> Report dictionary Module Financials
Report dictionary Module Financials
ABONNEMENT (Recurring journal listing)
BALAGEEOY (EOFY aged overdue invoice list)
BALAGEGRP (Aged balance)
BALAGEGRPDEV (Aged balance/currency)
BALAGEHIST (Archived aged balance)
BALCONSO (Pre-consolidation balances)
BALGRP (General balance)
BALGRPAUX (Auxiliary balance)
BUDGET (Budget)
BUDHIS (Budget history)
BUDODS (GL budgets)
BUDREV (Budget reviews)
BUOSIT (Budget positions)
CFOBALAGEGRP (Aged balance cash forecast)
CONTVAENC (VAT on payments)
CONTVAPCE (VAT control on journals)
CPTNMOUV (Accounts with no postings)
DAS2 (DAS2 file with TDS format)
DCLCUSVATBEL2 (Annual customer listing reprint)
DCLEECVATBEL2 (EU VAT statement reprint)
DCLVATDEB1 (VAT declaration/debits)
DCLVATDEB2 (VAT declaration (reprint))
DCLVATDEBBEL2 (Belgian VAT declaration reprint)
DCLVATENC1 (Tax declaration / collection)
DCLVATENC2 (VAT declarn/collectn (reprint))
DETNPBP (BP c/fwd. supporting doc.)
GAPARBSE (Reporting code)
GLANA1 (Analytical ledger/account)
GLANA2 (Analytical ledger/dimension)
GLCONSO (GL pre-consolidations)
GLDEV (GL in two currencies)
GLDEVAUX (Aux. GL 2 currencies)
GLGRP (GL journal account details)
GLGRPAUX (Auxiliary general ledger)
GLVATGEN (General accounts/tax)
GSTCLCWRKSHT (GST calculation worksheet)
HONPRV (Service suppliers)
INTCCECCE (Dim/dim restriction report)
JOUANA (Analytical journals)
JOUGEN (General journal)
JOUGRP (Journal codes)
JOUGRPDEV (Accounting journals/currency)
LETTREDAS (DAS2 letter to service suppliers)
LISDISTMP (Budget weighting codes)
LISDSP (Analytical allocation list)
LISJOU (List of journals)
LISSCHCPT (Account structures)
LISSEC (List of dimensions)
LOT (Print lot list)
MTCGRP (Matching group details)
NA-GLBAL (GL Detail Account Balance)
NA-TRLBAL (Trial Balance)
NONIMPUT (Unallocated entries)
PIECE (Entry print)
PLAN (Chart)
REQEXPCASPAY (Query/treas. payment list)
S-LIBROREP (Collected VAT book)
S-LIBROREPCAJA (Collected VAT book (Cash VAT))
S-LIBROSOP (Deductible VAT book)
S-LIBROSOPCAJA (Deductible VAT book (Cash VAT))
S-RESIVA (VAT summary)
S-RETENCION (List of withholdings)
TROUPCE (Gap situation in journal nos)
TRSNMOUV (BPs with no postings)
TXSPAR (Fin. data extraction setup)
TXSVAL (Fin data extraction inquiry)
TXSVAL2 (Fin data extraction inquiry)
UK-PAYPRACTICES (UK Payment practices)
UK-VAT101 (VAT101)