Development >  Safe X3 WAS >  Websites >  Websites  

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Use this function set up the available websites.

SEEWARNING Before creating your website, please refer to the documentation Before starting XTEND.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Description (field INTIT)


  • field ICOWRK


  • Publish site (field FCYPUB)



Tab General



The grid '"Language information" is used to define the available language for the site.

Each language is associated to a set of HTML pages called "HTML Project". This grid is used to enter the default parameter that will be applied for each language. The user language code is specified in the URL via the LANG (&LANG=ENG) parameter. Indicates the HTML project language.

If this parameter is not displayed, XTEND will chose the configuration console xtend.server.gensetup.deflangparameter.
The action ASESSSWITCHLANG is used to switch the language.

Web services pool

List of web services pools used by the site. Each pool contains:

  • the address of the web service server,
  • and the alias of the 'connection pool' to use for the call to a web service.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Session timeout (mn.) (field USRTIMOUT)
  • Site under maintenance (field MCEFLG)
  • HTML folder by language (field DIRLAN)


  • Manage profiles (field PRFENA)

Grid Language-related informations

An HTML project is always associated with a language. The user language code is specified in the URL via the LANG (&LANG=ENG) parameter. If this parameter is not displayed, XTEND will chose the configuration xtend.server.gensetup.deflang. parameter.

The action ASESSSWITCHLANG is used to switch the language.

  • Default (field LANDEF)


  • Currency format (field LANFMTCUR)


  • Whole nbr format (field LANFMTINT)


  • Decimal format (field LANFMTDEC)


  • Date format (field LANFMTDAT)


Grid Web services pools (*)

  • Pool by default (field LNKADSDEF)

The Pool by default can be used to call web services of the site.
It can be overloaded in the interface record.

It is mandatory to enter a pool by default and strongly advised to check that:

  • The web server address is correct and the server does answers.
  • The connection pool exists and has the status "started".
  • Internal bus (field LNKBUSINT)

This field enables the user to optimize the communication between Xtend servers and the web service server when both applications are hosted on the same X3WEB server.

  • If this box is checked, the Web Service calls are transmitted via an internal bus to X3WEB server and the wait time is improved.
  • If this box is not checked, the calls of web services are done via http/SOAP protocol.

Webmaster email (*)

  • Email (field MAICOD)



Tab Advanced


The following fields are present on this tab :

Default page

  • Default image (field IMGDEF)


  • Protocols (*) (field PRODEF)

The Protocol parameter is used to define the default protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used to display the site pages.
This protocol can be overloaded in the page setup record (for instance, for the ASAMPLE site, the HTTP is used by default and the HTTPS is used by default for the login page).

The HTTP and HTTPS port number are given by the configuration parameter: xtend.server.gensetup.http.defhttpport et xtend.server.gensetup.http.defhttpsport.


  • Display report (*) (field BRWDEG)
  • Tracking of activity (*) (field LOGMOD)
  • Display tools (*) (field TOOLMOD)

Grid Free parameters (*)

  • Parameter (field PAR)
  • Parameter value (field PARVAL)



Tab Technical



The 'root' directories are used to store XTEND files. Resources (files, images) in these directories can be accessed from the browser via images or attachments tokens.

  • HTML design: Directory of the HTML project taking the user language into account

  • X_FILES: Directory specific to the X3 folder located under X3_PUB/X3FOLDER/X_TEND/X_FILES

  • X_FILEAPP: Directory specific to the X3 folder located under X3_PUB/X3FOLDER/X_TEND/X_FILAPP
    It is used to store the files from batch processes as reports generated by the print server.

  • X_TEND: Director used to store files associated to all folders
    For example product images, commercial documents....
    It is located to X3_PUB/X_TEND/

Design HTML and X_FILES can be placed under the X3 server (by default) or the X3Web server.
X_FILEAPP and X_TEND are always placed under the X3 server.

HTTP cache expires

The HTTP protocol suggests instructions (HTTP Headers) that can be used to manage resource storage (images, PDF...) in the cache memory (caching) of the browser.

The server application decides, through theses instructions, the expiry date (not validated) of the resource.
This date defines the time period during which these resources must be considered as valid by the browser. Once the expiry date is reached, the resource will be asked to the server again (refreshed).

SEEWARNING An efficient control of the cache management can be used to optimize the display time of pages.

The parameters Design HTML, X_FILEAPP, X_FILES, X_TEND, Flash are used to define the expiry date of these directories' resources:

  • Never
    Means that the resource never expires and that it will be kept by the browser as long as the user does not erase the cache.
  • Always
    Means that the resource is not stored in the browser cache and that it will be transferred at each page display.
  • 1 min, 15 min up to 7 days
    indicates the validity time of the resource on the browser.
URL to access resources

The validity time is generated by XTEND in the resource's URL:

  • 86400 is the validity period,
  • 65799 is an index used to force the refreshment of the resource via an admin URL.

To overload the validity period of the resource compared to the one defined by default, the user should use the ?exp=seconds parameter in the URL:

<img src="xtend/data/exp(86400,65799)/remote/SOLPAIE/PAIE/X_TEND/X_HTML/FDBTEST/FRA/IMG/img1.jpg?exp=30/">

  • The validity period is changed to 30 seconds instead of 86400

When the directory that contains the resource is located in local X3WEB server, the management of the cache is delegated to the page's MEGA tags and to the Apache server (httpd.conf).

Determine the 'freshness" period of a resource

It is important to ask this question for each type of resource used by the site.

For instance, all resources that constitute the static HTML page and that can have an important size (images, CSS, JavaScript) are never modified (on the production site) and have a limited freshness period.

If XTEND is parameterized so that the Design HTML folder resources have a one-week validity period, the browser will load them only once a week.

Only the dynamic data transit through the network during the display of a page.

Force the refresh of resources

XTEND is used by the webmaster to force the refresh (erase cache) on all browsers, of all site resources that have a validity date via the following URL.


This function is useful:

  • in development mode
  • when the webmaster does an update of the site.

Check the update

These parameters indicate to the XTEND server whether it should check the files updates (timestamp) of the XML dictionary and the HTML page before the display so that it can take account of the modifications.

By default, the 'HTML page' parameters and the 'Web dictionary' are checked, it means that the engine is checking each request.

This process can take 5 to 100 ms depending on the network configuration.

It is compulsory to check updates in development mode because the HTML page and the dictionary are ceaselessly modified.

SEEINFO In production mode, the HTML site and the dictionary are never modified and it is advised to uncheck the parameters.

The checkbox 'Default value' updates the 'HTML page' parameters and the 'Web dictionary' with their default values.

The following URL enables the user to force the reload of the dictionary whatever the parameter value may be.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Image extension (field EXTDEFIMG)
  • Attachment extension (field EXTDEFPJ)

Server scripts

  • Root directory (field SCTROO)
  • Relative path (field SCTSUBREP)

Localization (*)

  • HTML design (*) (field LOCHTM)

Specify the location of the directory that contains the HTML project on:

  • the X3 server,
  • or the X3WEB sever.

Location on the X3 server

The access to the resources located on the X3 server is made possible via the XTEND server (a specialized servlet) behaving like a proxy.

The browser:

  • sends an URL to the XTEND server which specifies the location of the resource on the X3 server based on the X3SOL/X3FOLDER/XTENDSITE parameters of the URL.
  • a read of the resource is then carried out on the X3 server,
  • and data (as well as the expiry time) are returned to the browser.
Local location of the X3WEB server

In local mode of the X3WEB server, the root of the X3_PUB directory is located under:  \WebData\LOCAL\X3SOLUTION\X3_PUB\.
WebData represents the 'Data' directory defined upon installation of the X3WEB server.

The 'Design HTML' and X_FILES directories must be copied to this root while complying with the tree structure when in 'X3WEB server' mode.

The configuration parameter is used to define the server processing type that will be prompted to access the resources in local mode.
/data/local (default) means that an XTEND servlet reads the resources.

If you wish to delegate the access to the resources to the the Apache server (optimization):

  • modify the value,
  • create an alias with the same name in httpd.conf.

  • X_FILES (*) (field LOCFIL)

Specify the location of the X_FILES (X3_PUB/X3FOLDER/X_TEND/X_FILES) directory on:

  • the X3 server,
  • or the X3WEB sever.

Location on the X3 server

The access to the resources located on the X3 server is made possible via the XTEND server (a specialized servlet) behaving like a proxy.

The browser:

  • sends an URL to the XTEND server which specifies the location of the resource on the X3 server based on the X3SOL/X3FOLDER/XTENDSITE parameters of the URL.
  • a read of the resource is then carried out on the X3 server,
  • and data (as well as the expiry time) are returned to the browser.
Local location of the X3WEB server

In local mode of the X3WEB server, the root of the X3_PUB directory is located under:  \WebData\LOCAL\X3SOLUTION\X3_PUB\.
WebData represents the 'Data' directory defined upon installation of the X3WEB server.

The 'Design HTML' and X_FILES directories must be copied to this root while complying with the tree structure when in 'X3WEB server' mode.

The configuration parameter is used to define the server processing type that will be prompted to access the resources in local mode.
/data/local (default) means that an XTEND servlet reads the resources.

If you wish to delegate the access to the resources to the the Apache server (optimization):

  • modify the value,
  • create an alias with the same name in httpd.conf.

  • Flash (*) (field LOCFLA)

Specify the location of directories that contains the FLASH(/X3_PUB/X3_ROOT/X3CLI/XBLOCK/FLASH) component on:

  • the X3 server,
  • or the X3WEB sever.

Location on the X3 server

The access to the resources located on the X3 server is made possible via the XTEND server (a specialized servlet) behaving like a proxy.

The browser:

  • sends an URL to the XTEND server which specifies the location of the resource on the X3 server based on the X3SOL/X3FOLDER/XTENDSITE parameters of the URL.
  • a read of the resource is then carried out on the X3 server,
  • and data (as well as the expiry time) are returned to the browser.
Local location of the X3WEB server

In local mode of the X3WEB server, the root of the X3_PUB directory is located under:  \WebData\LOCAL\X3SOLUTION\X3_PUB\.
WebData represents the 'Data' directory defined upon installation of the X3WEB server.

The 'Design HTML' and X_FILES directories must be copied to this root while complying with the tree structure when in 'X3WEB server' mode.

The configuration parameter is used to define the server processing type that will be prompted to access the resources in local mode.
/data/local (default) means that an XTEND servlet reads the resources.

If you wish to delegate the access to the resources to the the Apache server (optimization):

  • modify the value,
  • create an alias with the same name in httpd.conf.

HTTP cache expires (*)

  • Default values (*) (field HCEDEF)
  • HTML design (*) (field HCEHTM)
  • X_FILES (*) (field HCEFIL)
  • X_TEND (*) (field HCEXTD)
  • X_FILEAPP (*) (field HCEAPP)
  • Flash (*) (field HCEFLA)

Check update (*)

  • Default values (*) (field CTSDEF)
  • HTML pages (*) (field CTSHTM)
  • Web dictionary (*) (field CTSDIC)




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to update the XTEND dictionary in XML format.

The X3WEB server takes into account only the dictionary with this format.

There is one XML file per dictionary.

For instance, the ACT.xml file corresponds to all the web actions for the current web site.

This button is used to copy the site record.

Menu Bar

Tools / This site as current site

Used to define the selected site as the current site.

Tools / Web Services Pool

Used to access the XTEND pool setup.



The following fields are included in this window :

  • Pool alias (field POOLALIAS)

Identifier for the connection pool.

  • Description (field INTITPOOL)


  • Solution (field SOLUTION)

SAFEX3 solution code.

These are the codes of the solution and the X3 folder.
These codes are used by XTEND to select the login information depending on the pool.

SAFEX3 folder code.

These are the codes of the solution and the X3 folder.
These codes are used by XTEND to select the login information depending on the pool.

  • Web server alias (field SWEBALIAS)

Identifier of the web service. Used to differentiate connection pools with the same declared name on different X3WEB servers.




The following fields are included in this window :


  • Web server (field SERWEB)

X3WEB server hostname or IP address.

  • Port (field PORTWEB)

X3WEB server listening port (by default, 28880).

  • External address (field SADDEXT)

X3WEB server name if it can be accessed from outside.

  • External port (field PORTWEBEXT)

X3WEB server port listen to from outside.

  • Max number entries (field MAXENTRY)

Maximum number of X3 connections for the pool.

  • Number of entries (field NBENTRY)

Number of X3 connections open at the start of the pool.


Use of the web service pool.

  • Password (field USRMDP)

Web service pool password.

Connection language of the Web service pool.

Grid X3 WAS alias

This is the XTEND pool identifier.
The XTEND pools are only referenced by their code in the XTEND setup record (interfaces and sites). This way, the developer can choose on which server the web services will be executed without the need to modify XTEND applications.

  • Description (field POODES)


  • Secured connection (field POOSEC)

The user can use the https protocol for calling web services.

  • Time-out (field POOTIMOUT)

This is the maximum waiting time (in ms) for a web service request answer (SOAP). Once this waiting time has been reached, the XTEND sever remove an exception.

  • User (field POOUSER)

By default, the login and password are those used by the XTEND server:

  • for anonymous users,
  • or if no login information is not given by the XTEND login subprogram.

The information will be taken into by the XTEND server if:

  • the 'pool web services' record is validated
  • the XTEND dictionary reload is forced:
    • validate the web site setup record,
    • or any other site setup record,
    • or validate the whole site.

  • Password (field POOPWD)




Tools / Update Tree structure

This tool is used to regenerate the directories where files linked to sites are stored (HTML pages, resources, images...).

Tools / Check Tree structure

This tool is used to check that the directories where files linked to sites are stored (HTML pages, resources, images...) are generated.

Tools / Check Tree structure

This tool is used to delete the directories where files linked to sites are stored (HTML pages, resources, images...).


Protected directory

Some resources must be protected in read mode, i.e. they must be readable only by the current XTEND user.

To protect a resource in reading mode:

  • store it in the x_protect directory.
  • XTEND is going to generate an encoded access URL which can be processed by the user session only.

If another user tries to open this URL, the XTEND server will send a HTTP 404 error.
The name of the protected directory can be parameterized via the console.

The protection of resources does not work if the access to resources is processed by Apache (see localization on X3WEB).

For example:

If the XTEND application generates reports (orders, invoices...) upon request of the user, the .pdf files created must be protected in reading mode:

  • Create a directory per user /x_protect/USERCODE/ under X_FILEAPP that will contain the reports.

The access to all /x_protect/* files will be protected.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation