The left list of this function displays the history of all reviews, in progress, approved or rejected, sorted by review number.
The screen displays the detail of the review in progress or requested.
Refer to documentation Implementation
This inquiry displays all the re carried out reviews in the quick select list. The selection of a review displays the detail of this review.
The "Detail" grid is entered only for "Multiple" reviews and displays all the objects that have been subjected to this review with the detail of the requested review: Envelopes, budgets and budget lines. Its capacity is limited to 500 lines.
This table is not filled, when it is an individual review: an envelope, a budget, or a budget line. All the requested information are specified in header.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Review number that is generated by the system according to this format: (REV-)(MONTH)(YEAR)(Order number). |
If the revision concerns objects of different levels, envelope, budget and/or line, the revision is of type "Multiple". In this case it is possible to inquire the revision detail:
Code of the budget envelope related to a review request. |
Accounting fiscal year code associated with budgets by fiscal year. |
Budget Line number. |
Budget account entered for a budget line. |
Date of the review request. |
Expense-consuming entity. Information that cannot be modified taken from the budget line. |
Revision request reason code entered or selected in the miscellaneous table 349. |
Budgeted amount before revision, expressed ex tax, of the envelope, budget or budget line. This amount corresponds to the amount approved, increased or decreased of previous revisions. |
Revised amount, requested or approved (depending on the revision status), expressed ex tax, of the envelope, budget or budget line. |
Information indicating the approval's progress: Requested, approved, denied. This information is managed in the local menu 2699. |
Text field used to enter a detailed revision reason. |
Ex tax amount from the "Reserve" amount out of the envelope for a budget revision, or from the "Reserve" amount out of the budget for the revision of a budget line. |
Ex tax amount from the "Left to distribute" amount out of the envelope for a budget revision, or from the "Left to distribute" amount out of the budget for the revision of a budget line. |
"Increased" amount from the envelope. |
Grid Detail
In the case of a "Multiple" approval, this column indicates the level of the various objects included in the approval process: Envelope, budget fiscal year and budget line. |
In the case of a multiple approval, budget envelope code. Information that cannot be modified, taken from the budget envelope. |
In the case of a multiple approval containing a budget, budget fiscal year code. Information that cannot be modified taken from the budget envelope. |
In the case of a multiple approval containing a budget line, budget account for the budget line posting. |
For a revision of type "multiple", this column indicates for each revision object its budgeted amount before revision, expressed ex tax. This amount corresponds to the approved amount, increased or decreased, of previous revisions. |
For a revision of type "Multiple", amount of the requested revision, expressed ex tax, for each revision object. |
For a revision of type "Multiple", detail of the amount taken from the "reserve" of each object. |
For a revision of type "Multiple", detail of the amount taken from the amount "left to distribute" of each object. |
For a revision of type "Multiple", detail of the amount taken from the "extension" of each object. |
Expense-consuming entity. Information that cannot be modified taken from the budget line. |