Reports >  Module Financials >  Report DCLVATDEBBEL2 (Belgian VAT declaration reprint)  

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Report available from Update 8.0.0

The Belgian VAT declaration preparatory report can be reprinted.


List of criteria


Parameter title



Query number



Entry detail (Local menu No, Yes)



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)


Report description

 Each part of the report contains the following information:


  • The type of generation
  • The group, company or site code
  • The query number
  • The main general ledger currency
  • The VAT declaration dates

'Entry detail' part

  • The information of this part originates from the Detail table.
  • For each VAT box of 'Detail' type set up in the VAT box set up function (GESVTB), the report displays the following information: the type of the entry, the number of the accounting entry, the date, the line site, the account, the tax code and tax rate, the tax excluded amounts and the VAT amounts (to pay/to deduct).
  • These amounts are displayed in the various columns based on the VAT management and the tax allocation set up in the Accounts function (GESGAC):


Tax management 

Tax allocation 

VAT to pay/Base

Subjected or
Prepayment account

Collected sales or
Collected fixed assets or
Collected services or
Adjustment for company

VAT to pay/Amount

Tax account or
EU tax

 Collected sales or
Collected fixed assets or
Collected services or
Adjustment for company

 VAT to deduct/Base

Subjected or
Prepayment account

Deductible purchases or
Deductible fixed assets or
Deductible services or
Adjustment for state

 VAT to deduct/ Amount

Tax account or
EU tax

Deductible purchases or
Deductible fixed assets or
Deductible services or
Adjustment for state

'Summary by VAT box' part

  • The information of this part originates from the Header table.
  • The printing order of the VAT boxes with the 'Detail', 'Total ' and 'Title' types is determined by the order in which these boxes are stored in the VAT box set up function (GESVTB).

SEEINFOIf the Belgian VAT declaration function (DCLVATBEL) was run for a group of companies:

  • The Entry detail part provides details about the boxes, company by company within the group.
  • The Summary by VAT box part does not provide any details about the boxes by company. It provides the total by company for a displayed box.