The 1099 file (DADS yearly salary declaration) is sub-divided into two separate parts:
Safe X3 enables the DAS2 amounts to be declared: any person who paid fees, commissions and other remunerations to a third party within the framework of their job, must declare these amounts to the Administration, irrespective of their amounts.
This function is used to extract the fees paid in order to declare them to the Administration.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The company, site, service providers and natures of the fees to be extracted are selected.
The extraction is limited to the matching periods ("Start date" and "End date"). The "Open item until" criterion is used to only declare the amounts when the payment is due. This criterion is used for instance to extract the payments that have not be deposited in the bank: only the final disbursement must be declared and a document that is posted to the draft management can thus be excluded from the selection.
Finally, it should be mentioned if the payments with a "temporary" status (as opposed to "final") must be taken into account. If the answer is "Yes", all the entries are taken into account, be they temporary or final. Conversely, the temporary payments are excluded (but the invoices, either temporary or final, are taken into account).
Each time a fees line extraction is started, the extracted lines are saved in the detail file. When the extraction is restarted over the same period, the box "Reset to zero" should be checked before the extraction, in order to erase the content of the file and so as not to totalize the same lines twice.
The declaration process of the 1099 file is based on the reimbursements of the period.
For the BPs of 1099 type, the payment documents are analyzed for the declaration period. The matching offset of these documents is analyzed in order to determine the amounts and natures to be declared.
If, for a payment (triggering document type), there is in the same matching group, an invoice document (triggering document type), with one of the lines containing an account with a fee nature, the line of the document is extracted. Are only taken into account the invoice documents for which the document type is flagged DAS2 and whose DAS2 flag is checked.
Since the selected amounts are tax-excluded, depending on the tax code, the tax-incl amount is recalculated.
Based on the amount of the payment and the balancing or not of the matching group, the tax-incl amounts to be declared are split pro rata.
A detail file containing all the justification documents of the declaration is created: HONLIN
The following fields are present on this tab :
given company The fees lines are extracted from the accounting for a given company. |
site for the company (mention this site and uncheck "All sites") or for all the sites (check "All sites) The extraction of the fees lines can be performed for a site of the company (this site must be specified and the "All sites" box must not be checked) or for all sites (then, "All sites" should be checked). Irrespective of the site, it must be linked to the company defined above. |
The extraction of the fees lines can be performed for a particular service provider (this service provider's name must be specified and the "All service providers" box must not be checked) or for all service providers (then, "All service providers" should be checked). |
The extraction of the fees lines can be performed for a specific nature of fee (this nature must be specified and the "All fees" box must not be checked) or for all natures of fees (then, "All fees" should be checked). |
Date range
The extraction of the fees lines can be performed for a given period. |
The fees calculation is based on the accounting entries of provisional or final type. |
The file that contains the extraction of the fees can be reset to zero for the entered selection criteria (requested company, sites, service providers, fees and period). |
Log file |