Setup >  Fixed assets >  Business object transactions  

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Each of the job object management functions: Financial asset, Expense, Leasing contract is made up of several standard tabs that are used to enter information.

For each of these functions, it is possible to set up one or more transactions, each of these transaction being identified by a code.
The setup consists in personalizing, on the one hand, the list of tabs displayed in the function and on the other hand, the fields contained in each of the visible tabs.

The list of transactions set up in this way for a given function will be displayed for the user in the Transaction selection window displayed automatically on opening the function.


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Screen management

The personalization of a transaction is carried out in three stages:

 The first stage is carried out in the displayed screen. It consists in defining the general transaction characters, such as the job object, the code and the title of the transaction and potentially its access code.
After having selected the job object, the Screen tab is loaded with the list of tabs defined for the standard transaction associated to this object. The Visible flag, available at the level of each of these tabs, can be modified and is used to define whether the tab should appear or not in the transaction.

Before going to to the second stage, it is necessary to confirm the transaction creation via the button.
 The second stage is carried out after clicking on the button . This stage consists in personalizing the fields in the tabs that were declared as Visible during the first stage.

  The last step is initialized by the button  . It is used to trigger the automatic generation of the transaction that's been set up.



The header is used to define the general transaction characteristics :

- specifying thejob object,
- by entering a code and a title for the transaction,
- specifying whether the transaction is active ournot,
- defining, if necessary, access criteria to the function, specifying:
--> A group of companies.
--> An access code used to restrict the access to the transaction to a single user or a group of users. When an access code is entered, the transaction can only be accessed by the users whose function profile gives them the appropriate access rights.
--> A legislation code.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Object (field REFOBJ)

Job object which concerns the transaction.

  • Transaction (field TRSCOD)

The Identification Code of the transaction.

  • Description (field DES)

Transaction label. This label appears in the list of transaction selections available when entering the management function of the job object.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

This flag is used to activate or deactivate a transaction.


This field is used to allow access to the transaction to a limited group of companies.

This field is used to enter an access code. Only the users authorized for this code can used this transaction.




Tab Screens


This tab displays, in the form of a table, the list of tabs (referenced by a screen code) defined for the standard transaction associated to the object selected in the header.
The Visible flag is used to specify for each of the tabs, whether they must appear or not in the transaction.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Personalisation of the tabs

This column displays the list of the tabs contained in the standard transaction associated with the object specified in header. Each tab is referenced by a screen code. This information cannot be modified.

  • Visible (field FLGINV)

When it is activated, this checkbox is used to specify that the tab must appear in the transaction.

  • Tab number (field NUMMSK)

Field non editable displaying the number of the tab in the transaction.



Menu Bar

This button is used to trigger the confirmation processing for the current transaction. This processing consists in generating the masks as well as the specific window associated to the transaction.

  • The masks are generated under the following name:
    WE + Name of the object (First 2 characters) + Transaction code + Number of the tab in the reference window.
  • The window is generated under the following name:
    W + Name of the reference window + Transaction code.

This button is used to view the set up transaction.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • Object code (field REFOBJ)


  • Description (field DES)


  • Entry transaction (field TRSCOD)



Grid Personalisn of the fields

  • Description (field ZINTIT)


  • Block (field NUMBLOC)


  • Entry type (field SAIAFF)

Determine the field type: Entry, display or invisible.

  • Entry mode (field MODE)

This field makes it possible to manage the presence of the field in line with the entry mode of a grid.

- Record mode (accessible with a right click on the variable at the base of the grid) makes it possible to display/enter a grid line in a window. All the fields of the line that are marked 'Record mode' or 'Record-grid mode' are accessible in a page or several tabs according to the number of fields.

- In grid mode, only the fields marked 'Grid mode' or 'Record-grid mode' are accessible.

The actions defined for the fields are active in the two modes.

  • Mandatory field (field OBLIG)

Determine whether the entry of information in this field is mandatory or not.

  • Default value (field VALDEF)

It is possible to specify here an expression that will propose a default value for a field.

If the expression is proceeded by the character "*", the default value will always be assigned even in display.

The formula editor can be used to compose the expression that is used to determine the default value.

  • field MZSZON


  • Entry type (field SAIAFFORI)


  • Entry mode (field MODEORI)


  • Mandatory field (field OBLIGORI)


  • Default value (field VALDEFORI)


  • Mod (field MODFLG)



This button is used to display the Transaction detail screen authorizing the personalization of the fields contained in the tabs declared Visible in the transaction.

On opening, the screen displayed corresponds to the first visible tab. The access to the other tabs is made by selection from the left list.

For each of the fields appearing the grid, it is possible:

  • To modify the Entry type, except if in standard, this field is defined as being enterable and mandatory.
  • To specify if the entry is mandatory or not. This setup is only accessible if the Entry type is set to: Entered. It is not modifiable if its value has been set initially to Mandatory.
  • - To enter a value by default (the right click Formula management gives access to the formula editor window that is used to load the default value with a complex expression).
Specific buttons

This button accessible only in modification mode in one of the fields in the grid, is used to restore the default values in each of the personalized fields.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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