Manufacturing >  Technical data >  Routings >  Standard operations  

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Standard operations are used to make the routing update easier: these are "template" operations that are used to define the data for a production task independently of the routings.

During the creation of the routing operations, it is possible to choose a standard operation from the library, to recover its default information and to modify this in order to adapt it to the context of the routing being considered. In most cases, only the information on the running times shall be reviewed, the other data (work centers, texts, toolings etc.) can be identical for a same production operation common to several products.

The link between a routing operation and the standard operation used in its creation is saved for information purposes. If the standard operation data has been changed, there is no update of the routing operations that have been created with the help of this standard operation.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Standard operation (field STDOPENUM)

The standard operation is a "template" operation used to create or modify the routing operations.
The definition of the fields of a standard operation is very similar to that of a routing operation.

Recover the standard operation data:

  • if the operation unit is mentioned in the standard operation, it is used again, otherwise, the stock unit of the product in the routing is used.
    If not entered, the conversion coefficient is extracted from the coefficient table
  • The times (rate, setting time and operating time) are converted if the time unit of the routing header is different from that of the standard operation.
    The standard operation is referenced in the operation that called it as a template.

SEEWARNING When modifying a standard operation, the modifications are not passed on to the associated operations.

It is mandatory to enter a site for a standard operation.
The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations.

The chosen site conditions the choice of the work centers on which this operation is defined. These work centers must exist at the site in question.

SEEINFO It is possible to define the same standard operation code on two different sites.

  • Description (field STDOPEDESA)




Tab Time


This tab is used to describe the work centers of the operation, along with the running times. The times of the standard operation are entered in a time unit chosen in hours or in minutes, and for a given stock (or production) unit.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Work center (field XWSTTYP)


  • field WST

The principal work center corresponds to the production resource on which the routing operation will be performed. It can be of machine, labor or sub-contracting type.
The scheduling of the operations looks at the availability of this work center. It is possible to specify a number of operators in the "Number of work centers" field. It is not possible to allocate to one operation more resources than there are at work center level.
If the work center has been selected with a "sub-contracting" type, the sub-contracting code for the second screen is set to "structural": in other words, the operation is systematically sub-contracted. The sub-contracting operations are managed with a lead-time described in the sub-contracting product record. The operation times are used to manage the equivalent of the load in hours, sent to the sub-contractor for information purposes.
To manage a temporary (or occasional) sub-contracting operation, it is necessary to enter the internal work center in the principal work center and enter the sub-contracting work center in the second screen with a "temporary" sub-contracting code. During the creation of a work order, scheduling is carried out in priority on the internal work center and it is possible to replace it with the sub-contracting work center if the scheduler finally wishes to sub-contract the operation.

  • field WSTDES


  • Number (field WSTNBR)

The number of work centers makes it possible to manage the number of resources for identical resources in order to carry out an operation.

For instance, a labor work center may comprise 3 people. This is indicated by entering 3 in the number of resources.

  • Labor wk C (field XLABWSTTYP)


  • field LABWST

A labor work center can be associated with the machine-type or labor-type main work center. The labor work center times are calculated using two coefficients:

  • setting coefficient,
  • operating coefficient applied to the setting time and operating time of the principal work center.

When creating a routing operation, the site attached to the work center must be the same as the site dedicated to the routing code, provided that the latter site is mentioned.

SEEINFO This resource is considered as secondary and always available (or available at the same time as the main work center). Its load is managed for information purposes via coefficients applied to the main work center times.

If the main work center is of sub-contracting type, no secondary work center can be associated.

  • field LABWSTDES


  • Number (field LABNBR)

The number of work centers makes it possible to manage the number of resources for identical resources in order to carry out an operation.

For instance, a labor work center may comprise 3 people. This is indicated by entering 3 in the number of resources.

Charged time

  • field FIL1


  • Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD)

The time unit defines how time for the operations in this routing is expressed. The time unit can be 'hours' or 'minutes'.

It applies to the setup time, run time and the rate of all operations in the routing.

  • Time type (field ROOTIMCOD)

The operation time type conditions the production time entry.
The following values are possible:

  • Proportional: the production time is proportional to the released quantity. It is expressed in hours and minutes (based on the time unit) for a given number of units (based on the management unit and basic quantity).
    With a proportional time type, the production time is entered in the operation time section and the rate section cannot be assigned.
  • Rate: the production time is proportional to the released quantity. The rate is used to express the time in number of units per hour or minute, depending on the time unit.
    With a rate time type, the production time is entered in the rate section and the operating times, management unit and basic quantity cannot be entered.
  • Fixed: the production time is independent of the released quantity. This time is expressed in hours or in minutes depending on the management unit.
    With a fixed time type, the production time is entered in the operating time section and the management unit, basic quantity and rate cannot be entered.
  • Setup time (field SETTIM)

The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center. It is part of the work center load.

It is expressed in the time unit specified:

  • field TIMUOM1


  • Management unit (field TIMCOD)

Depending on the resource being used, the number of decimals of the operation time can be insufficient to express the production time.
The management unit makes it possible to express the operation time for 1, 100, 1000 or a lot of units of parts to be produced.
If the management unit is chosen by lot, the size of the lot can be entered in the basic quantity.

  • Base quantity (field BASQTY)

The basis quantity entry depends on the management unit.
In effect, if the time is expressed for 1 unit, for 100 units or for 1,000 units, t he basis quantity is forced, respectively to 1, 100 or 1,000 units.
However, if the time is expressed for a lot, the basis quantity can be entered. If the processed routing code is dedicated to a site, it is initialized by the lot size of the pr oduct-routing for this site.
The basis quantity entry format depends on the operation unit.

  • Run time (field OPETIM)

The operation time is the time necessary to manufacture the product described in the routing.

The operating time unit can be:

  • expressed in hours or minutes (see the time unit),
  • assigned to 1, 100, 1000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
  • proportional or fixed based on the type of operation time
    Example: Time unit = Hours Time type = proportional Management unit = Time for 100 Operation time = 2 Operation unit = Kg Finished product unit = A REL-OPE conversion coefficient = 0.5
    The operation time is equal to 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work Order is launched for 1000 units of finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.
  • field TIMUOM2


  • Rate (field CAD)

The rate is a number of units produced by minute or by hour according to the time unit specified in the routing header (for an operation), or in the standard operation itself.
The number of units is expressed according to the time unit.
It can only be entered if the operation time type is the "rate".

  • field X


  • field TIMUOM3


  • % efficiency (field EFF)

The efficiency is a way to measure compliance to the preset standards. It can be calculated over a given period by work center: Standard hours calculated for a given production divided by the actual hours worked.
Efficiency makes it possible to correct the standard times of the routing (multiplying coefficient) according to the used resource.

Two efficiency rates are managed depending on:

  • work center: the rate is applied to all the routing operations that are going to take place on the work center,
  • routing operation: the rate only applies to the considered operation.

If both coefficients are entered, they add up.
The calculated operating time is corrected in the following way: work center efficiency * operation efficiency * time.

The WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history general parameter (GPA chapter, MIS group) is used to specify whether the efficiency defined at work center level should be used on the routing operation.

  • If the parameter is set to 'Yes', the efficiency entered in the work center is suggested by default when creating the routing operation with this work center. The calculated runtime = runtime entered * 1/operation efficiency,
  • If this parameter is set to 'No', the efficiency entered in the work center is combined with that entered in the routing operation. The calculated runtime = runtime entered * 1/ work center efficiency * 1/operation efficiency.
  • Shrinkage in % (field SHR)

This percentage is used to balance the quantities on the production operations based on the released quantity.

It is possible to introduce a shrinkage percentage on the work center, which is used to weight the planned runtimes for an operation using this work center by a loss or gain on the quantity produced for the work center.

Labor factor

  • Setup time (field SETLABCOE)

This is the planned setting time to obtain the setting time allocated to the labor work center linked to the main work center.

This coefficient applied to the planned setting time to obtain the setting time allocated to the labor work center linked to the main work center.
This field is only available for entry if the labor work center is entered.

  • Run time (field OPELABCOE)

This is the coefficient applied to the planned operation time. It is used to obtain the operation time for the labor work center linked to the principal work center. This field is only available for entry if the labor work center is defined.

Operation times are subdivided as follows:

Proportional times are expressed for the production of an operation unit (and not in the stock unit of the finished product using the routing).

Off time charge

  • Preparation (field PRPTIM)

Preparation time is 'waiting time' set at the start of an operation.

 Preparation time is always expressed in hours. It does not use the time unit defined in the routing header (field Time unit). Preparation time is not applied to the work center load.

Although preparation time is waiting time it can be used for the time it takes to prepare for an operation on a work center. This might be time for settling liquids or cleaning a machine. For this type of scenario, that is when preparation time is used for setting time at the start of an operation, the resource must be available.

When scheduling preparation time the calendar for the defined resource is applied. This means that if, for example, a work center (machine or labor) runs from 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 with a break for one hour between 12:00-13:00, preparation time will be interrupted by the one hour break.

If the operation requires an 'emergency release', a reduction coefficient can be assigned that makes it possible to completely remove any preparation time.

  • field TIMUOM4


  • Wait time (field WAITIM)

Waiting time is 'delay time' that occurs after an operation. It is non-productive time such as drying time or cooling time that occurs after a process has been completed on a machine and until the machine can next be used.

 Waiting time is always expressed in hours. It does not use the time unit defined in the routing header (field Time unit). Waiting time is not applied to the work center load.

If machine time is required for an operation during the allowed waiting time you should add a new operation to this routing. A machine might be required for example, for drying or cooling components at a work center. The additional operation must be for the appropriate resource type, such as 'cooler'.

When scheduling time for these resources if, for example, a work center (machine or labor) runs from 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 with a break for one hour between 12:00-13:00:

  • When scheduling waiting time the calendar for the defined resource is applied. Waiting time will be interrupted by the one hour break.
  • When scheduling time for the additional resource the calendar for the defined resource is applied. Time will be interrupted by the one hour break.
  • field TIMUOM5


  • Post op time (field PSPTIM)

Post operation, or post run time is a 'deadline' that occurs after waiting time. It is non-productive time, typically 'transfer time', or a transition period from one work center to the next work center that occurs after a process has been completed on a machine and until the machine can next be used.

 Waiting time is always expressed in hours. It does not use the time unit defined in the routing header (field Time unit). Waiting time is not applied to the work center load.

If operator time is required for an operation during the allowed post run time you should add a new operation to this routing. An operator might be required for example, for the transportation or carriage, or the transition between two work centers. The additional operation must be for the appropriate resource type, such as 'carrier'.

When scheduling time for these resources if, for example, a work center (machine or labor) runs from 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 with a break for one hour between 12:00-13:00:

  • When scheduling post run time a neutral 24 hour calendar for the defined resource is applied. Post run time is not, therefore, interrupted by the one hour break.
  • When scheduling time for the additional resource the calendar for the defined resource is applied. Time will be interrupted by the one hour break.

If the operation requires an 'emergency release', a reduction coefficient can be assigned that makes it possible to completely remove any post run time.

 When scheduling time for these resources, if both waiting time and post run (post operation) time has been declared for the operation only the largest of the two values is used.

  • field TIMUOM6



The operation unit expresses the operating time in another unit than that of the product described by the routing.

Example :

A product managed by unit can be subject to three operations, without any intermediate stock. It is not necessary to create semi-finished products for each production phase:

  • Mixing: time is expressed for a lot with the kilogram as the unit,
  • Extrusion: time is a rate in meters per hour,
  • Cutting: time is expressed in hours per unit.

This unit is associated with a conversion coefficient for the stock unit of the product for which the routing has been set up and the operation unit.

The quantities of the work order operations are expressed in the operation unit.



Tab Checks


This tab regroups technical information (tooling, workbench, image) and the information concerning the potential sub-contracting of the operation.

Those elements necessary to define the sub-contracting, either temporary or structural, are the sub-contracting product and the work center. It is also possible to specify the preferred supplier to which the sub-contracting order will be entrusted along with a reference price.

Note : The supplier can be modified on the routing, then on the WO. Furthermore it is always possible, when entering the order, to choose another supplier than the one proposed on the WO operation.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The technical sheet is used to record two types of information.

  • the text describing the control process or the operati ng mode.
  • a set of questions/answers in order to introduce a parameter entry during quality control or production tracking.
    The answers provided can be controlled via preset values and give rise to statistics.
  • Operation plan no. (field OPEPLNNUM)

This field is not associated with any application processing: it can be entered as information.

  • Operation image (field OPEROUPCT)



The tool is represented by a product reference whose category is of tool type.

  • Fixture (field FXGNUM)

This field is not associated with any application processing: it can be entered as information.

  • Program (field PRGNUM)



  • field FIL3


  • field SCOCOD

The sub-contracting code is used to determine whether the operation is carried out internally or if it is sent outside to a sub-contracting supplier.
It can take the following values:

  • No: the operation is never sub-contracted. The sub-contracting product and the sub-contracting work center cannot be assigned,
  • Structural: the operation is systematically sub-contracted. The factory does not have the required skills or toolings. The sub-contracting product is mandatory and the sub-contracting work center cannot be assigned. it is loaded with the principal work center, which, in this case, must be of the sub-contracting type.
  • Temporary (conjuncture related): the operation is carried out internally in priority, but in case of overload or temporary problem, it can be sub-contracted. The sub-contracting product and the sub-contracting work center can be assigned and are mandatory.

This is the code for a product with the category type ‘service’.
The service can be performed by an external subcontractor.



  • field XSCOWSTTYP


  • field SCOWST

The sub-contracting work center:

  • is used to manage the load issued to the sub-contractor,
  • may correspond to a "generic" sub-contractor and is used to know the number of sub-contracted hours.
  • may represent a specific sub-contractor.
  • corresponds to a work center whose type is "sub-contracting".

When creating a routing operation, a verification is carried out to make sure that the site attached to the work center is the same as the site dedicated to the routing code, provided that the latter site has been specified.

  • field SCOWSTDES




  • Reference price (field REFPRI)

In the case of the definition of a generic sub-contracting service, a reference price can be entered in the operation.
This unit price (by operation unit) is used to value the service upstream of the order entry.




Tab Finite Capacity


The following fields are present on this tab :

Detailed scheduling

  • Grouping criterion (field SCHGRP)

Operation grouping code.

Formula used to intervene in the formatting of the grouping code during release.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  ROUOPESTD : Standard operations listing

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Text / Text

This menu is used to associate a text with the standard operation.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The labour work center must not be identical to the principal work center (in the labour work center)

When a labour work center is entered in an operation, it must be different from the principal work center.

Incorrect work center type

In the labor work center: the type of the labor work center MUST be labor.
In the sub-contract work center: the sub-contract work center must be of sub-contract type.

Warning, verify that the times (setup, running or rate) are still correct (in the management unit, operation unit and time unit)

When there is a change to the units, this warning is used to stress the importance of coherence with the times already entered.

The management unit is by lot: the operation unit is mandatory (in the operation unit)

If the time is to be expressed by lot, it is necessary to enter the operation unit in order to specify that the time indicated is for a given quantity, expressed in this unit.

The management unit is by lot: the basic quantity cannot be zero (in the basic quantity)

If the user has chosen to express the time by lot, it is necessary to enter the base quantity in order to specify that the time specified is for this quantity expressed in the operation unit.

If the sub-contracting is structural, the principal work center must be of sub-contracting type (in the sub-contracting code)

A sub-contract code with the value "structural" signifies that the operation processed is always a sub-contract operation. Also, it is mandatory that the principal work center is of sub-contracting type.

If the sub-contracting is activated, the sub-contracting product is mandatory! (in the sub-contracting code)

This message appears if a modification has been requested for the sub-contracting code in such a way that this code has switched to the values "structural" or "temporary" and that the sub-contracting product is not entered.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation