Fixed assets >  Processes >  Utilities >  Pending modificatons  

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This function is used to optimize the calculation of the assets. It enables the user to launch the update process of the asset calculation status based on the following principle:

The launch of the first calculation enables the user to get the periodic depreciation grid of an asset for the number of fiscal years at the Contexts setup level, in the limit of the asset depreciation duration. During this calculation, the status of the asset is set to Calculated for each period calculated.
During the period closure and when there is no modification of the setup or job action done on the asset during the period, the status of the asset is not modified; it keeps its value: Calculated
If the asset is concerned by the installation of a job action (depreciation, new evaluation, etc.) or the modification of an setup item (the item list is given below), the re-calculation of the asset is necessary.
As a consequence:

  • When a specific action is done on an asset, the calculation status of the asset is automatically set to Not calculated for the plans of the context affected by the action.
  • When the modification of a setup item is done, two cases can occur:

    - either the number of concerned assets is inferior to the value set by the DIRUPDTSD - Direct update threshold, and as a consequence, the calculation status of these assets on each concerned context is directly updated to be set to Not calculated,

    - or the number of concerned assets is superior to the value set by this parameter, and as a consequence, the setup modifications are saved and suspended.
    it is the process installed by this function which will enable the user to set the calculation statuses of these assets to Not calculated.
    Notes :
    - Before launching the process, it is possible to view the list of the setup modifications waiting for the process at the level of the Contexts definition function, by the Modifications pending right-click option on the line of the context. This list is also available at the level of the detailed window of the Company status.

    - When modifications are pending and no process is launched via this function, it is the calculation process which automatically links both processes: the update process of the assets concerned (to set it to Not calculated), then the calculation process for these assets. The list of the modifications processed before the calculation is then indicated at the level of the calculation process report.
    The installation of this function is interesting as it enables the user to dissociate the update process of the asset calculation status from the calculation itself.

    - Any closure process is prohibited as long as there modifications waiting to be processed.

SEEREFERTTO For more information concerning the execution of the calculation optimization, please refer to the attached document: Calculation optimization.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


This function is made up of a single screen that is used to:

  • The selection of the company or context which the process deals with.
    All companies and contexts are selected by default.
  • To launch the process by activating the  .

Upon process completion, a log file displays the list of modifications on hold that have been processed for each contexts concerned, and the number of modifications done for each of them.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

This tick box enables the user to precise that the process must be applied to all companies, when it is activated.
To select a company, it is necessary to deactivate this box and use the tab key to access the following field where the code of the company to process must be entered.

The Identification Code for the company.

  • All contexts (field ALLCNX)

When it is activated, this tick box enables the user to specify that the process must be applied to all the contexts (either for all the companies or for the selected company).
To specify a context, it is necessary to deactivate this box, and then to use the tab key to access the next field and select a context in the list.

  • Context (field CNX)

This field is used to indicate the depreciation context.



Pending modification list

It can be the modification:

- Of one or several of the following parameters from the AAS chapter (Fixed assets):

    • IMLRVEISS – Automatic depreciation increase at the issue
      The modification of this parameter implies all issued assets (as well an issue on the current period, a following one as a retro-active issue) displaying a depreciation balance at the issue date.
      It needs a new calculation to calculate or re-initialize this increase amount.
    • PCOTVAPMV – Introduction of VAT on capital gains or losses
      The modification of the setup implies all issued assets, on all the contexts of the company which the setup has been modified for (or all companie if the setup has been modified at Folder level).

- Of one or several of the values from the following miscellaneous tables:

    • 512 - Team code
      The modification of the coefficient of a team code applies to all assets having a plan for this team code.
    • 531 - Vehicle financial threshold
      The modification in a vehicle's code threshold concerns all assets having a plan for this vehicle code. Of a standard depreciation method option or of a free depreciation method setup
      The modification of an option applies to all assets which plan has this depreciation method modified.

  - Of contexts. It can either be:

    • Of the modification of setup Prorata temporis in weeks: the modification of this setup concerns all the assets of the company on all the plans of the modified context.
    • Of a context recalculation request on behalf of a user (with a right click on one of the context plans).

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation