if the calendar selector used to pass between one or other of these presentations is present (2=Yes, 1=No).
  • The column number of the data source indicating respectively the start date and hour and then the end date and hour. This information must not necessarily be entered, except for the start date, which is used to position the data on the calendar. You can use the Actions icon to select the fields directly, if the associated data source is a request.
  • the column number from the data source specifying the icon used to symbolize the event (fields are optional).

FGR (Instant graphics)

This visual component can be associated with the statistics (data source STA), with the requests (data sources REQ) or the processes (data source TRT). It presents one of the amounts arising from the data source in the form of a graphical representation, with as its title one of the character elements arising from the data source. The associated parameters are:

  • the type of graphic (FGGTYPE), which can be selected from the Actions icon in the following list: 'XLINE' (graphic by line), 'XBAR' (graphic by bar), 'XAREA' (graphic by area ), 'XPIE' (graphic by sector).
  • the numbers of the columns of the fields Value (FGCVAL) can be displayed. If there is only one column, it number is given directly, but if there are several, they must be in a character chain, divided by a semi-colon. Thus the result can be a syntax of type "4;7;3;8"
  • the column number corresponds to the value displayed by default (FGCDEF). If this field is not entered, the first value is used.
  • the column number of the field named (FGCLABEL) is displayed. It should be noted that with a STA source, the first amount is column number 3, column number 1 being the codes stored in the statistical aggregation table and column 2 being the title extracted from the table linked to this code (only these two columns can be used to enter FGCLABEL, but all the other columns are numeric in this case).
  • the flags that define if the graph selector (FGCSELG) used to pass from one representation to another and the value selector (FGCSELC) for presenting one of the numeric columns present in the list of columns, are present (2=Yes, 1=No).

ML1 (Standard multi-list)

This visual component is used to display the data in the form of value lists (each of the lists being identified by a band, the action of clicking on the band triggers the display of the list contents). It is only used with the MLT type (multi-list) data sources and is linked to no parameter.

On using this component, it will be noted that the under-lined fields that correspond to the principal keys of the listed records can be used via a single click, to tunnel to the corresponding record.

RE1 (Standard request)

This visual component is used to display the data in the form of a grid of values. It is only used with the data source of the type REQ (request) and is linked to no parameter.

Contrary to the more generic component TB1, it authorizes the unfolding of successive levels of the request from the level at which it is displayed (INITLEVEL parameter), by clicking on the icon present on the grid title band.

On using this component, it will be noted that the certain fields can be under-lined. In this case, it is the principal keys linked to the on-line tables in the request. A single click on the field is then used to tunnel to the corresponding record.

ST1 (Standard request)

This visual component is used to display the data in the form of a grid of values. It is only used with the data source of the type STA (statistic) and is linked to no parameter.

Contrary to the more generic component TB1, it authorizes a zoom on the request lines from the level in which it is displayed (INITLEVEL parameter), by clicking on an icon present in the grid title band.

On using this component, it will be noted that the certain fields can be under-lined. In this case, it is the principal keys linked to the on-line tables in the statistic. A single click on the field is then used to tunnel to the corresponding record.

TB1 (Standard grid )

This visual component is used to display the data in the form of grids. It can be used with the AGD (diary), REQ (request), STA (statistic) or TRT (process) data source types and is linked to no parameter.

Contrary to the ST1 and RE1 components, it is not used to either zoom or unfold. It is therefore suitable when the data should be displayed in a list at a given level without allowing the display of any sub-detail even if it exists.

Specific buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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