A/P-A/R accounting >  Remittances >  Manual remittance entry  

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A remittance is a document provided to a bank, in file or paper format, for a cash settlement (check payment, electronic file, credit transfers by EDI or bill of exchange issued on collection/discount).

Use this function to manually group payments linked to the same transaction, bank and company in a single remittance. You can also inquire and modify already created, automatically generated or imported remittances.

The deposit slips will then go through several stages, based on the payment transaction setup.
SEEREFERTTO Please refer to the documentation on Payment transactions for further information.
You can display these steps in a log file by clicking Tracking.

The remittance can be consecutively (last step is mandatory):

  • located on an electronic file (to be sent to the bank),
  • placed on an intermediate account,
  • posted in bank.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Slip no. (field FRMNUM)

This field is the unique identifier for the deposit slip.

On creation of a new deposit slip, the number is not entered. it is assigned according to a sequence number counter that can be set up. By default, this sequence number counter is PY5.


It is mandatory that this field is assigned upon creation of the deposit slip. The grouping site for the deposit slip is entered here. The slip is single-company, but it is possible to group the payments for several sites on a single slip.

Enter the bank associated with the remittance. The payments included in the remittance must be assigned to this same bank.
When a payment not assigned to a bank is selected, a warning message is used to force the bank of the payment on the bank of the remittance.
The bank related to the remittance must also be specified. As a consequence, only the payments assigned to this bank or not assigned payments are suggested in the selection panel.

Specify the payment transaction associated with the deposit slip. It must be defined with the "Deposit slip" phase. The payments making up the deposit slip will need to be associated with this very same transaction..
SEEINFO This field refers to the payment transaction being processed It is mandatory that it is assigned because it defines the stages associated with the deposit slip.

Specificities regarding SEPA: processing the due date at the deposit slips level
Any deposit slip which is based on a payment entry transaction submitted via SEPA is single due date. The unique due date that will be kept is the one of the first selected payment. All payments must have a unique due date.
Any deposit slip based on a payment entry transaction submitted via SEPA relates only to payments in EUR.

Block number 2

  • Status (field STA2)


  • Discount type (field FRMTYP)

Specify the deposit slip type: Cash receipt, Discount etc.
If the deposit slip is associated with a check transaction (case where the processing for the print code is CHR or CHE), this field is forced to Cash receipt (1st choice in the local menu).
For all deposit slips, except checks, it is possible to select a type of deposit (cash or discount) defining the journal on which the generated entries will be saved.
The type of deposit specified in the deposit slip header prevails over any other types of deposit that may have been specified at payment level.
For a specific deposit type, a particular posting can be defined on an intermediate account.
SEEREFERTTO Refer to the documentation on the Payment transactions for further details.

  • Check type (field CHQTYP)

Indicate the check type for this deposit slip (On-site, Off-site etc.).
This field is only entered if:

  • the bank associated with the deposit slip has the Off-site/On-site deposit field checked,
  • the payment transaction associated with the deposit slip defines the Check type field as being enterable.



Tab Payments


Entering a remittance is carried out in a tab. The header defines the general characteristics of the slip, and the lines specify the payments it contains.

Remittance header

The deposit slip status specifies the values, as they are defined below, based on the posting phases:

  • Deposit slip entered: one (the bank deposit) or more stages (depending on the payment transaction setup) are to be carried out before the deposit slip is posted (posting and/or deposit phases on electronic file),
  • Remittance on file: the remittance has been stored on an electronic file or EDI,
  • Intermediate account: the deposit slip has been placed on an intermediate account.
  • Bank: the deposit slip is posted, it was deposited in the bank.

Remittance lines

The lines are automatically entered upon selecting pending payments: in the ‘Number’ column, the ‘Selection’ function of the contextual menu suggests payments suspended for deposit.

Other payments associated with the same payment transactions and bank account can then be selected.

Special functions

When issuing bank files (electronic or EDI), it is possible to enter an 'execution date' in the Tool Bar and Function menu. By, default the suggested date is the current date or - if it is a file re-issue - the execution date of the previous generation.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • No. (field LIN)


  • WL (field WLISTA)


  • Number (field NUM)

The deposit slip number field is accessible in the deposit slip inquiry. It is used to select a deposit slip number.
To create a new deposit slip, the number is generated automatically, it is therefore not necessary to enter a number in this field.
The payments on the deposit slip must have the same transaction, bank and company as the latter, and the sale check type, if it has been specified in the deposit slip header.


  • Company name (field PYHNAM)


  • Due date (field DUDDAT)



  • Amount (field AMTCUR)


It is mandatory that this field is assigned upon creation of the deposit slip. The grouping site for the deposit slip is entered here. The slip is single-company, but it is possible to group the payments for several sites on a single slip.

Company total

  • field TOTLOC



Bank total

  • field TOTBAN





Action icon


Use this button to zoom in the selected payment.




Specific Buttons

When the remittance is complete, click Create. A remittance number is assigned (in the corresponding sequence number).

Use this action to post the remittance in bank. Based on the payment transaction setup, the system can provide a remittance on an intermediary account, or directly in bank.

In this case, specify the accounting and value dates required for the operation. The deposit is only carried out if no error occurs, otherwise a log file explains these errors.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

Company/site codes on which the discount is entered.


Bank code on which the discount is entered.

Payment entry transaction used for the discount.

  • Format ETEBAC (field FILREF6)

This field can be accessed for every discount created from a payment transaction that cannot be submitted to SEPA. By default, the file format parameterized for the payment entry transaction is displayed.
Select the file type to generate:

  • if no file type is set up in the entry transaction (nor magnetic file nor EDI file),
  • if a magnetic file and an EDI file are set up.
  • Format EDI (field FILREF71)


  • SEPA format (field FILREF8)

This field can be accessed for any discount created from a payment transaction that can be submitted to the SEPA. By default, the file format parameterized for the payment entry transaction is displayed.

  • DTA/EZAG file generation (field SWIDTAEZAG)

Click this icon to generate EZAG/OPAE and DTA files. This field is available if the KSW – Swiss localization activity code is active.

The file type is determined by the Swiss payment type setting in the payment entry type function (GESTPY).

All other options are disabled for these file types.

Block number 2

  • field TYPFIL

Use this field to define the location of the directory containing the generated bank files.

When you select Server as the destination, the generation directory of the electronic file is initialized by the REPBANKDEF - Default file path parameter (TRS chapter, DEF group), if specified. If this parameter is not specified, the BQE volume is suggested by default.

  • File (field VOLFIL)

If you select Server to generate the extraction files on network or shared folder, you need to enter or select the server location or Access path.

By default, the location set up in the REPBANKDEF - Default file path parameter (TRS chapter, DEF group) is suggested. If this parameter is not specified, the BQE volume is suggested by default.

Click on the Selection icon in order to open the list of volumes. In this list, you can select a directory.


This action is available if the transmission of a remittance file is expected in the payment transaction.
A file is generated with the bank as its destination. Based on the payment transaction setup, an electronic file or EDI file is sent. However if no file is associated with the transaction, you are requested to select the desired format at the time of generation.

Please note that with Sage Connect banking communication software, it is necessary to deposit the bank file in the 'PatchToWatch' directory of Sage Connect. An xml file is then generated in the 'OutputFile' directory. This file can then be sent to the bank.

Specific for Switzerland (activity code KSW – Switzerland):
Generation of EZAG/OPAE and DTA files is launched with the help of the DTA/EZAG file generation . All other options are disabled for these types of files.

Use this action to know the next step for each remittance.

Menu Bar

Zoom/Accounting Document

Used to zoom in the accounting entry (or entries) generated at each step of the accounting validation that the remittance underwent.


Used to zoom in the payment transaction setup to which the remittance is associated.

Function/Process date

When issuing bank files (electronic or EDI), it is possible to enter an 'execution date' in the Tool Bar and Function menu. By, default the suggested date is the current date or - if it is a file re-issue - the execution date of the previous generation.

Function /

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Code already entered on line #

This message is displayed when entering the payment number in the grid but the specified number already exists on another line.

Payment transaction not set up for this function

This message is displayed on entering a payment number in the grid, when the referenced payment is associated with a payment transaction that does not include the stage 'Deposit slip'.

Type of check <> xxx

This message is displayed in payment number entry in the table, when:

  • the remittance applies to checks (the 'Print code' field of the related payment transaction is set to 'CHR' or 'CHE'). 
  • the bank is set up with 'Outstation/Local (O/L) check remittance' to 'Yes',
  • the check referenced with a 'Check type' different from the one displayed on the previous lines.

The check type defined by the previous lines is displayed in the slip header, in the payment transaction title.

Company xxx

This message is displayed in payment number entry in the grid, when the referenced payment belongs to a company different from the one specified in the slip header, defined in the previously entered lines.

Site xxx

This message is displayed in payment number entry in the grid, when the referenced payment belongs to a site that is not authorized for the function in progress.

Payment xxx (Line #) - cancellation impossible (Site xxx)

This message appears during an attempt to cancel a line in the table when the referenced payment belongs to a site that is not authorized for the function in progress.

Do you want to assign bank XXX to this payment?

This warning message appears upon entering a payment number in the grid when the referenced payment has no assigned bank and the deposit slip is associated with bank XXX.

Bank xxx

This message is displayed in payment number entry in the grid, when the referenced payment is assigned to a bank different from the one specified in the slip header, defined in the previously entered lines.

Status: Entered / Status: Accepted

These messages appear upon entry of the payment number in the table, when the reference payment has not been set to 'Accepted' though the stage 'Acceptance return' is set to 'yes' in the associated payment transaction, or when the status of this payment is not 'In cash management' though the associated payment transaction is set up with the 'Deposit in cash management' step to 'yes'.

Status: On intermediate account / Status: In bank / Status: Unpaid

These messages are displayed in payment number entry in the grid, or in remittance creation or saving, when the referenced payment has one of the statuses: 'On intermediate account', 'In bank' or 'Unpaid'.

Payment on the remittance xxx

This message is displayed when entering the payment number in the grid, when the referenced payment already belongs to a remittance that has not been posted. If this deposit is not being modified on another workstation this warning is not blocking ; the payment will be simply transferred to another deposit slip on saving the entry.

Full grid

This indicates that the deposit can no longer be modified because the number of payments associated with it exceed the number of lines in the table.

No currency exchange rate Payment currency -> Company currency (payment date) / No currency exchange rate Payment currency -> Bank currency (payment date)

These messages can be displayed during the entry of a payment number in the table or during the loading of a deposit on the screen. They are non-blocking. They indicate that the totals at the bottom of the screen in the company or bank currency are incomplete, where the conversion of the payment amount into company or bank currency on the payment type and the exchange rate type associated with the payment transaction has failed. All the payments must be associated with the same currency.

All the payments must be associated with the same currency

This message is displayed in entry or picking, when the two following conditions are met:

  • payments do not all have the same currency,
  • the Payment type is set up at the level of the 'Bank posting' with a Payment grouping with the value: 'Remittance/Paying bank'.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation