Financials >  Utilities >  Resynchronizations >  Entries  

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This utility is used to carry out a set of controls on the entries recorded in the GACCENTRY files.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The unit resynchronization is carried out per company and for a given fiscal year. It is possible to limit the selection of the entries to process to a specific site.

On utility launch, the following controls are performed:

  • existence control, in the database files, on the data recorded in the entry header, the entry lines and the analytical lines,
  • Consistency control on the data and links between the header, the general lines, the analytical lines and the open items of the entry.

In particular, the controls and resynchronizations (if the option is selected) are as follows:

In the GACCENTRY [HAE] entry header 
  • If the site is not a financial site, the entry is posted to the financial site linked to the site.
  • If the entry is unbalanced (in transaction currency), there is no resynchronization.
  • If the entry is unbalanced (in company or reporting currency), the amounts are recalculated.
  • If the entry has too many lines, there is no resynchronization.

On the GACCENTRYD [DAE] entry lines

  • If the company of a line is different from the company in the header, this site must be a financial site; otherwise, the company of the lien is the company of the entry.
  • If the site does not exist, the line is initialized with the site in the header.       
  • If this site is not a financial site, the line is initialized with the financial site linked to this site.
  • If the amount is doubtful (variance of over 5% in the conversion), the conversions are recalculated.
  • If the account does not exist, the default account is used.
  • If a control account is specified, although the allocation is for a general account, this field is reset to zero.
  • If an account, a control account or a BP is specified in an ana MO, these fields are reset to zero.
  • If a nature is specified, although the account is set up, this field is reset to zero.
  • If the nature is not specified, this field is initialized with the nature associated with the account.
In the GACCENTRYA [DAA] analytical lines
  • If the number of the analytical line is different from the entry line number (in DAA, storing of each record [ = an analytical allocation line; that is, a variable or fixed key] of the corresponding accounting entry line number [= of the corresponding ACCNUM]), the entry line number is used.
  • If there is no allocation (in the case where the analytical entry is mandatory on an X dimension type but has not been entered), the line is not recovered.
  • If the internal number is incorrect (In DAE, a record corresponds to an entry line ; each line has a different ACCNUM. In DUD, the key contains the entry type, the entry number, the item line number and the open item line number), and if the 2 ACCNUM values are different in DAE and DUD, the latter is initialized according to that of the line.
  • If there are too many open items (there are open items on a non BP line => in DAE, ACCNUM storage and in DUD, recall of this ACCNUM to identify the line concerned by the open item), these lines are deleted unless they are adjusted.





The following fields are present on this tab :


No help linked to this field.

  • All sites (field TOUSITE)



  • Fiscal year (field EXERCICE)

Select the fiscal year concerned by the control of the journal type chosen. The fiscal years concerned by the synchronization are those of the main general ledger.

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

No help linked to this field.

  • End date (field DATFIN)



Block number 2

  • Include final entries (field PCEDEF)


  • Resynchronization (field RECUP)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCRECENT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Impossible to place an exclusive lock on the company

It is impossible to lock a company if it is subject to updates in another function.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation