Financials >  Utilities >  Resynchronizations >  Commitments  

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Use this utility to perform a control on commitments and pre-commitments (GCOMMIT and GCOMMITD tables).

If you do not check the Resynchronization box, the utility only performs controls. This would be a resynchronization simulation.

If you check the Resynchronization box, the utility performs controls, identifies errors and corrects them.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The recovery of the commitments is carried out per company and for a given fiscal year. It is possible to limit the selection of the entries to process to a specific site.

On utility launch, the following controls are performed:

  • existence of the commitment header [CMM] and detail line [CMD] data in the database files.
  • consistency control of the header and line data.

In particular, the controls and resynchronizations (if the option is selected) are as follows:

  • In the commitment header GCOMMIT [CMM]
      • If the currency does not exist, the currency used is that of the company.
      • If the exchange rate between the 'company currency' and the 'transaction currency' is not equal to 1 even though these are identical, the exchange rate is automatically set to 1.
      • If the 'amount in local currency' resulting from the conversion between the 'transaction currency' and the 'local (or reporting) currency' and the exchange rate is greater or less than +/-5%, the exchange rate is reinitialized with regards to the accounting date of the entry, and the amounts are recalculated.


  • On the commitment lines GCOMMITD [CMD]
      • If the line date is different from the entry date, a warning message is displayed in the file to signal this difference.
      • If the account does not exist, the field is initialized with the default account defined in the ACCDEF accounting parameter value.
      • If the nature does not exist, the field is initialized with the account nature.  
      • If a dimension does not exist, the field is initialized with the default dimension of the nature.




The following fields are present on this tab :


No help linked to this field.

  • All sites (field TOUSITE)



  • Fiscal year (field EXERCICE)


  • Start date (field DATDEB)


  • End date (field DATFIN)


Block number 2

  • Resynchronization (field RECUP)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCRECCMM is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Impossible to place an exclusive lock on the company

It is impossible to lock a company if it is subject to updates in another function.

Tables used

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