Declarations >  Fee declaration >  France >  Processes >  Update fees lines  

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The 1099 file is sub-divided into two parts:

  • Declaration of salaries paid during the fiscal year;
  • Declaration of fees paid during the fiscal year.

Sage X3 enables the 1099 file amounts to be declared: any person who paid fees, commissions and other remunerations to a third party within the framework of their job, must declare these amounts to the Administration, irrespective of their amounts.

This function is used to modify the extracted fees (it should be used further to the extraction of the fee lines) and to provide further information.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :



This is the currency for the declaration of the fees.

Block number 2

  • Total company amount (field TOTAMTLOC)


Grid Fee lines

It is the site paying the fees.
If a site has been entered in the selection window (previous window), this site is dipslayed.

It is the contractor who has received the fee line. It can be modified.
If a contractor has been entered in the selection window (previous window), this contractor is displayed.

  • Date (field DAT)

Date of payment of the entered fee line. If this date is modified, it must be included in the period chosen in the selection window.

  • Fee (field HON)

It is the fee category to which the amount is attached.

  • Type (field TYPHON)

For the fee lines of the categories below, another piece of information needs to be entered:

  • Incomes in kind: entry of the type of incomes in kind:
    • 'F' for 'Food',
    • 'A' for 'Accommodation',
    • 'C' for 'Car',
    • 'O' for 'Others'.
      SEEINFO These four letters can be combined, for instance 'FA' for 'Food' and 'Accommodation'.
  • Allowances and reimbursements: entry of the management terms.
    • 'S' for 'Standard Allowance',
    • 'R' for 'Reimbursement against vouchers',
    • D for Direct management by the employer.
      SEEINFO These three letters can be combined, for instance RP.
  • Deduction at source: When a normal rate is not applied to the deduction at source, a particular deduction rate must be entered:
    • 'R' for 'Reduced rate',
    • 'E' for 'Exemption'.
      SEEINFO These 2 letters can be combined if each particular case applies to a fraction of the global remuneration.
  • Amount (field AMTCUR)

According to the fee nature:

  • If the contractor has invoiced the VAT in addition to their fees and commission, the tax-incl amount must be declared.
  • For remunerations paid to persons who do not reside in France, the net amount of the fees should be declared, after the deduction at source has been deducted.
  • The declaration must clearly highlight for each contractor the amount of the allowances or expenses refunds along with the real value of the incomes in kind granted.

It is the currency in which the fee amount is expressed.

  • Company amount (field AMTLOC)



  • Payment no. (field NUM)



  • Invoice no. (field NUMINV)




Action icon





Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation