This report can be useful in case of sales, or intra-group sale, non-submitted to VAT. This document is designed for the asset owner and mentions the invoiced VAT amount the seller is entitled to transfer to this owner.
This multi-site and multi-company report displays the list of assets concerned, grouped by sales invoice.
It only concerns the issued assets on which a sales invoice number is entered.
This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Fixed Assets - Fixed assets.
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
cpydeb |
Company limit |
fcydeb |
Financial site range |
factdeb |
Invoice range |
A |
trisit |
Sort by financial site (Local menu No, Yes) |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).
1/ Entering values for the selection setups is not mandatory. The default values displayed are those entered in the Report dictionary.
When values are entered, any existence control is carried out. In the case where they are inexistent or inconsistent, any print is carried out.
2/ the date ranges are used to only display the assets for which the issue date is contained between the interval delimited by [start date] - [end date].
Are selected only the issued assets which invoice number is entered.
The assets are presented, grouped and sorted in ascending order according to the following criteria:
- Company page break
- Financial site page break
- Invoice reference Asset aggregation with page break
- Financial asset reference
This report contains:
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Asset reference | AASREF | FAS |
Description | AASDES1 | FAS |
Ex-tax amount | ACGETRNOT | FAS |
VAT rate on transfer | ISSVATRAT | FAS |
VAT due on the transfer | ISSVATAMT | FAS |
Amount inc tax | (ACGETRNOT + ISSVATAMT) |
Currency | ACGCUR | FAS |
Issue date | ISSDAT | FAS |
VAT reference date | VATREGDAT | FAS |
Transferable VAT amount | ISSVATTRF | FAS |