This functionality is used to define the different components used in the portal views : these components are either data sources or visual components. The portal setups are provided as standard, and it is not normally necessary to modify them. This function is of use only in exceptional circumstances where it is necessary to create new components.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The left list for this function displays the two types of components. Each component is identified by a code, and a single definition tab is used to give the characteristics.
The fields to define for the visual components are on the one hand a list of setups in the first grid, and on the other hand the list of data sources that can be associated with this visual component.
In the absence of a data source, the visual component cannot be used.
For the data sources, only the elements present in the first grid (a list of setups) must be given.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
These fields characterize the portal component that is to be parameterized. |
These fields characterize the portal component that is to be parameterized. |
Grid Parameters
Used to name the parameters that will be requested by the user when they use the corresponding component in a portal view. |
This data type is used to facilitate the entry of the corresponding parameter. In fact, if a type is defined :
Used to define a maximum length to be used in the entry parameter, notably when it is numeric. |
Used to define a local menu number to be used to enter the parameter value. |
Defined by a calculated expression, a value proposed by default with regard to the parameter when it is used in the portal view. |
Grid Source
Define a data source used with the visual component that is being parameterized. |
Define the HTML page address called by the portal to trigger the display of the presentation from the XML flow of data sent by the data source. This address is a relative address with respect to the portal directory. |
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Block number 2
Close This button is used to copy all setups of the portal to another folder. |