Fixed assets >  Processes >  Utilities >  Book vs Tax depreciation update  

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This utility is dedicated to Book vs.Tax depreciation: it ONLY applies to companies subject to the French legislation.

It is to be used in the case where, in the current fiscal year, the book vs. tax amounts stored in the DEPREC table are out of phase with the book vs. tax amounts obtained from the calculation of depreciations.
Such a variance can occur in exceptional situations, for instance when incorrect data is generated after recovering assets.

The processing performed by this utility makes it possible to synchronize book vs. tax amounts with those obtained from the calculation.

Screen management



The header includes a set of fields used to select the proper asset(s).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field CPYTOUS)

This tick box enables the user to precise that the process must be applied to all companies, when it is activated.
To select a company, it is necessary to deactivate this box and use the tab key to access the following field where the code of the company to process must be entered.

This field can only be accessed when the All companies flag is deactivated.
It is used to specify the company to be processed.

  • All sites (field FCYTOUS)

When this box is checked, all sites are considered.

To select a site, clear this box and specify in the field Site the code of the site to be processed.

This field can only be accessed if the check box "All sites" is not selected.
It is used to specify the reference of the site to be processed.

  • All accounting codes (field ACCCODTOUS)

This checkbox, when activated, is used to specify that the processing must be applied to all selected assets, regardless of their accounting code.
To select the assets associated with a specific accounting code, it is necessary to deactivate this box and tabulate so as to access the next field where the code of the assets to be processed must be entered.

This field can only be accessed when the All accounting codes flag is deactivated.
It is used to specify the accounting codes of the assets to be processed.

  • All assets (field FXDTOUS)

This checkbox, when activated, indicates that the processing must apply to all assets meeting the selection criteria.
To select a specific asset, it is necessary to deactivate this box and tabulate to access the next field where the reference of the asset to process must be entered.

  • Asset (field AASREF)

This field can only be accessed when the All assets flag is deactivated.
It is used to specify the reference of the asset to be processed.



Entry screen


This tab contains the main parameters required for the processing launch.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Detailed log file (field FLGTRC)

This checkbox is checked and cannot be modified.
A detailed log is always generated at the end of the processing, whether the processing is performed in simulation or not.
It is possible to specify in the next fields what level of data recovery is required.

  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This box is checked by default. It specifies that the processing is carried out in simulation mode. In this case, the controls and the process are carried out but no modification of the database is recorded.

  • Stand-alone mode (field CALAUTONOM)

It is recommended to check this technical box.
For more information, see the support service.



Tab Advanced


This tab contains a number of advanced parameters.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Expression (field EXP1)

This optional field is used to enter the expression corresponding to a selection of assets included in the processing.

An expression is a calculation formula defined in an algebraic language.

They can contain :

  • numeric constants, for example 3.1415926
  • character string constants, for example "HELLO"
  • date constants, for example [15/03/1966]
  • operators, such as the algebraic operators + - / * or the comparison operators < > <= >= = <>
  • functions such as min,max,sum,sqr...
  • variables designated by their name, for example MAVARIA
  • fields extracted from tables, for example [F:BPC]BPCNAM
  • an unlimited number of brackets

The entry of an expression can be facilitated thanks to the buttons that are used to call the different functions available, or to recover the fields in the tables by a search of the data dictionary. An expression can give a result in the form of a character string, numeric results, a date or logical value (true if the result is not blank, false if the result is blank). The expression type expected depends on the place where the formula is entered.


  • From first period (field TRTFIRSTPE)

The control and desynchronization processing of the book vs. tax amounts is carried out on the current period by default.
Check this box so the control and processing are applied from the last period of the current fiscal year.


  • Calculated level (field NIV_COMPTA)

This field is used to indicate if in the book vs. tax variance displayed in the log, the potential book vs. tax variance of the FY start situation is taken into account.

  • Level 1: the potential variance reported in the FY start situation is displayed as well as the potential variances relating to recurring totals.
  • Level 2: only the potential variances of recurring totals are displayed.

SEEINFO Only periods for which a variance is reported are presented. The following fields are used to specify which periods must be displayed: the first FY period and/or the current period, all periods.

  • Control level (field NIV_CTRLE)

This field is used to indicate the level at which the analysis must be performed, the calculation and the control of book vs. tax amounts.

  • Level 1: the control only applies to the FY start situation.
  • Level 2: the control applies to the FY start situation of current period start situation (total of periods).
  • Level 3: the control applies to the FY start situation, to the current period start situation and to the depreciation charge of the current period.
  • First period (field PER1)

Check this box to indicate that the log must present the potential book vs. tax variances for the first period.

  • Current period (field PERCOUR)

Check this box to indicate that the log must present the potential book vs. tax variances for the current period.

  • All periods (field TOUTESPER)

Check this box to indicate that the log must present the potential book vs. tax variances for all periods.

  • Detail of each period for the selected asset (field FORCEBIEN)

This checkbox can only be accessed when the processing applies to one single asset.
When checked, it is used to request that the book vs. tax amounts of every period be displayed in the log.
SEEINFOAll of the periods are displayed, including those for which no variance has been reported.


  • Only current period (field MJQUECOUR)

  • When activated, this check box indicates that the processing will analyze and re-synchronize the book vs. tax amounts for the current period only. Closed periods keep their data, even if obsolete.
  • When it is not activated, all FY periods (closed periods and current period) are analyzed and updated if necessary.

SEEINFO The fields Posted and To post of the book vs. tax are neither updated on the current period nor on the closed periods of the FY.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation