Declarations >  Tax management >  Belgium >  Belgian declaration  

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Use this function to generate the flat file that contains the VAT amounts to declare.

This file generated by the system is used by the component that transforms the file into the format expected by the Belgian administration. Belgian companies need to communicate this VAT declaration file to the Belgian fiscal administration via the official Intervat and Belcotax sites.

You can generate the Belgian VAT in one of three modes: Actual, Simulation, or Regeneration.

A preparatory declaration report is created at the same time.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

VAT declaration


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Generation type (field TYPGEN)

Select Actual to generate the electronic file for a single company or for a group of companies.

  • The update of the VAT amounts in the processed entry lines
  • The printing of the VAT preparatory report
  • If a blocking error is detected:
    • It is specified in the trace file.
    • The electronic file is not generated.
    • The VAT amounts in the processed entry lines are not updated.

Select Simulation to print a temporary report for a single company or for a group of companies. An electronic file is not generated.

  • The VAT amounts in the processed entry lines are not updated.
  • With any Actual or Simulation generation, a query number is assigned to the extracted data. The query number originates from the sequence number defined in the Sequence number assignment function (GESTCA), in the Financials module, for the No. VAT declaration query/debits document type (line 4). See Query no. field
  • When the VAT declaration is run on a group of companies, the sequence number to be used is searched at folder level.

The structure of the VAT on debits sequence number is not intended to work with Company or Site type components.

Select Regeneration to regenerate the flat file for a VAT declaration previously generated in Actual mode.

  • Specify the Actual VAT query number in the Query number field. The Criteria block populates with the original query criteria. The criteria are displayed in decreasing order.
  • To re-print the VAT preparatory report matching the specified query, you need to run the DCLVATDEBBEL2 report from Reports, Prints/group, Financials, Tax management, and click Belgium.
  • Query no. (field NUMRPT)

This field displays the number for the VAT query run in Actual mode.

For Update 9.0.0, the request number is defined in the Sequence number assignment function (GESTCA) at the company, legislation, or folder level.

For Update 10.0.0, the sequence number for this function uses the request number defined in the Sequence number assignment function (GESTCA) at the folder level only.


Enter or select the group code for a group of legal companies representing the VAT unit that  must be used to generate the VAT declaration.

In Actual mode, if there is at least one blocking error (e.g., missing setup in the VAT boxes function GESVTB) on one or several sites of the companies linked to the group, there is no update at all and if data has been updated for a site of the companies belonging to the group, they are deleted or removed.

For Regeneration mode, this field is populated with the original group of the query.

The companies in the group must have the same ledger currency and the BELVAT - Belgian VAT parameter (LOC chapter, BBEL group) must be set to Yes to all the companies in the group. However, they can have different legislations.

If the group contains at least one company of Belgian legislation and companies of other legislations, the system searches for the DCLVATBEL + Belgian legislation VAT boxes (DCLVATBEL + BEL) setup. If the DCLVATBEL + BEL legislation setup does not exist, the declaration process stops.

If the group does not contain any company with Belgian legislation, the system searches for the setup combining DCLVATBEL + the legislation of the first company of the group of companies (for example, DCLVATBEL + FRA). If the setup does not exist, the system searches for the setup combining DCLVATBEL + the legislation of the second company of the group, and so on.

If the system does not find any setup combining DCLVATBEL + a legislation, the VAT declaration process is not performed.

When the Belgian VAT declaration is performed on a group of legal companies, data is calculated and totaled for all the companies in the group. A single file is generated for the entire group, without giving any details on the companies that make up the group.

The Belgian VAT preparatory report (DCLVATDEBBEL1 and DCLVATDEBBEL2) displays the following information:

  • Entry detail: The report displays the contents of the VAT boxes of Detail VAT box type by company.
  • Summary by VAT box part: The report displays the total of the amounts by Detail VAT box box and for the entire group.

The Group (GRP field) in DCLVATBOXH/DCLVATBOXDBD  updates when DCLVATBEL is run.

Enter a company to run the VAT process for that company only.

In Actual mode, if the company has at least one blocking error (e.g., missing setup in the VAT boxes function GESVTB) on one site, the VAT process stops for this company and no data is updated. If any site data is updated before the error, those updates are deleted.

When running DCLVATBEL on a single company, the query number must be the one at folder level.

If the VAT box set up for the DCLVATBEL declaration and the legislation of the company defined in the criteria do not exist in the VAT boxes function (GESVTB), the DCLVATBEL process cannot run.

For a Regeneration, this field is automatically populated with the original company of the VAT query.

The BELVAT - Belgian VAT parameter (LOC chapter, BEL group) must be set to Yes for the Selected company.

For a Simulation on a single company, enter the Financial site to run the extraction for that site. If the company only has one site, it defaults to that site.

  • Declaration start date (field STRDAT)

For Actual or Simulation:

The declaration start and end dates are used to filter the accounting entries by accounting dates or by original document dates, depending on the value of the DCLVATDAT - Date for tax declaration parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group).

For Regeneration:

The dates entered are the declaration start and end dates at the source of the VAT query. These dates cannot be modified.

The declaration end date must be later than or equal to the declaration start date.

SEEINFO During the extraction, if the DCLVATDAT - Date for tax declaration (CPT chapter, VAT group) parameter is set to Original document and the entry has an empty original document date, the accounting date is used.

  • Declaration end date (field ENDDAT)



  • File generation (field FLGFIL)

Select this box to create the electronic file for an Actual or Regeneration process.

The flat file is generated based on the setup of the export template defined by the BELVATAOE - Belgian VAT file template parameter (LOC chapter, BEL group). If the file generation is performed for a group of legal companies, the template to apply is searched for at folder level of the parameter.

If the system cannot find a template during an Actual extraction, an error message appears in the log file. If there is no other blocking error, the tables are updated, and the preparatory report is generated.

After the template to use has been defined, you need to launch the regeneration of the file for the impacted VAT query for the file to be created.

When the VAT declaration is performed for a group of legal companies, a single file is generated for the entire group. This file displays the total of the declared amounts by VAT box and all the companies in the group are considered to complete the generation.

To meet the requirements of the component that converts the file into the format expected by the Belgian fiscal administration, the created file complies with the following coding:
BETVA_query number _ declaration start date-declaration end date_ file generation date and time.

For an Actual VAT declaration process, the flat file is only generated if no blocking error is detected.

When the extraction process detects an entry line with an attribute, like a tax code, that is not referenced in the VAT box management (either Detail or Off declaration VAT type), the impacted entry line is not considered and the log file shows an error. If a single error regarding the Detail VAT box type occurs, the flat file is not generated and the report has no content.

The generated flat file only contains Detail VAT box types.

For a Simulation VAT declaration process, the preparatory report prints and populates based on the processed entry lines, and no electronic file is generated.

  • File type (field TYPEXP)

Select Client to generate the extraction files in a folder on your computer or workstation.

Select Server to generate the extraction files on a network or shared folder. Enter or select the server location (Access path) in the Directory field.

  • Directory (field VOLFIL)

For a Server file type, the Directory field is populated by default with the generation directory entered in the BELVATFIL - Belgian VAT file path parameter (LOC chapter, BEL group).

The value of this parameter matches the one entered at company level. If the process is initiated for a group of companies, the value of the parameter matches the one entered at folder level.

If no value is entered in the BELVATFIL parameter, the directory of the GDIRDEC variable is submitted by default.

Click on the Selection icon in order to open the list of volumes. In this list, you can select a directory.

  • Log file (field TRCFLG)

Select this box to obtain a log file on the progress of the processing.

The log file displays the following information:

  • Running criteria of the VAT declaration process
  • Process start and end time
  • VAT query number
  • Blocking errors encountered during the process, highlighted in red
  • Off declaration detail (field DETDCL)

For an Actual or Simulation process, select this check box to display in the log file the entry lines that match the combinations described in the Off declaration VAT box type in the VAT boxes function (GESVTB).



Additional information

Additional extraction criteria

Only the entry lines of the main general ledger are considered. They must have the Actual status and impact an entry type that triggers the VAT on debits.

Authorization management

When the Belgian VAT declaration is performed on a group of companies, the setup in the Functional authorizations function (GESAFP) must authorize the use of all the companies in the group. Otherwise, the declaration cannot be run on the group.

Simulation deletion management

The start date and end date of the declaration are not considered when deleting a Belgian VAT declaration simulation. Based on the criteria set to run the declaration function, the following rules are applied:

Running the declaration for a group of companies 

 The system deletes:

  • The simulation run on this group
  • All the simulations run on a company or a site of a company in this group

 To identify the existing simulations that need to be deleted, the system searches the site grouping table (FACGROUP).

Running the declaration on a company

The system deletes:

  • The simulation run on this company or on a site of the company
  • All simulations run on a group containing this company

Running the declaration on a company and a site 

 The system deletes the simulation run on the company and the site. After the VAT declaration has been run for a given company, there can only be actual queries, or actual queries and a simulation query.


Following the developments in the Belgian legislation in force as of  1 January 2015, the issuing an invoice no longer makes the invoice payable. Except under special circumstances, the VAT becomes payable for an operation when one of the following occurs:

  • The triggering fact takes place: goods are delivered or a service is provided.
  • The collection takes place:  the payment, if the collection occurs before the triggering fact.
  • In Sage X3, when a prepayment takes place and it becomes the triggering fact.

SEEINFOAlthough the triggering fact is the payment, the system always operates following the 'Tax on debit' mode.

If an amount is associated with a prepayment account, the tax included amount is recalculated based on the VAT rate defined in the tax code to obtain the tax excluded amount to declare. If the VAT rate of the tax code is 0 %, the amount to declare is not recalculated.


  • Tax code 001: tax rate 21%
  • Tax code 004: tax rate 0%
  • 419100: prepayment account (the Prepayment account check box is selected in the Tax management block in the Accounts function (GESGAC)
  • 445710: tax account (the Tax account check box is selected in the Tax management block in the Accounts function (GESGAC)

Entry no. 1


Control code 





Tax code 















For the 419100 account, the amount of 800.00 (line1) is not recalculated since the tax rate is 0 %. The following information is displayed in the VAT declaration report:

  • The tax excluded base, for an amount of 800.00.
  • The VAT amount to declare, for an amount of 0.

Entry no. 2


Control code 





Tax code 





























For the 419100 account, the amount of 1210.00 (line1) is recalculated with a tax rate of 21%. The following information is displayed in the VAT declaration report:

  • The tax excluded base obtained further to the recalculation, for an amount of 1000.00
  • The VAT amount to declare, for an amount of 210.00 (account 445710)

Entry no. 3


Control code 





Tax code 

































For the 419100 account, the amount of 1210.00 (line1) is recalculated with a tax rate of 21%. The following information is displayed in the VAT declaration report:

  • The tax excluded base obtained further to the recalculation, for an amount of 1000.00
  • The VAT amount to declare, for an amount of 210.00 (account 445710)
  • For the 419100 account, the amount of 300.00 (line 2) is not recalculated since the tax rate is 0 %. The following information is displayed in the VAT declaration report:

  • The tax excluded base, for an amount of 300.00.
  • The VAT amount to declare, for an amount of 0.
  • SEEINFO The base is recalculated when the tax code is different from zero, irrespective of whether the tax accounts contain movements or not (in the event of an incorrect setup).

    Total VAT box type

    For a Total VAT box type, its amount is calculated taking into account Detail and Total VAT boxes as indicated in the formula, which is already calculated, and the calculated amount is updated in DCLVATBOXDH table only if the formula condition is verified for the total calculated amount.

    Even if the formula condition is not fulfilled, a record with no amount is created in DCLVATBOXH for the corresponding Total VAT box.

    Reading VAT box setup

    When VAT box lines in VAT boxes function (GESVTB) are read to select the ones likely to match the selected journal entry line, tax code on payment must not be selected.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Function not implemented for this company

    The BELVAT - Belgian VAT parameter (LOC chapter, BEL group) must be set to Yes for the company or companies in the group. (blocking message)

    Off declaration VAT setup - Document X Line chart X - Tax 005 (Debit) - Account X

    The entry line is not considered in the Belgian VAT declaration because the tax code 005 is specified in a box with the Off declaration VAT box type. (non-blocking message)

    VAT setup does not exist - Document X Line chart X - Tax 001 (Debit) - Account X

    The characteristics of the entry line are not described in any VAT box, for Detail or Off declaration VAT box types. (blocking message)

    Mess( 00002,00045,1 ) X mess( 00218,00107,1 ) X - mess( 00366,00107,1 )
    Group X - Company X Legislation X - VAT setup does not exist

    There is no VAT box setup for the legislation of the company or the legislation of the group of companies. (blocking messages)

    CHF EUR: The companies of the group do not have the same main general ledger currency.

    The process can only be run on a group of companies if all the companies in the group have the same currency in their main general ledgers. (blocking message)

    Tables used

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