Setup >  Configurator >  Options / variants  

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This function is used to generate the options/variants windows, which give the possibility to select one or more products when carrying out the following checks:

 Mandatory choice of a variant.

 Choice of an optional option.

 Check on linked options.

 Check on incompatible options

This function can be used in an autonomous fashion, that is to say it can be called from the sales orders or quotes, but it can also be used as an integral part of a configurator script.


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Screen management

Two tabs are used to set up an option/variant.



Product selection: Name of the selection using 5 characters plus a title of up to 30 characters.

Autonomous mode: If set to yes, the selection window can be used from the sales module (quotes, orders). If set to no, its use is linked to one or more scripts.

Product line: This is used to display the configurator fields with their specific titles.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter or select a product selection window.

  • field SELAXX


  • Stand-alone mode (field SELMOD)

Tick if the selection has to be executed in autonomous mode (without script) and, in that case, the function will generate a responses entry window.

A product line is used to:

  • define spcific indentifying fields for a product group,
    SEEINFO  The 'Configurator' module is based on the item product lines, but product lines can be used separately from the configurator.
  • define matching rules between products.
  • field CFGLINAXX


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

This flag is used to activate or deactivate a transaction.
The inactive transactions are not presented in the transaction selection window.



Tab Parameter Definitions


Procedure: Necessary when operating in the autonomous mode, the procedure groups together the questions and variable calculations linked to the selection window.

Quantity: This field is used to make a quantity column appear in either sales or stock units.

Price column: This field is used to make a price column appear in the display. The origin of the displayed price is determined among the following choices:

 Formula (the formula field must contain the price calculation formula)

 Base price

 Standard price

 Revised standard price

 Last price


"Window" section

This grid is used to define the columns that should appear in the final selection screen. The accessible tables are:

 ITMFACILIT (products-sites)

 ITMMASTER (products)

 ITMMVT (product-site totals)

 ITMSALES (products-sales)

The fields can be freely selected.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Column quantity (field SELQTY)

Select if a quantity column needs to be added to the selection grid.
- No (the quantity will be set to 1 for the selected lines)
- Yes in stock units
- Yes in sales units

Enter the procedure number.
A procedure is a standard series of questions, variable calculations, choice of forms, models, etc. that can be reused.

    • Price column (field SELPRI)

    Select if a "price" column needs to be added to the selection grid.
    - No price column (advised if used by scripts)
    - Price calculated via a formula
    - Base price (of the sales products table)
    - Standard price
    - Updated standard price
    - Last price

    • field PRIFOR

    Enter, select or create with the formula editor, a price calculation expression in ADONIX format.
    A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.

    Grid Window

    Select the table of the field to display in the selction grid.
    - ITMMASTER = Product master
      - ITMFACILIT = Product – site
      - ITMMVT Product stock totals
    - ITMSALES Products - sales

    • Description (field SELTBLTXT)


    • Fields (field SELFLD)

    Enter or select the field of the grid to display in the selection grid.

    • Description (field SELFLDTXT)




    Tab Options/Variants


    This field is used to list all of the options/variants likely to be selected, as well as the various constraints linking the options and variants to each other.

    "Product" table

    Sequence number: Option/variant group number, but also the sequence number for a BOM.

    Options/variants: Option/variant title over a maximum of 30 characters.

    Product: Product code or "nothing". If the product is not entered, it will be necessary to enter the "filter/condition" field for the loading of the products. On the other hand, if the product is entered, the filter is no longer necessary.

    Enter quantity: This field is present if the "quantity column" is chosen in the first tab. The two possible choices are as follows:

     Enter 0 or 1

     Free entry

    Condition/Filter: This field is used to enter an expression that will operate as a display condition, if the product field is entered and as a loading filter if it is not entered.

    Quantity formula: In the case where the quantity column has been set up to be displayed, it is possible to assign a calculation formula to each option/variant in order to propose by default the calculated quantity for the products to be selected. This quantity remains modifiable.

    Product line: This field is not modifiable and is loaded when a product code is entered. It is the product line associated with its product record.

    "Rules" table

    Sequence no.: Sequence number for the options/variants.

    Option/variant: This field is pre-loaded according to the previously entered sequence number. The options/variants from the "Products" table are recalled in this way.

    Rule: This field can take three values:

     Mandatory choice (the specified sequence number must be chosen)

     Linked with (used to link the sequence numbers together, the choice of one implies the choice of the other)

     Prohibited with (used to prohibit sequence numbers) 




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Products

    • Sequence no. (field ITMREFSEQ)

    Enter the sequence number.
    This number is designed to regoup several options or variants.
    It will be used as a BOM sequence number if the line is selected in the case of a call in a configuration scenario.

    • Option/Variant (field ITMOPVAXX)


    Enter or select a product number (optional).

    If no product number is entered, the window will be automatically loaded according to the filter defined at the level of the product number line.
    • Description (field ITMDES1)


    • Entry qty (field ITMREFQTY)

    Select the entry mode on the quantity column
    - Quantity entry 0 or 1
      - Free quantity entry

    • Condition / filter (field ITMREFFOR)

    Enter, select or build an Adonix format expression using the formula editor.
    - Of the product display condition
    - Of the selection filter (If no product number specified)
    in Adonix format.
    A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.

    • Quantity formula (field ITMREFCAL)

    Enter, select or build an expression using the formula editor.

    - Of the quantity calculation in Adonix format.


    A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.


    • Description (field CFGLINAXX)


    Grid Rules

    • Sequence no. (field RULOPT1)

    Enter the sequence number for which the rule should be created.

    • Option/Variant (field RULOPTTXT1)


    • Rule (field RUL)

    Select a rule:

    - "Mandatory" selection: The user has to select the option 1 in the group
    - Option "linked with": If a selection is made in the group 1, a selection will be mandatory in
    the group 2 (defined later)
    - Option "forbidden with" If a selection is made in the group 1
    all choice is forbidden in the group 2 (defined later)

    • Sequence no. (field RULOPT2)

    Enter the sequence number that applies to the rule.

    • Option/Variant (field RULOPTTXT2)


    • Condition (field RULCND)

    Enter the condition that has to be satisfied to apply this rule.
    The reference must be in the Adonix language and can be entered directly or via the formula editor (right-click).
    An expression that gives the value 1 is said to be "true".
    An expression that does not give the value 1 is said to be "false".
    If no condition is entered, it will be considered as "true".



    Action icon

    Copy BOMs

    Before the entry of the "Product" table, there is the possibility to copy a sales BOM. Once the parent product and the alternative are validated, the list of BOM components is pre-loaded and the rules table is loaded by default with the BOM sequence numbers. Nevertheless, it is possible to complete these information later.





    By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

      PRTSCR : Screen print

    This can be changed using a different setup.

    Menu Bar

    Used to access the configurator symbols.

    This is used to access the configurator calculation tables.

    This is used to validate the options/variants already created.

    This is used to view the created selection window after validation, as well as any window displaying the questions prior to the execution of the selection.

    This button is used to copy an option/variant to another folder. During a copy to another folder, the option/variant is copied along with the symbols, calculation tables, procedure, shapes and patterns and the product lines if they are absent from the destination folder. A coherence check is carried out on the product lines, symbols and calculation tables in both folders (a non-blocing control is carried out on the product lines titles). If they have different characteristics, the copy is not carried out. In any case, a log file is displayed and it shows any errors found. The product lines, selections, shapes/patterns and symbols created in destination folder will be validated.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section!

    This message appears during script validation if several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section.  

    Deletion of the selection prohibited because present in a script!

    The message appears if the procedure is used in a script.

    The modification of this process leads the revalidation of the scripts that use it!

    This message appears after the modification of a selection that is present in a script.

    Enter the sequence numbers in ascending order!

    The sequence numbers can only be entered in ascending order.

    Tables used

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